Analysis and Optimisation of Hierarchically Scheduled Multiprocessor Embedded Systems
Intl. Journal of Parallel Programming, Special Issue on Multiprocessor-based Embedded Systems, Volume 36, Number 1, February, 2008, pp. 37-67.
We present an approach to the analysis and optimisation of heterogeneous multiprocessor embedded systems. The systems are heterogeneous not only in terms of hardware components, but also in terms of communication protocols and scheduling policies. When several scheduling policies share a resource, they are organized in a hierarchy. In this paper, we first develop a holistic scheduling and schedulability analysis that determines the timing properties of a hierarchically scheduled system. Second, we address design problems that are characteristic to such hierarchically scheduled systems: assignment of scheduling policies to tasks, mapping of tasks to hardware components, and the scheduling of the activities. We also present several algorithms for solving these problems. Our heuristics are able to find schedulable implementations under limited resources, achieving an efficient utilization of the system. The developed algorithms are evaluated using extensive experiments and a real-life example.
[PPEP08] Traian Pop, Paul Pop, Petru Eles, Zebo Peng, "Analysis and Optimisation of Hierarchically Scheduled Multiprocessor Embedded Systems", Intl. Journal of Parallel Programming, Special Issue on Multiprocessor-based Embedded Systems, Volume 36, Number 1, February, 2008, pp. 37-67. |