Logic Modelling Workshop

Framework for axiomatizations

In general, axiomatizations for the Logic Modelling Workshop will consist of four parts:

The two 'world' parts characterize the common properties shared by several 'scenarios'. In particular, the 'world' specifies what types of objects are used, and the general properties that are shared by objects in those types. The 'scenario' part defines what specific objects are present in the scenario, some of their properties at different points in time, and the actions (or some of the actions) performed by them.

The 'scenario landscape' part characterizes a static structure of rooms, corridors, roads, or other similar entities. Both the choice of entities and their spatial interconnections are indicated. The 'scenario activities' part, on the other hand, characterizes what agents (persons, animals, vehicles, etc) are present, and what they do.

The 'world activities' parts contains in particular the action laws characterizing the effects of actions, and the causal laws characterizing secondary effects of actions, delayed effects of earlier actions or events in the world, etc.

The 'landscape' part will be present in most cases, but may be absent in some simple cases. Toy examples such as the Yale Shooting Problem frequently have no landscape part.

Latest update 21.6.1999 by EMTEK group.
Edit mode aml, position code C.lmw.gen.frame.