For Readers

How to Contribute to a Discussion

Contributions to the discussions in the ETAI areas are sent by E-mail to the respective Area Editor. The simplest is to send an E-mail message with your contribution in plain text ("only ASCII"). Contributions in HTML or in latex source code are also accepted. Please do not send contributions in the local format of Word or other (wysiwyg) editors.

By submitting a contribution to a discussion, you agree that it may be posted, integrated into longer texts and webpage structures, and edited in minor ways so as to fit well into the ETAI format. The copyright for each contribution stays with the person who submitted it.

The Area Editor decides whether to include a discussion contribution or not. In particular, he or she always has the right to decline a contribution.

Please check the webpage structure for the respective area to see if it has additional suggestions or requests for how contributions are to be styled and submitted.