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PhD position in Verification

Symbolic Validation Against Micro-Architecture Based Side-Channel Timing Attacks

Linköping University invites applications for a fully-funded position at the Embedded Systems Laboratory

Micro-architecture based timing side-channel attacks are difficult to uncover and defend against. To achieve such attacks, dynamic software properties resulting from micro-architectural details, such as cache behavior or branch prediction, are observed in order to retrieve secret and protected information.

The project develops a framework that allows to systematically assess, validate and possibly mitigate arbitrary programs against realistic classes of timing-channel attacks. The project aims for strong theoretical guarantees by combining symbolic execution and verification techniques with suitable models of micro-architectural components. The main goals of the project are the following:

  • Derive realistic symbolic micro-architectural models (e.g., cache-behavior, out-of-order executions, branch predictions) on which timing-attacks are based.
  • Combine the obtained micro-architectural models with efficient verification algorithms in order to assess and quantify the vulnerability of arbitrary programs against realistic timing-attack models.
  • Propose compile-time transformations and runtime monitors to improve the resistance of programs to timing-channel attacks.


  • At least a Bachelor degree in Computer Science or related fields.
  • Solid knowledge in computer architecture and its modeling.
  • Excellent programinng skills with kernel programming experience.
  • Experience with using and implementing program analysis, including symbolic execution.
  • Good background in discrete mathematics and logic.

Contact Ahmed Rezine for more information about the position or the project.

Date added: January 28, 2021