ENRAC 98064  
Electronic Newsletter on
     Reasoning about Actions and Change
Issue 01001 Editor: Erik Sandewall [postscript]



Last December, Graham White sent us a set of questions to John McCarthy and Tom Costello for their article "Useful Counterfactuals". At that point the article had already been accepted for the ETAI, but as usual that is by no means a reason for stopping the discussion. John McCarthy's answer follows in this Newsletter. - Please refer to the ETAI webpage in order to also see the original questions, and the earlier discussion between Pearl and McCarthy re this article.

ETAI Publications


Open discussion

Additional debate contributions have been received for the following article(s). Please click the title of the article to link to the interaction page, containing both new and old contributions to the discussion.

Tom Costello and John McCarthy
Useful Counterfactuals

   Review protocol: [in this pane]; with links: [frame] [noframe]