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Modeling of Real-Time Embedded Systems in an Object-Oriented Design Environment with UML

Razvan Jigorea
Sorin Manolache
Petru Eles Author homepage
Zebo Peng Author homepage

3rd IEEE International Symposium on Object-oriented Real-time distributed Computing (ISORC 2000), Newport Beach, California, 15-17 March 2000, pages 210-213

This paper explores aspects concerning system-level specification, modelling and simulation of real-time embedded systems. By means of case studies, we investigate how object-oriented methodologies, and in particular UML, support the modelling of industrial scale real-time systems, and how different architectures can be explored by model simulation. We are mainly interested in the problem of system specification as it appears from the prospect of the whole design process. The discussion is illustrated by a large system model from the telecommunications area, the GSM base transceiver station.

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[JMEP00] Razvan Jigorea, Sorin Manolache, Petru Eles, Zebo Peng, "Modeling of Real-Time Embedded Systems in an Object-Oriented Design Environment with UML", 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Object-oriented Real-time distributed Computing (ISORC 2000), Newport Beach, California, 15-17 March 2000, pages 210-213
( ! ) perl script by Giovanni Squillero with modifications from Gert Jervan   (v3.1, p5.2, September-2002-)