@misc{NilSunEtAl:2024:1891574, author = {Per Nilsen and David Sundemo and Fredrik Heintz and Margit Neher and Jens Nygren and Petra Svedberg and Lena Petersson}, title = {{Towards evidence-based practice 2.0: leveraging artificial intelligence in healthcare}}, year = {2024}, journal = {Frontiers in Health Services}, volume = {4}, publisher = {FRONTIERS MEDIA SA}, doi = {10.3389/frhs.2024.1368030}, } @misc{SpeSteEtAl:2024:1861175, author = {Katarina Sperling and Carl-Johan Stenberg and Cormac Mcgrath and Anna Akerfeldt and Fredrik Heintz and Linn\'ea Stenliden}, title = {{In search of artificial intelligence (AI) literacy in teacher education: A scoping review}}, year = {2024}, journal = {COMPUTERS AND EDUCATION OPEN}, volume = {6}, publisher = {ELSEVIER}, issn = {2666-5573}, doi = {10.1016/j.caeo.2024.100169}, } @techreport{BerLac:2023:1829215, author = {Cyrille Berger and Simon Lacroix}, title = {{DSeg: Direct Line Segments Detection}}, year = {2023}, school = {Link"opings universitet}, institution = {Link"opings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science}, doi = {10.48550/arXiv.2311.18344}, } @techreport{Man:2021:1706848, author = {Linda Mannila}, title = {{Digital kompetens i Svenskfinland: nul\"agesanalys och goda modeller}}, year = {2021}, publisher = {Svenska kulturfonden}, school = {Link"opings universitet}, institution = {Link"opings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science}, } @techreport{OlsHol:2020:1412566, author = {Per-Magnus Olsson and Kaj Holmberg}, title = {{Exploiting parallelization and synergy in derivative free optimization}}, year = {2020}, series = {LiTH-MAT-R}, volume = {2020:4}, publisher = {Link\"oping University Electronic Press}, school = {Link"opings universitet}, institution = {Link"opings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science}, issn = {0348-2960}, } @proceedings{ZieArvEtAl:2018:1318833, author = {Tom Ziemke and Mattias Arvola and Nils Dahlb\"ack and Erik Billing}, title = {{Proceedings of the 14th SweCog Conference: Link\"oping 2018, 11-12 October}}, year = {2018}, series = {Sk\"ovde University Studies in Informatics}, volume = {2018:1}, publisher = {University of Sk\"ovde}, isbn = {9789198366730}, issn = {1653-2325}, } @techreport{BurDohKva:2014:739489, author = {Oleg Burdakov and Patrick Doherty and Jonas Kvarnstr\"om}, title = {{Optimal Scheduling for Replacing Perimeter Guarding Unmanned Aerial Vehicles}}, year = {2014}, series = {LiTH-MAT-R}, volume = {2014:09}, publisher = {Link\"oping University Electronic Press}, school = {Link"opings universitet}, institution = {Link"opings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science}, issn = {0348-2960}, } @techreport{BurDohKva:2014:739485, author = {Oleg Burdakov and Patrick Doherty and Jonas Kvarnstr\"om}, title = {{Local Search for Hop-constrained Directed Steiner Tree Problem with Application to UAV-based Multi-target Surveillance}}, year = {2014}, series = {LiTH-MAT-R}, volume = {2014:10}, publisher = {Link\"oping University Electronic Press}, school = {Link"opings universitet}, institution = {Link"opings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science}, issn = {0348-2960}, } @proceedings{DeRBesEtAl:2012:582620, author = {Luc De Raedt and Christian Bessiere and Didier Dubois and Patrick Doherty and Paolo Frasconi and Fredrik Heintz and Peter Lucas}, title = {{Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI)}}, year = {2012}, series = {Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications}, volume = {242}, publisher = {IOS Press}, isbn = {978-1-61499-097-0}, issn = {0922-6389}, } @misc{NebKle:2012:546668, author = {Bernhard Nebel and Alexander Kleiner}, title = {{Multi-Agenten-Systeme in der Intralogistik - Erster Teil: Gemeinsam denken}}, year = {2012}, journal = {IEE - Elektrische Automatisierung + Antriebstechnik}, volume = {-}, number = {4}, pages = {48--53}, publisher = {H\"uthig Verlag}, issn = {1434-2898}, } @misc{NebKle:2012:546667, author = {Bernhard Nebel and Alexander Kleiner}, title = {{Multi-Agenten-Systeme in der Intralogistik - Zweiter Teil: Effizient transportieren}}, year = {2012}, journal = {IEE - Elektrische Automatisierung + Antriebstechnik}, volume = {-}, number = {5}, pages = {34--37}, publisher = {H\"uthig Verlag}, issn = {1434-2898}, } @misc{San:2012:510488, author = {Erik Sandewall}, title = {{Maintaining Live Discussion in Two-Stage Open Peer Review}}, year = {2012}, journal = {Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience}, volume = {6}, number = {9}, publisher = {Frontiers Research Foundation}, doi = {10.3389/fncom.2012.00009}, note = {funding agencies|Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation||}, } @proceedings{KofHeiHel:2011:463628, author = {Anders Kofod-Peteresen and Fredrik Heintz and Langseth Helge}, title = {{Elevent Scandinavian Conference on Artifical Intelligence SCAI 2011}}, year = {2011}, series = {Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications}, volume = {227}, publisher = {IOS Press}, isbn = {978-1-60750-753-6}, issn = {0922-6389}, } @techreport{PerNybWar:2009:278135, author = {Anna Pernest{\aa}l and Mattias Nyberg and H{\aa}kan Warnquist}, title = {{Modeling and Efficient Inference for Troubleshooting Automotive Systems}}, year = {2009}, series = {LiTH-ISY-R}, volume = {2921}, publisher = {Link\"opings universitet}, school = {Link"opings universitet}, institution = {Link"opings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science}, issn = {1400-3902}, } @techreport{BurHolEtAl:2009:272756, author = {Oleg Burdakov and Kaj Holmberg and Patrick Doherty and Per-Magnus Olsson}, title = {{Optimal placement of communications relay nodes}}, year = {2009}, series = {LiTH-MAT-R}, volume = {2009:3}, publisher = {Link\"opings universitet}, school = {Link"opings universitet}, institution = {Link"opings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science}, issn = {0348-2960}, } @proceedings{HeiKva:2009:246141, author = {Fredrik Heintz and Jonas Kvarnstr\"om}, title = {{Proceedings of the Swedish AI Society Workshop 2009}}, year = {2009}, series = {Link\"oping Electronic Conference Proceedings}, volume = {35}, publisher = {Link\"oping University Electronic Press, Link\"opings universitet}, issn = {1650-3686}, } @techreport{KarSchEtAl:2008:316944, author = {Rickard Karlsson and Thomas Sch\"on and David T\"ornqvist and Gianpolo Conte and Fredrik Gustafsson}, title = {{Utilizing Model Structure for Efficient Simultaneous Localization and Mapping for a UAV Application}}, year = {2008}, series = {LiTH-ISY-R}, volume = {2836}, publisher = {Link\"oping University Electronic Press}, school = {Link"opings universitet}, institution = {Link"opings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science}, issn = {1400-3902}, } @misc{San:2008:265466, author = {Erik Sandewall}, title = {{A Review of the Handbook of Knowledge Representation}}, year = {2008}, journal = {Artificial Intelligence}, volume = {172}, number = {18}, pages = {1965--1966}, publisher = {Elsevier}, issn = {0004-3702}, doi = {10.1016/j.artint.2008.10.002}, } @techreport{BurHolOls:2008:37550, author = {Oleg Burdakov and Kaj Holmberg and Per-Magnus Olsson}, title = {{A Dual Ascent Method for the Hop-constrained Shortest Path with Application to Positioning of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles}}, year = {2008}, series = {Report / Department of Mathematics, Universitetet i Link\"oping, Tekniska h\"ogskolan}, volume = {2008:7}, publisher = {Link\"oping University Electronic Press}, school = {Link"opings universitet}, institution = {Link"opings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science}, issn = {0348-2960}, } @unpublished{WzoDoh:2007:261962, author = {Mariusz Wzorek and Patrick Doherty}, title = {{A framework for reconfigurable path planning for autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles}}, year = {2007}, } @proceedings{OrlPolSza:2006:499733, author = {Ewa Orlowska and Alberto Policriti and Andrzej Szalas}, title = {{Algebraic and Relational Deductive Tools}}, year = {2006}, series = {Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics}, publisher = {\'Editions Herm\`es-Lavoisier}, issn = {1166-3081}, note = {Special Issue}, } @proceedings{DohMylWel:2006:262230, author = {Patrick Doherty and John Mylopoulos and Christopher Welty}, title = {{Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning}}, year = {2006}, publisher = {AAAI Press}, isbn = {978-1-57735-281-5}, } @misc{San:2005:252680, author = {Erik Johan Sandewall}, title = {{Leonardo, an Approach towards the Consolidation of Computer Software System}}, year = {2005}, note = {Research Article, CAISOR Archival Website, Number 2005-016}, } @proceedings{DohLukEtAl:2003:499756, author = {Patrick Doherty and W. Lukaszewicz and Skowron Andrzej and Andrzej Szalas}, title = {{Knowledge Representation and Approximate Reasoning}}, year = {2003}, series = {Fundamenta Informaticae}, volume = {2003(57):2-4}, publisher = {IOS Press}, issn = {0169-2968}, note = {Special Issue}, } @techreport{EngHarEtAl:2003:402885, author = {Madelaine Engstr\"om and Anders Haraldsson and Tove Mattsson and Minna Salminen-Karlsson}, title = {{Studenter genusgranskar sin utbildning: Projekt med elektro- och dataprogrammen och l\"ararutbildningen vid Link\"opings universitet}}, year = {2003}, series = {CUL-rapporter}, volume = {2003:5}, publisher = {Link\"oping University Electronic Press}, school = {Link"opings universitet}, institution = {Link"opings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science}, issn = {1650-8173}, } @techreport{San:2001:1728033, author = {Erik Johan Sandewall}, title = {{On the Design of Software Individuals}}, year = {2001}, series = {Link\"oping Electronic Articles in Computer and Information Science}, volume = {Vol.6:22}, publisher = {Link\"oping University Electronic Press}, school = {Link"opings universitet}, institution = {Link"opings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science}, issn = {1401-9841}, } @misc{OrlSza:2001:499734, author = {Ewa Orlowska and Andrzej Szalas}, title = {{Relational Methods for Computer Science Applications}}, year = {2001}, series = {Studies in Fuziness and Soft Computing}, publisher = {Springer Physica Verlag}, isbn = {3790813656, 9783790813654}, issn = {1434-9922}, } @misc{San:2000:270437, author = {Erik Johan Sandewall}, title = {{M. Shanahan, Solving the Frame Problem}}, year = {2000}, journal = {Artificial Intelligence}, volume = {123}, number = {1-2}, pages = {271--273}, issn = {0004-3702}, doi = {10.1016/S0004-3702(00)00058-8}, } @techreport{Ska:1999:1717467, author = {Erik Skarman}, title = {{A helicopter control system}}, year = {1999}, series = {Link\"oping Electronic Articles in Computer and Information Science}, volume = {Vol.4:15}, publisher = {Link\"oping University Electronic Press}, school = {Link"opings universitet}, institution = {Link"opings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science}, issn = {1401-9841}, } @techreport{Ska:1999:1717451, author = {Erik Skarman}, title = {{A helicopter model}}, year = {1999}, series = {Link\"oping Electronic Articles in Computer and Information Science}, volume = {Vol.4:14}, publisher = {Link\"oping University Electronic Press}, school = {Link"opings universitet}, institution = {Link"opings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science}, issn = {1401-9841}, } @techreport{Ska:1999:1717442, author = {Erik Skarman}, title = {{An aircraft model}}, year = {1999}, series = {Link\"oping Electronic Articles in Computer and Information Science}, volume = {Vol.4:13}, publisher = {Link\"oping University Electronic Press}, school = {Link"opings universitet}, institution = {Link"opings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science}, issn = {1401-9841}, } @techreport{CorSaf:1999:1717153, author = {Silvia Coradeschi and Alessandro Saffiotti}, title = {{Anchoring symbolic object descriptions to sensor data. Problem statement}}, year = {1999}, series = {Link\"oping Electronic Articles in Computer and Information Science}, volume = {Vol.4:9}, publisher = {Link\"oping University Electronic Press}, school = {Link"opings universitet}, institution = {Link"opings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science}, issn = {1401-9841}, } @techreport{AndCorSaf:1999:1717149, author = {Thord Andersson and Silvia Coradeschi and Alessandro Saffiotti}, title = {{Fuzzy matching of visual cues in an unmanned airborne vehicle}}, year = {1999}, series = {Link\"oping Electronic Articles in Computer and Information Science}, volume = {Vol.4:8}, publisher = {Link\"oping University Electronic Press}, school = {Link"opings universitet}, institution = {Link"opings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science}, issn = {1401-9841}, } @techreport{TjrDupEtAl:1999:316469, author = {Fredrik Tj\"arnstr\"om and Mattias Duppils and Patrik Haslum and David Byers and Gundars Kulups and Dan Lawesson}, title = {{ENSYM-Project Oriented Studies of spring 98 - team 1}}, year = {1999}, series = {LiTH-ISY-R}, volume = {2094}, publisher = {Link\"oping University Electronic Press}, school = {Link"opings universitet}, institution = {Link"opings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science}, issn = {1400-3902}, } @techreport{AndCorSaf:1999:288592, author = {Thord Andersson and Silvia Coradeschi and Alessandro Saffiotti}, title = {{Fuzzy matching of visual cues in an unmanned airborne vehicle}}, year = {1999}, publisher = {Link\"oping University, Department of Electrical Engineering}, school = {Link"opings universitet}, institution = {Link"opings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science}, } @techreport{San:1998:1716696, author = {Erik Johan Sandewall}, title = {{Cognitive Robotics Logic and its Metatheory: Features and Fluents Revisited}}, year = {1998}, series = {Link\"oping Electronic Articles in Computer and Information Science}, volume = {Vol.3:17}, publisher = {Link\"oping University Electronic Press}, school = {Link"opings universitet}, institution = {Link"opings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science}, issn = {1401-9841}, } @techreport{DohGusEtAl:1998:1716288, author = {Patrick Doherty and Joakim Gustafsson and Lars Karlsson and Jonas Kvarnstr\"om}, title = {{TAL: Temporal Action Logics Language \<\> Specification and Tutorial}}, year = {1998}, series = {Link\"oping Electronic Articles in Computer and Information Science}, volume = {Vol.3:15}, publisher = {Link\"oping University Electronic Press}, school = {Link"opings universitet}, institution = {Link"opings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science}, issn = {1401-9841}, } @techreport{DohGus:1998:1714887, author = {Patrick Doherty and Joakim Gustafsson}, title = {{Delayed Effects of Actions = Direct Effects + Causal Rules}}, year = {1998}, series = {Link\"oping Electronic Articles in Computer and Information Science}, volume = {Vol.3:1}, publisher = {Link\"oping University Electronic Press}, school = {Link"opings universitet}, institution = {Link"opings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science}, issn = {1401-9841}, } @techreport{DohGus:1998:262600, author = {Patrick Doherty and Joakim Gustafsson}, title = {{Delayed effects of actions = direct effects + causal rules}}, year = {1998}, series = {Link\"oping Electronic Articles in Computer and Information Science}, volume = {98-001}, publisher = {Link\"oping University Electronic Press}, school = {Link"opings universitet}, institution = {Link"opings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science}, issn = {1654-7233}, } @techreport{Doh:1997:1714876, author = {Patrick Doherty}, title = {{PMON+: A Fluent Logic for Action and Change: Formal Specification, Version 1.0}}, year = {1997}, series = {Link\"oping Electronic Articles in Computer and Information Science}, volume = {Vol.2:20}, publisher = {Link\"oping University Electronic Press}, school = {Link"opings universitet}, institution = {Link"opings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science}, issn = {1401-9841}, } @techreport{San:1997:1714871, author = {Erik Sandewall}, title = {{Logic-Based Modelling of Goal-Directed Behavior}}, year = {1997}, series = {Link\"oping Electronic Articles in Computer and Information Science}, volume = {Vol.2:19}, publisher = {Link\"oping University Electronic Press}, school = {Link"opings universitet}, institution = {Link"opings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science}, issn = {1401-9841}, } @techreport{DohKva:1997:1714459, author = {Patrick Doherty and Jonas Kvarnstr\"om}, title = {{Tackling the Qualification Problem using Fluent Dependency Constraints: Preliminary Report}}, year = {1997}, series = {Link\"oping Electronic Articles in Computer and Information Science}, volume = {Vol.2:16}, publisher = {Link\"oping University Electronic Press}, school = {Link"opings universitet}, institution = {Link"opings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science}, issn = {1401-9841}, } @techreport{KarGus:1997:1714429, author = {Lars Karlsson and Joakim Gustafsson}, title = {{Reasoning about actions in a multi-agent environment}}, year = {1997}, series = {Link\"oping Electronic Articles in Computer and Information Science}, volume = {Vol.2:14}, publisher = {Link\"oping University Electronic Press}, school = {Link"opings universitet}, institution = {Link"opings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science}, issn = {1401-9841}, } @techreport{CorKar:1997:1713041, author = {Silvia Coradeschi and Lars Karlsson}, title = {{A Decision-Mechanism for Reactive and Cooperating Soccer-Playing Agents}}, year = {1997}, series = {Link\"oping Electronic Articles in Computer and Information Science}, volume = {Vol. 2:1}, publisher = {Link\"oping University Electronic Press}, school = {Link"opings universitet}, institution = {Link"opings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science}, issn = {1401-9841}, } @techreport{San:1997:370096, author = {Erik Sandewall}, title = {{A Neo-Classical Structure for Scientific Publication and Reviewing}}, year = {1997}, series = {Link\"oping Electronic Articles on Academic Policies and Trends}, volume = {1 Vol, 2}, publisher = {Link\"oping University Electronic Press}, school = {Link"opings universitet}, institution = {Link"opings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science}, issn = {1402-0319}, } @techreport{San:1996:1713028, author = {Erik Johan Sandewall}, title = {{Towards the validation of high-level action descriptions from their low-level definitions}}, year = {1996}, series = {Link\"oping Electronic Articles in Computer and Information Science}, volume = {Vol. 1:4}, publisher = {Link\"oping University Electronic Press}, school = {Link"opings universitet}, institution = {Link"opings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science}, issn = {1401-9841}, } @techreport{San:1996:1713025, author = {Erik Sandewall}, title = {{Assessments of Ramification Methods that Use Static Domain Constraints}}, year = {1996}, series = {Link\"oping Electronic Articles in Computer and Information Science}, volume = {Vol. 1:3}, publisher = {Link\"oping University Electronic Press}, school = {Link"opings universitet}, institution = {Link"opings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science}, issn = {1401-9841}, } @techreport{San:1996:1712743, author = {Erik Sandewall}, title = {{Underlying Semantics for Action and Change with Ramification}}, year = {1996}, series = {Link\"oping Electronic Articles in Computer and Information Science}, volume = {2}, publisher = {Link\"oping University Electronic Press}, school = {Link"opings universitet}, institution = {Link"opings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science}, issn = {1401-9841}, } @proceedings{PenSza:1996:499719, author = {Wojciech Penczek and Andrzej Szalas}, title = {{Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS)}}, year = {1996}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {1113}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, isbn = {978-3-540-61550-7}, issn = {0302-9743}, } @techreport{San:1996:370098, author = {Erik Sandewall}, title = {{Strategies and policies of Link\"oping University Electronic Press}}, year = {1996}, series = {Link\"oping Electronic Articles on Academic Policies and Trends}, volume = {1 Vol. 1}, publisher = {Link\"oping University Electronic Press}, school = {Link"opings universitet}, institution = {Link"opings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science}, issn = {1402-0319}, } @techreport{Doh:1996:262597, author = {Patrick Doherty}, title = {{PMON+: A fluent logic for action and change - formal specification, version 1.0}}, year = {1996}, series = {LITH-IDA-R}, volume = {33}, publisher = {Department of Computer and Information Science, Link\"oping University}, school = {Link"opings universitet}, institution = {Link"opings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science}, issn = {0281-4250}, } @techreport{DohLukSza:1996:262596, author = {Patrick Doherty and Witold Lukaszewicz and Andrzej Szalas}, title = {{Declarative ptime queries to relational databases}}, year = {1996}, series = {LITH-IDA-R}, volume = {34}, publisher = {Department of Computer and Information Science, Link\"oping University}, school = {Link"opings universitet}, institution = {Link"opings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science}, } @techreport{MeyDoh:1996:262595, author = {John-Jules Meyer and Patrick Doherty}, title = {{Preferential action semantics, preliminary report}}, year = {1996}, series = {LITH-IDA-R}, publisher = {Department of Computer and Information Science, Link\"oping University}, school = {Link"opings universitet}, institution = {Link"opings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science}, issn = {0281-4250}, } @techreport{DohLukSza:1996:262575, author = {Patrick Doherty and Witold Lukaszewicz and Andrzej Szalas}, title = {{General domain circumscription and its first-order reduction}}, year = {1996}, series = {LITH-IDA-R}, volume = {1}, publisher = {Department of Computer and Information Science, Link\"oping University}, school = {Link"opings universitet}, institution = {Link"opings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science}, } @misc{BolSza:1995:499778, author = {Leonard Bolc and Andrzej Szalas}, title = {{Time and Logic: A Computational Approach}}, year = {1995}, publisher = {CRC Press}, isbn = {1-85728-233-7, 978-18-5728-233-7}, } @techreport{DohLukSza:1995:262574, author = {Patrick Doherty and Witold Lukaszewicz and Andrzej Szalas}, title = {{A characterization result for circumscribed normal logic programs. Revised version accepted for publication: Special issue of honor of H. Rasiowa, Fundamenta Informaticae}}, year = {1995}, series = {LITH-IDA-R}, volume = {20}, publisher = {Department of Computer and Information Science, Link\"oping University}, school = {Link"opings universitet}, institution = {Link"opings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science}, } @techreport{DohLukSza:1994:262573, author = {Patrick Doherty and Witold Lukaszewicz and Andrzej Szalas}, title = {{Computing circumscription revisited: A reduction algorithm}}, year = {1994}, series = {LITH-IDA-R}, volume = {94-42}, publisher = {Department of Computer and Information Science, Link\"oping University}, school = {Link"opings universitet}, institution = {Link"opings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science}, issn = {0281-4250}, } @techreport{Doh:1994:262572, author = {Patrick Doherty}, title = {{Notes on PMON circumscription}}, year = {1994}, series = {LITH-IDA-R}, volume = {43}, publisher = {Department of Computer and Information Science, Link\"oping University}, school = {Link"opings universitet}, institution = {Link"opings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science}, } @techreport{DohLuk:1992:262571, author = {Patrick Doherty and Witold Lukaszewicz}, title = {{FONML3 - A first-order non-monotonic logic with explicit defaults}}, year = {1992}, series = {LITH-IDA-R}, volume = {20}, publisher = {Department of Computer and Information Science, Link\"oping University}, school = {Link"opings universitet}, institution = {Link"opings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science}, } @techreport{DohDriHel:1992:262520, author = {Patrick Doherty and Dimiter Driankov and H. Hellendoorn}, title = {{Fuzzy if-then-unless rules and their implementation}}, year = {1992}, series = {LITH-IDA-R}, volume = {21}, publisher = {Department of Computer and Information Science, Link\"oping University}, school = {Link"opings universitet}, institution = {Link"opings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science}, } @techreport{DohDriTso:1992:262507, author = {Patrick Doherty and Dimiter Driankov and A. Tsoukias}, title = {{Partiality, para-consistency and preference modeling: Preliminary version}}, year = {1992}, series = {LITH-IDA-R}, volume = {18}, publisher = {Department of Computer and Information Systems, Link\"oping University}, school = {Link"opings universitet}, institution = {Link"opings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science}, } @techreport{Doh:1992:262494, author = {Patrick Doherty}, title = {{A constraint-based approach to proof procedures for multi-valued logics}}, year = {1992}, series = {LITH-IDA-R}, volume = {2}, publisher = {Department of Computer and Information Science, Link\"oping university, Link\"oping, Sweden}, school = {Link"opings universitet}, institution = {Link"opings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science}, } @techreport{DohLuk:1991:262495, author = {Patrick Doherty and Witold Lukaszewicz}, title = {{NML3 - A non-monotonic logic with explicit defaults}}, year = {1991}, series = {Anv\"andarrapport}, volume = {13}, publisher = {Department of Computer and Information Science, Link\"oping University}, school = {Link"opings universitet}, institution = {Link"opings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science}, } @techreport{Doh:1990:262524, author = {Patrick Doherty}, title = {{NM3 - A three-valued non-monotonic formalism. Preliminary report}}, year = {1990}, series = {LITH-IDA-R}, volume = {44}, publisher = {Department of Computer and Information Science, Link\"oping University}, school = {Link"opings universitet}, institution = {Link"opings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science}, } @techreport{Doh:1990:262523, author = {Patrick Doherty}, title = {{A correspondence between inheritance hierarchies and a logic of preferential entailment}}, year = {1990}, series = {LITH-IDA-R}, publisher = {Department of Computer and Information Science, Link\"oping University}, school = {Link"opings universitet}, institution = {Link"opings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science}, } @techreport{Doh:1985:262247, author = {Patrick Doherty}, title = {{A rule interpreter for an emycin-like expert system tool}}, year = {1985}, series = {Aslab Memo}, volume = {85-05}, publisher = {Link\"opings tekniska h\"ogskola}, school = {Link"opings universitet}, institution = {Link"opings universitet, Department of Computer and Information Science}, } @unpublished{WzoBerDoh:0:1701793, author = {Mariusz Wzorek and Cyrille Berger and Patrick Doherty}, title = {{Polygon Area Decomposition Using a Compactness Metric}}, year = {0}, note = {Funding Agencies|ELLIIT network organization for Information and Communication Technology; Swedish Foundation for Strategic ResearchSwedish Foundation for Strategic Research [RIT 15-0097]; Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP) - Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.}, }