Power-Aware Design Techniques of Secure Multi-Mode Embedded Systems
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS), 2015
Nowadays, embedded systems have been widely used in all types of application areas, some of which belong to the safety and reliability critical domains. The functional correctness and design robustness of the embedded systems involved in such domains are crucial for the safety of personal/enterprise property or even human lives. Thereby, a holistic design procedure that considers all the important design concerns is essential. In this paper, we approach embedded systems design from an integral perspective. We consider not only the classic real-time and quality of service requirements, but also the emerging security and power efficiency demands. Modern embedded systems are not any more developed for a fixed purpose, but instead designed for undertaking various processing requests. This leads to the concept of multi-mode embedded systems, in which the number and nature of active tasks change during run-time. Under dynamic situations, providing high performance along with various design concerns becomes a really difficult problem. Therefore, we propose a novel power-aware secure embedded systems design framework that efficiently solves the problem of run-time quality optimization with security and power constraints. The efficiency of our proposed techniques are evaluated in extensive experiments. [JEP15] Ke Jiang, Petru Eles, Zebo Peng, "Power-Aware Design Techniques of Secure Multi-Mode Embedded Systems", ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS), 2015 |