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Type Definitions


The map library defines two data structures: MapElement and Map. A Binding is a pointer to a MapElement. A map element is a table of bindings, where each binding is given by the pair <external key, internal id>. An external key is a variable length byte string, which typically is constructed from various fields in a message header. An internal id is a fixed-sized identifier (e.g., a 32 or 64-bit memory address) which is a pointer to a protocol or session object.

		typedef struct mapelement {

struct mapelement *next;

void *externalkey;

void *internalid;

} MapElement, *Binding;

typedef struct {

int nEntries;

int keySize;

MapElement *cache;

MapElement *freelist;

MapElement **table;

XkReturn (*resolve)();

Binding (*bind)();

XkReturn (*unbind)();

XkReturn (*remove)();

} *Map;

Larry Peterson
Tue Jul 1 14:50:34 MST 1997