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Participant List Operations


The following operations provide a convenient interface that hides the PartStack data structure. However, the fact that a participant list is really an array of type Part is visible to the programmer.


  Initialize participant list participants of number entries.

void partInit(Part *participants, int number)



Pushes address addr, pointing to length bytes, onto the stack of participant. A length of 0 indicates a ``special-value'' pointer (e.g., ANY_HOST) whose value as a pointer should be preserved across protection boundaries (and not dereferenced). See Section 4.4.

void partPush(Part participant, void *addr, int length)



Pops an address off the stack of participant. Returns NULL if there are no more elements on the stack.

void *partPop(Part participant)



Returns the number of bytes pointed to by the top element of the stack of participants. Returns 0 if the stack element was pushed with a length field of zero (i.e., a ``special-value'' pointer). Returns -1 if there are no elements on the stack.

int partStackTopByteLen(Part participants)



Returns the number of entries in participant list participants.

int partLength(Part *participants)

Larry Peterson
Tue Jul 1 14:50:34 MST 1997