Introduction to
Methodology of Research in Computer Science

Current news for the course 1999.
Before the final approval  of the course credit, a "self declartion" has to be submitted.
The form can be collected from
Examination vill take place December 10, 9-12 (or in the afternoon after
special agreement. It will also be possible to take the examination off-site.)
Contact Britt-Inger Karlsson before December 7 about participation in the
written examination covering the book by Chalmers. (Updated 11/11)
Seminar: Methodological Issues

in Computer and Information Science Research.

Panel discussion:
Professor Bertil Lyberg (HCS, Speech Technology),
Professor Mariam Kamkar (SAS, Software Engineering),
Professor Tomas Ohlin (ISM, Information Society and IT Democracy)
with Sture Hägglund as chair.

Thursday, December 9, 10.15 - 12.00 in IDA conference room Estraden.

This open seminar, which also concludes the graduate course on
Introduction to Methodology of Research in Computer and Information
Science, will take the form of a discussion, where the panelists start
with a position statement of about 10 minutes each. They are expected to
raise issues of importance with respect to scientific methods employed
in computer science, for instance concerning differences between
theoretical, experimental, empirical methods etc, a potential dichotomy
between science and technology, differing traditions in different
cultures, gender aspects etc. The panelists are also invited to present
a personal view of research methodology in their own field. The
presentation and discussion will be mainly in English.

Participants (especially in the graduate course) are invited to prepare
questions to the panelists. (31/10)

Rekommenderad extra föreläsning; Göran Sundholm: Vad tjänar sanning till? Eyy (nytt?)  perspektiv på sanning och rationalitet. Tisdagen den 26/10 kl 10-12, Elysion, Tema-huset. (20/10)
The meeting Thursday October 14 is intended only for those who are planning to do an extra assignment for an additional 2 credit points and who wants to use this opportunity for individual advice. No regular lecture! (10/10)
The course book by Chalmers: What is this thing called Science? can be read in its 3rd or 2nd edition. (23/9)
General information and schedule for lectures: Course information.
For more  information, contact Sture Hägglund (, telephone 013-28 1431.