Test Optimization for Core-based System-on-Chip
PhD Thesis No. 1222, Dept. of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, November 2008 (Opponent: Dr. Nicola Nicolici, McMaster University, Ontario, Canada).
Dr. Nicola Nicolici, McMaster University, Ontario, Canada
The semiconductor technology has enabled the fabrication of integrated circuits (ICs), which may include billions of transistors and can contain all necessary electronic circuitry for a complete system, so-called System-on-Chip (SOC). In order to handle design complexity and to meet short time-to-market requirements, it is increasingly common to make use of a modular design approach where an SOC is composed of pre-designed and pre-verified blocks of logic, called cores.
Due to imperfections in the fabrication process, each IC must be individually tested. A major problem is that the cost of test is increasing and is becoming a dominating part of the overall manufacturing cost. The cost of test is strongly related to the increasing test-data volumes, which lead to longer test application times and larger tester memory requirement. For ICs designed in a modular fashion, the high test cost can be addressed by adequate test planning, which includes test-architecture design, test scheduling, test-data compression, and test sharing techniques.
In this thesis, we analyze and explore several design and optimization problems related to core-based SOC test planning. We perform optimization of test sharing and test-data compression. We explore the impact of test compression techniques on test application time and compression ratio. We make use of analysis to explore the optimization of test sharing and test-data compression in conjunction with test-architecture design and test scheduling. Extensive experiments, based on benchmarks and industrial designs, have been performed to demonstrate the significance of our techniques.
[L08] Anders Larsson, "Test Optimization for Core-based System-on-Chip", PhD Thesis No. 1222, Dept. of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, November 2008 (Opponent: Dr. Nicola Nicolici, McMaster University, Ontario, Canada). |