Electronic Newsletter Actions and Change

Electronic Newsletter on
Reasoning about Actions and Change

Issue 97030 Editor: Erik Sandewall 3.12, 1997

The ETAI is organized and published under the auspices of the
European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence (ECCAI).

After a long period of no conference announcements, several have arrived during the last few days. The present newsletter contains a list of all four of them, with hot links to the plaintext variant of their call-for-papers (the same as has been circulated by email) and to the cfp in HTML that is posted on the web by the organizers. These links are also available from the conference calendar of the present Colloquium.


Forthcoming conferences and workshops

LAP-98: Language Action Perspective on Communication Modelling.

Workshop on Action and Causality at KR-98.

Belief Revision Workshop at KR-98.

ESSLI-98 Workshop on Reasoning about Actions: Foundations and Applications.