Research Area of Reasoning about Actions and Change

Area editor: Erik Sandewall, Linköping University, Sweden

Area editorial committee

  • Enrico Giunchiglia, University of Genoa, Italy
  • Andreas Herzig, IRIT, Toulouse, France
  • Vladimir Lifschitz, University of Texas, USA
  • Rob Miller, Queen Mary and Westfield College, UK
  • Leora Morgenstern, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, USA
  • Luís Moniz Pereira, New University of Lisbon, Portugal
  • Ray Reiter, University of Toronto, Canada
  • Murray Shanahan, Queen Mary and Westfield College, UK
  • Michael Thielscher, Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany
Janete de Castro is in charge of administrating all contributions, both articles and debate items. All submissions should be sent to her.

Definition of the area

Research on Reasoning About Actions and Change investigates formal methods, usually based on formal logic, for characterizing processes in terms of discrete-level state descriptions and events, actions, and activities which are capable of changing the current state. Important research topics include:
  • Precise characterization of the problem domain, using e.g. underlying semantics or action description languages
  • Definition of plausible inference methods, based e.g. on nonmonotonic logics
  • The analysis of such proposed inference methods in terms of typical examples and/or formal definitions of the set of intended conclusions
  • Methods for representing and for reasoning about hybrid (discrete/continuous) change and hybrid descriptions of change
  • Methods for representing and reasoning about causality within and between actions/events
  • Methods for representing and reasoning about exceptional effects or lack of effects of actions