File: Lecture-1-Intro-OH-en © 2015 Tommy Olsson, IDA, Linköpings universitet (2015-01-19)
TDDD38 APiC++ Courseintroduction 1
TDDD38 Advanced Programming in C++
Aim – or, what does “advanced” stand for?
good knowledge about constructs and mechanisms in the programming language C++ and their use
good knowledge about the C++ standard library, both content and design principles, and how to use its components effectively
ability to design and implement usable, correct, error-safe, non-trivial classes, including polymorphic class lattices (hierarchies)
ability to design and implement advanced program components – template based, policy design, function objects, …
it’s not a systems design course, or a problem solving course, or alike, but there will be problems to solve!
good knowledge and skills in programming in at least one procedural and/or object-oriented language
knowledge about fundamentals of object-oriented programming (class, derivation/inheritance, polymorphism)
No previous experience of C++, C or Java?
get acquainted a.s.a.p. with C++ basics
attend lecture 2 and 3
File: Lecture-1-Intro-OH-en © 2015 Tommy Olsson, IDA, Linköpings universitet (2015-01-19)
TDDD38 APiC++ Courseintroduction 2
basically a self-study course – good self-discipline is necessary
study theory!
do exercises!
do it in time!
lectures – the core language is covered in the first study period, standard library in the second study period
single class design
operator overloading
derived classes, inheritance, polymorphism, RTTI,…
exception handling, exception classes
– templates
standard library – strings, streams, standard exceptions, containers, iterators, algorithms, function objects, related utilities,…
design patterns, policy design, template meta programming, style, …
no lessons – no compulsory labs
optional exercises – strongly recommended!
it is absolutely necessary to practice a lot – and enough on a Unix system (IDA’s Linux Mint system) – and using g++
limited computer resources scheduled
assistance by email to (or, or by appointment
you are also welcome to look me up in my office
File: Lecture-1-Intro-OH-en © 2015 Tommy Olsson, IDA, Linköpings universitet (2015-01-19)
TDDD38 APiC++ Courseintroduction 3
Computer exam – the only compulsory item
four times a year – December, March/April, May/June, and August – five hours
five theory questions – 1 points each
four programming problems – 5 points each
basic stuff is of course required
class design, derivation, operator overloading, templates, exception handling
standard library – strings, stream I/O, containers, iterator, algorithms, function objects, related utilities, etc.
techniques and style
marking – 25 points maximum
19-25 – 5/A
15-18 – 4/B
11-14 – 3/C (corresponds to correctly solving two programming problems and getting one theory question right).
0-10 – U/FX
means of assistance Reference (available in a Chromium web browser)
important to be familiar with the exam system (Unix), some available text editor (Emacs), and the GCC compiler (g++)
only simple file handling required
sufficient experience in how to read, interpret and act upon compiler and linker error and warning messages
File: Lecture-1-Intro-OH-en © 2015 Tommy Olsson, IDA, Linköpings universitet (2015-01-19)
TDDD38 APiC++ Courseintroduction 4
Information, literature, etc.
course home page:
information about examination – the three last given exams are always available
timetable (link to LiTH timetable server)
lecture plan and content
lecture slides, code examples
– exercises
C++ links
contact information
course literature – basically your choice – some recommendations:
C++ Primer, Fifth edition (2012). Lippman, Lajoie, Moo. (downloadable)
The C++ Programming Language, Fourth edition (2013), Stroustrup.
The C++ Standard Library, A Tutorial and Reference, 2/E (2012), Josuttis, N. M. (downloadable) (tutorial, reference, articles, etc.) – Reference part is means of assistance at exam
Friday fun!
File: Lecture-1-Intro-OH-en © 2015 Tommy Olsson, IDA, Linköpings universitet (2015-01-19)
TDDD38 APiC++ Courseintroduction 5
Lecture plan for the forthcoming lectures
Lecture 2-3
basic stuff – data types, variables and constants, declarations, expressions and operators, statements, functions,…
strings, initializer lists, tuples, streams, string streams
Lecture 4–5
single class design and operator overloading
Lecture 6–7
derived classes, inheritance, polymorphism, RTTI
exception handling
Lecture 8-9
• templates
• namespaces
• preprocessor
Lecture 10-12 (13)
standard library
containers – iterators – algorithms – function objects, lambda expression
related utilities and such (e.g. std::pair)
maybe some more…
And now some comments to the course content…
File: Lecture-1-Intro-OH-en © 2015 Tommy Olsson, IDA, Linköpings universitet (2015-01-19)
TDDD38 APiC++ Courseintroduction 6
C++ history and future
one of the most popular programming languages
development started in 1979originally named C with Classes
renamed C++ in 1983
C++98the first ISO standard
C++03C++98 was amended by the 2003 technical corrigendum (TC)
C++11current standard (formerly known as C++0x, since it was expected to be released before 2010)
a “new” C++
a new C++ programming style is developing
C++14minor revision targeted for late 2014, but delayed
mainly bug fixes and small improvements
one new major feature can be expectedmaybe static if (compile time if statement)
C++1ymajor revision targeted for 2017
will not be the last…
Each revision
adds more power
makes constructs more general
increases efficiency even more
makes C++ easier to use
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Object-oriented programming
Three main components – objects, inheritance, polymorphism
• objects
classes are used to model objects
in C++ we have two syntactic choices, class or struct
only difference is related to default member and base member access – private for classpublic for struct
rule of thumb: use struct for behaviourless aggregates with public members only, class otherwise
• inheritance
code can be reused by derivation, base classsubclass
creates related classes/objects – a subclass object is also a base class object regarding type, an “is a” relationship
derivation is typically a question of specialization – a subclass can have more state and more functionality
C++ supports four ways to derive from a base class – public base, protected base, private base, and virtual base
polymorphic behaviour
an object reference (pointer or reference) may at different times refer to objects of different type
the same member function call may at different times give different result, depending on the type of the related object
polymorphic behaviour is optional in C++
a member functions must be declared virtual to be able to behave polymorphic
objects must be referred to by pointers or references
dynamic type checking and dynamic type conversion, RTTI
sometimes it’s required
File: Lecture-1-Intro-OH-en © 2015 Tommy Olsson, IDA, Linköpings universitet (2015-01-19)
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Important characteristics for class types in C++
string s1; // an object declaration, in some block, string is a class type
classes in C++ are not reference types
s1 stores an object of type string – it’s not a reference to such an object
–astring object is automatically created and initialized when the declaration of s1 is elaborated
when the execution exits the declaration block, s1 goes out of scope – the object is destroyed – memory is reclaimed
class types have the same basic semantics as fundamental types, e.g.
require copy semantics not found in most other object-oriented languages – in C++11 move semantics is also available
string s2{s1}; // initialization string s2(s1); string s2 = s1;
s2 = s1; // assignment
great care must be taken when designing classes in C++
initialization – default constructor, argument passing constructors
copying – copy constructor,copy assignment operator,move constructor,move assignment operator
destruction – destructor
to mimic e.g. Java we use pointers an dynamic memory allocation (memory has to be deallocated explicitly when no longer needed)
string* message{ new string{ "Hello world!"} };
delete message;
File: Lecture-1-Intro-OH-en © 2015 Tommy Olsson, IDA, Linköpings universitet (2015-01-19)
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Inheritance and classes derivation
class derivation is an essential features of object-oriented design
new classes can be defined from exciting classes
code is reused – members are inherited
C++ supports “all” variants
single inheritance (single base class)
multiple inheritance (multiple base classes), which can lead to
repeated inheritance (DDD – the Deadly Diamond of Derivation, ), which is supported by
virtual inheritance (virtual base class) – how many Base subobjects are there to be in Most_Derived?
Derived Derived_2
Derived_1 Derived_2
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Operator overloading
ostream&operator<<(ostream& os, const T& x)
// write x to os
return os;
important for construction of fully featured data types
– assignment
– indexing
any other operator for which there is a natural interpretation of its use
function objects rely on the possibility to overload the function call operator – operator()
function objects are important components in the standard library – lambda expressions are implemented as function objects
can act as function
can carry state
possible to overload for class types and for compound types (enum types, pointer types, etc.)
struct fun
void operator()() const { cout << "This is fun!\n"; }
fun()(); // not the same parentheses… fun{}()
File: Lecture-1-Intro-OH-en © 2015 Tommy Olsson, IDA, Linköpings universitet (2015-01-19)
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Extremely powerful construct in C++.
for creating reusable program components – function templates and class templates
template <typename T> T fun(const T& a);
template <typename T, size_t N> class array;
supports e.g. policy design
a policy used by a type (class) can be separated into one or more policy classes, which can be supplied as a template parameter
template <typename T, class Allocator = allocator<T>> class vector;
supports template metaprogramming
function templates can be used to let the compiler generate source code
recursive, purely static template functions can perform compile-time evaluation
is an object-oriented construct – static (compile-time) polymorphism
a function template represents a whole family of functions
a class template represents a whole family of classes, data types are pure static (compile-time) constructs
the standard library depend heavily on templates, in many cases in combination with derivation
the new feature variadic templates is widely used in the implementation of the standard library
template <typename... Types> class tuple;
File: Lecture-1-Intro-OH-en © 2015 Tommy Olsson, IDA, Linköpings universitet (2015-01-19)
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Exception handling
conceptually fairly simple, but should be used with care.
prefer traditional, local error handling if possible
good for reporting errors from within software components
place error handlers with care – avoid “exception handling spaghetti”
practice exception-safe (error-safe) programming
C++ implements the termination model – the alternative to the resumption model
at least one block is terminated
exceptions are propagated backwards along the dynamic call chain
stack objects will be destroyed implicitly and properly when blocks are exited
heap objects must be taken responsibility for by the programmer (smart pointers is one possibility)
if (disaster) throw some_exception{"help!"}; // supposed subclass to std::exception
catch (const exception& e) // “polymorphic catch”
cout << e.what() << endl;
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A simple module construct.
the class has module properties, but it’s not enough
was one of the last things introduced before the first standard C++98 was published
important in several aspects
for handling potential name collisions
modularisation – a type and it’s operations, e.g., should be encapsulated in the same namespace
function name look up – ADL look up (argument-dependent look up) – is related to namespaces
namespace std
// namespace member declarations…
using namespace std; // using directive
using std::member; // using declaration
... std::member ... // qualified name
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Standard Library
Data structure and algorithm part
• String
• Streams
String streams
Related utilities
Interesting implementation, e.g.
– templates
– derivation
policy design
Containers Algorithms
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And, of course, a lot of basic stuff to be mastered
The “C part”.
Lexical conventions
Translation model – compilation and linking
Data types and type conversion
Declarations and definitions
Expression and operators
• Statements
Functions and parameter passing
Basic standard library components
I/O and file handling
Topics for lecture 2 and 3.
File: Basic-CPP-OH-en © 2015 Tommy Olsson, IDA, Linköpings universitet (2015-01-21)
TDDD38 APiC++ Basic C++ 1
Basic C++
compilation model
keywords and identifiers with special meaning
objects, declarations, and initialization
data types and type conversion
• pointers
• references
pointers and dynamic memory handling
aggregates and list initialization
declarations and definitions
expressions and operators
• statements
functions and parameter passing
• strings
• tuples
• streams
string streams
Note 1: A lot of concepts and terminology to follow…
Note 2: Much of the stuff related to streams is mainly for self study (page 33 ff.)
File: Basic-CPP-OH-en © 2015 Tommy Olsson, IDA, Linköpings universitet (2015-01-21)
TDDD38 APiC++ Basic C++ 2
The classic first C++ program
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "Hello, world" << endl;
return 0; // this return statement is optional
multi-line and single-line comments
include directive – import stuff from the environment, in this case from the standard input/output library (streams)
using directive – opens the standard namespace std – without require qualified names
std::cout << "Hello, world" << std::endl;
• function main() is found in all (normal) C++ programs – this is where the execution starts and normally ends
function prototype
function body
• statements
File: Basic-CPP-OH-en © 2015 Tommy Olsson, IDA, Linköpings universitet (2015-01-21)
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Compilation model (1)
source code → preprocessor → compiler → linker → executable
source code
include files (*.h) – declarations and definitions required by client code – “module specification”
also standard headers, e.g. <iostream>
implementation files (*.cc, *.cpp, …) – e.g. separate definitions for declarations in a corresponding header file
• preprocessor
works before the actual compilation takes place
file inclusion, macro substitution, conditional compilation, …
avoid when possible
• compiler
takes the preprocessor output as input
produces, in cooperation with linker, an executable (a.out, e.g.)
separate compilation to object code, if requested (*.o files) – stops before linking phase
options can modify the translation process in many ways – preprocessing, compilation, linking – GCC/Linux examples:
g++ -g -std=c++11 -Wpedantic -Wall -Wextra
gccfilter g++ ...
File: Basic-CPP-OH-en © 2015 Tommy Olsson, IDA, Linköpings universitet (2015-01-21)
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Compilation model (2)
A slightly simplified picture:
g++ -c
g++ -I/home/tao/include -o program -lcurses
*.cc cpp compiler linker a.out
object code
include files (headers) link libraries
-Idir -Ldir -llib
-o filename
File: Basic-CPP-OH-en © 2015 Tommy Olsson, IDA, Linköpings universitet (2015-01-21)
TDDD38 APiC++ Basic C++ 5
Keywords and identifiers with special meaning
alignas continue friend register true
alignof decltype goto reinterpret_cast try
asm default if return typedef
auto delete inline short typeid
bool do int signed typename
break double long sizeof union
case dynamic_cast mutable static unsigned
catch else namespace static_assert using
char enum new static_cast virtual
char16_t explicit noexcept struct void
char32_t export nullptr switch volatile
class extern operator template wchar_t
const false private this while
const_cast float protected thread_local
constexpr for public throw
export is removed but kept for the future use (related to compiling templates)
register is deprecated (don’t use)
final and override – identifiers (not keywords) with special meaning in specific contexts (classes, member functions)
File: Basic-CPP-OH-en © 2015 Tommy Olsson, IDA, Linköpings universitet (2015-01-21)
TDDD38 APiC++ Basic C++ 6
Data types and type conversion
The type system design have great influence on safety, efficiency, etc.
C++ is a strongly, statically typed language
each object and expression has a distinct type
in polymorphic contexts we have a distinction between static type and dynamic type
standard type conversions relaxes strong typing
two main type categories
fundamental types
compound types
type conversions
implicit (automatic)
explicit (coded)
three different syntaxes…
static_cast<T>(x) // type conversion operatorsprefer these! (checked)
T(x) // functional form (unchecked!)
(T)x // C cast (unchecked!)
File: Basic-CPP-OH-en © 2015 Tommy Olsson, IDA, Linköpings universitet (2015-01-21)
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Fundamental types
integral types
integer types
unsigned integer typessigned integer types
signed char
short int
long int
unsigned char
unsigned short int
unsigned int
unsigned long int
arithmetic types
floating point types
long double
fundamental types
long long int unsigned long long int
= “keeping it simple”
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Compound types (1)
Compound types can be constructed in many ways – some common compound types:
arrays are indexed data types made up of elements of the same type (prefer std::array or std::vector)
int a[100];
pointers to objects or functions of a certain type, or to void (“anything”)
int* p{ a }; // same as int* p = a; or int* p = &a[0];
references to objects or functions of a certain type
int& r{ a[0] }; // lvalue reference
void fun(string&& s); // rvalue reference – binds e.g. temporary objects
class types (class,struct or union) made up of named components of possibly different type, including member functions
struct Person
string name;
unsigned age;
float length;
Note: arrays and simple class types are aggregates.
File: Basic-CPP-OH-en © 2015 Tommy Olsson, IDA, Linköpings universitet (2015-01-21)
TDDD38 APiC++ Basic C++ 9
Compound types (2)
functions have parameters of different types and return either void (nothing) or some type
int max(int x, int y); // Type: int(int,int)or int (*)(int,int)
enumeration types
enum Alert { Red, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Green };
the values are called enumerators
an enumerator can be implicitly converted to and compared with int – they are effectively integers
scoped enumeration types
enum class Colour : unsigned int { Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet };
Colour c{ Colour::Red };
c = Colour::Blue;
int i{ Colour::Red }; // error – no implicit conversion for scoped enumerations
enum class or enum struct – semantically equivalent
there is no implicit conversion to int or bool
the enumerators of a scoped enumeration have enumeration scope
the same enumerator can occur in several enumerations
the underlying type can be can be specified – must be an integral type
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TDDD38 APiC++ Basic C++ 10
Type definition
•analias declaration is used to declare a simple name for a “complicated” type
using Func = int (*)(int,int);
Func f{ max }; // max was declared on the previous slide
typedef also (this was earlier the only possibility – regarded as less readable)
struct List_Node
string data;
List_Node* next;
typedef List_Node* List; // using List = List_Node*;
void insert(Type x, List& list); // List_Node*& list
List head{ nullptr }; // List_Node* head
Func and List are not distinct types – only synonyms for the actual type
an alias declaration can contain attribute specifiers – a typedef declaration can not
File: Basic-CPP-OH-en © 2015 Tommy Olsson, IDA, Linköpings universitet (2015-01-21)
TDDD38 APiC++ Basic C++ 11
A type like int is a cv-unqualified type:
int x;
All cv-unqualified types have three corresponding cv-qualified versions.
const-qualified – such an object is a const object
const int MAX{ 1000 }; constexpr const int MAX{ 1000 }; constexpr int MAX{ 1000 };
const objects must be initialized
volatile-qualified – such an object is a volatile object
volatile int bird;
volatile is a hint to the implementation to avoid optimization involving the object
its value might be changed by means undetectable by the implementation
const-volatile-qualified – such an object is a const volatile object
volatile const int x;
const means that the code cannot change the value of the object
does not mean that the value of the object cannot be changed by means outside the code – volatile
cv-qualification distinguishes in function overloading – can be ignored in some contexts
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A pointer is an object storing an address (pointer) to another object.
T x; // variable of type T
T* p{ nullptr }; // pointer to T, initialized with a null pointer value
p = &x; // p is assigned the address of x, using the address operator &
cout << p; // the address stored in p is printed
cout << *p; // p is dereferenced with the dereferencing operator *, the value of x is printed
p = new T; // allocate a dynamic object of type T with the new operator and store a pointer to it in p
delete p; // deallocate the object p is pointing at
} // x and p goes out of scope
objects created with operator new are allocated on the heap
pmust not outlive x – possible if p was declared in an outer scope
it is very important to deallocate dynamic objects properlyoperator deletememory leaks must be avoided
smart pointers are available in the standard library – unique_ptr, shared_ptr, weak_ptr
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T x; // variable of type T
T& r{ x }; // (lvalue) reference to T
cout << r; // r is implicitly dereferenced – the value of x is printed
a reference can be thought of as a name of an object
in the example above r is another name for x, an alias
must always be initialized – there is no “null reference”
references are quite different from pointers semantically and there need not be any value stored for a reference
in C++11 there are two kind of references – lvalue references and rvalue references
have much in common regarding semantics
one of the main uses of references is as function parameters and return types – the most anticipated function overloadings are
void fun(const T& x); // matches any kind of argument (as do also plain T)
void fun(T&& x); // but this will be a better match for rvalues, e.g. temporary objects
closely related to temporary objects, but not exclusively, and move semantics
typical use is in move constructors and move assignment operators – does not leave the source unchanged
Every time I think I have grasped rvalue references, they evade me again.
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TDDD38 APiC++ Basic C++ 14
Pointers and dynamic memory handling
Dynamic memory is allocated on a global heap – pointers are used to handle such objects
No garbage collection can be expected
deallocating dynamic memory when no longer needed is very important – smart pointers can be a good choise
Memory allocation and deallocation operators are available in several versions.
ordinary versions for allocating/deallocating either an object of none-array type or an object of array type:
X* p{ new X }; delete p;
X* p{ new X[100] }; delete[] p;
nothrow versions – a null pointer is returned when allocation fails, instead of exception bad_alloc thrown; non-array version:
X* p{ new(std::nothrow) X }; // nullptr is returned on failure
if (p != nullptr) …
placement versions are used to construct objects in some already available memory, not necessarily heap memory; array version:
alignas(X) char place[10 * sizeof(X)]; // non-heap memory, can store 10 objects of type X
X* p{ new(place) X[10] }; // create 10 default initialized X objects in place
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) p[i].~X(); // explicit destructor calls
Note: no special call syntax for nothrow and placement versions of delete.
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Aggregates and initializer lists (1)
An aggregate is either
int data[10];
or a class with
no user-provided constructors
no private or protected non-static data members
no base classes
no virtual functions
no brace-or-equal-initializers for non-static data members (removed in C++14)
Basically something very simple like
struct Person
string name;
unsigned age;
float length;
union int_or_double { int i; double d; };
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Aggregates and initializer lists (2)
aggregates can be initialized by an initializer list (braced-init-list)list initialization:
int a[10]{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
Person p{ "Foo", 21, 1.82 };
int_or_double iod{ 17 };
Person* ptr = new Person{ "Foo", 21, 1.82 }; // in a new expression
there may be fewer elements in the initializer list than members or elements in the aggregate
int a[10]{}; // empty list, all 10 elements are initialized to 0
Person p{ "Foo" }; // same as { "Foo", 0, 0.0 }
class aggregates can also be assigned an initializer list
p = { "Fie", 17, 1.67 };
(More about aggregates and list initialization in one of the exercises).
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TDDD38 APiC++ Basic C++ 17
Implicit type conversion
implicit type conversion (in a general meaning) can be of two kinds
conversions are potentially unsafe – e.g. from int to short int
promotions are safe – e.g. from int to long int
the standard defines a number of standard type conversions
lvalue-to-rvalue conversion (1)
array-to-pointer conversion (1)
function-to-pointer conversion (1)
integral promotions (2)
floating point promotion (2)
integral conversions (2)
floating point conversions (2)
floating-integral conversions (2)
pointer conversions (2)
pointer to member conversions (2)
boolean conversions (2)
qualification conversions (3)
•astandard conversion sequence is a sequence of up to three standard conversions
zero or one from set (1), zero or one from set (2) or a user defined conversion, and zero or one from set (3)
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Explicit type conversion
Explicit type conversions can be expressed using
cast notation (comes from C) – unchecked – avoid!
x = (int)d; // suppose x is int, d is double
functional notation (early C++) – unchecked – avoid!
x = int(d);
type conversion operators – checked
static_cast<int>(d) between related types (e.g. different arithmetic types)
reinterpret_cast<int>(p) between types not related (e.g. integer and pointer)
dynamic_cast<Derived*>(bp) within a polymorphic class hierarchy (e.g. from base class pointer to subclass pointer)
const_cast<int>(c) removes const
The expression T() creates a (value-initialized) value of type T – especially useful if T is a template type parameter
auto x = int(); // x obtains type int, and is initialized to 0 (zero-initialized, one kind of value-initialization)
auto x{ int() }; // x may not obtain the type you expect(to be fixed in future C++)
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Declarations and definitions (1)
Declarations generally specify how names are to be interpreted.
•adeclaration may introduce a name into a translation unit, or re-declare a name introduced by a previous declaration
a declaration is a definition if it basically results in some code
int a; // defines a
extern int a; // declares a
extern int a{0}; // defines a
int square(int x) { return x*x; } // defines square
int square(int x); // declares square
struct point { int x; int y; }; // defines point
struct point; // declares point
enum { UP, DOWN }; // defines UP and DOWN
namespace N { int m; } // defines N and N::m
using N::m; // declares m
ODR – one definition rule
no translation unit shall contain more than one definition of any variable, function, class type, enumeration type, or template
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Declarations and definitions (2)
Declarative regions and scope rules are not trivial.
C++ is basically a block structured language, with related scope rules
block scope (local scope)
namespace scope
class scope
function prototype scope (function parameters)
function scope (labels)
template parameter scope
enumeration scope (scoped enumerators)
raises questions about name look up, name hiding, accessibility, ambiguities, etc.
not always obvious or simple
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Storage duration and object lifetime
Storage duration is the property of an object that defines the minimum potential lifetime of the storage containing the object.
the storage duration is determined by the construct used to create the object and is one of the following:
static storage duration (global objects)
automatic storage duration (local variables and parametersthe old meaning of the, until C++11, never used keyword auto)
dynamic storage duration (programmer controlled – new,delete)
thread local storage (every thread can have its own storage, or share)
the lifetime of an object
begins when storage is obtained and the object is fully initialized
ends when the object’s destructor call starts, if the object is a class type, and the storage is reused or released
temporary objects are created in several contexts
binding a reference to a value (prvalue)
returning a value from a function (prvalue)
a type conversion that creates a value (prvalue)
throwing an exception
entering a exception handler
some initializations
rvalue reference is a kind of reference which can bind to temporary objects, and other rvalues
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Expressions and operators (1)
There are may operators in C++ and extensive possibilities to compose expressions.
the common set of operators, such as additive, multiplicative, relational, logical, etc., but also, e.g.:
subscripting: []
function call: ()
class member access: .and ->
pointer-to-member operators: .* and ->*
eleven assignment operators: =,+=,-=,*=,/=, …
conditional operator: ?:
comma operator: ,
many precedence (priority) levels
some with left associativity, some with right associativity
gives basically natural semantics
parentheses can be used for specifying a required evaluation order, or for clarity
most operators are overloadable for compound types (class types, enumeration types, pointer types, …)
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Expressions and operators (2)
an expression is a sequence of operators and operands that specifies a computation
a * b - 1
an expression can result in a value and can cause side effects
++x x++ x = y = z = 0;
++ and = have side effect, but, it is usually the main purpose, to modify the value of the operand
the resulting value of the prefix ++ expression is the value x obtain after incrementation
the resulting value of the postfix ++ expression is the value x had before incrementation (may carry a cost)
operators have precedence and associativity
a * b - 1 is evaluated (a * b) - 1 * have precedence over -
a + b - 1 is evaluated (a + b) - 1 + and - have same precedence, are left associative
x = y = 0 is evaluated x = (y = 0) = is right associative
in most cases the evaluation order of operands is not specifiedexceptions are &&,||,?: and , (comma operator)
if (p != nullptr && p->value == 0) …
int min{x < y ? x : y};
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Expressions and operators (3)
Categorization of expressions.
x = y + 1 + fun();
lvalue“can be assigned to” – can be on the left hand side of an assignment
designates an object or a function
glvaluegeneral lvaluelvalue or an xvalue“something that can be changed”
rvalue“can be copied” something that can be on the right hand side of an assignment
an rvalue is an xvalue, a temporary object, or a value that is not associated with an object
prvaluepure rvaluean rvalue that is not an xvaluefunction return value, literal
xvalue – eXpiring valueobject usually near the end of its lifetime
can be pilferedits resources can moved
functions returning rvalue-reference (&&) typically involved
every expression belongs to exactly one of the fundamental classifications lvalue,xvalue, or prvalue – its value category
The name rule: if something has a name, it’s an lvalue, if not, it’s an rvalue
an lvalue is something you can take the address of (with the address operator &)
value is a bit misleading, these are not really values (expression categories)
glvalue rvalue
lvalue xvalue prvalue
T& T&& T
const T&
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Statements (1)
Mainly traditional, but some are rather “low level” constructs.
declaration statementsint i;
empty statement – ;
expression statementsexpression;
compound statement, or block, to encapsulate a sequence of statements { … }
labelled statementlabel :statement (label is an identifier,case or default)
selection statements
ifwith or without else
switchto a case label or default (labelled statements)
iteration statements
whilelogical pretest
dological posttest
forbasically logical pretest, but can also model count pretest
range-based fora simple-to-use for statement to iterate over, e.g., an array or a container (C++11)
jump statements
breakout of a switch or an iteration
continuewith the next step in an iteration
returnfrom a function
gotoa labelled statement
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Statements (2)
The switch statement, case labelled statement, and break statement.
int main()
char c;
cout << "Say y = Yes, or n = No: ";
cin >> c;
switch (c)
case ’y’: // if selected, fall-through to next case statement
case ’Y’:
cout << "You said Yes";
break;//break fall-through, jump out of switch
case ’n’: // if selected, fall-through to next case statement
case ’N’:
cout << "You said No";
break;//break fall-through, jump out of switch
default://select if no case matched
cout << "Wrong choise!";
break;//optional, the switch statement is anyway exited soon
return 0;
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Statements (3)
Iteration statements.
while (cin >> x)
if (x > MAX) break;
if (x == 0) continue;
cout << "Give me five! ";
cin >> x;
while (x != 5);
for (int i = 0; i < MAX; ++i)
if (i % 2 == 0) continue;
// …
for (auto it = begin(v); it != end(v); ++it)
cout << *it << ’\n’;
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Statements (4)
The range-based for statement.
int a[5]{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
for (int& x : a)
x *= 2;
vector<Person> v{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
for (const auto& p : v) // const Person&
cout << p << ’\n’;
The beginning and end of the range is determined as follows:
if an array a with dimension N
a + N
if an object c of class typebegin() and end() return iterators
– c.begin()
– c.end()
otherwise, for an object xbegin() and end() return iterators
– begin(x)
– end(x)
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Functions and parameter passing (1)
Functions can be overloaded
differences in parameter lists distinguish
return type does not participate in overload resolution
Member functions (classes) can be overridden if virtual
identical parameter list
usually same return type (covariant types allowed)
Function parameters can have default arguments
used when no corresponding argument is given in a call
void increment(int& value, int amount = 1);
Syntactically we have two parameter passing mechanisms
call by value
void fun(string s);
call by reference
void fun(string& s);
but five “semantic” parameter passing techniques (next slide)
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Functions and parameter passing (2)
Semantic parameter passing modes:
•byvalue – for in parameters of simple type (possibly const, no big deal which)
void fun(string s);
void fun(const string);
•bylvalue reference – for in/out or out parameters
void fun(string& s);
•bylvalue reference to constant – for in parameters of “complicated” type
void fun(const string& s);
•byrvalue reference – typically for catching temporaries and applying move semantics on the argument
void fun(string&& s);
•bypointer – for pointers argument, of course, but also allows for “no value present” (if nullptr argument)
void fun(string* p);
void fun(const string* p); // there are more combinations for const
void fun(string*& p);
function parameters are always lvalues (something that have a memory address) according to the name rule
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Two possibilities to handle strings:
null terminated character sequences, “C strings”well known trouble maker…
char s1[72]{}; // dimension 72, all elements initialized to \0
char s2[]{ "C string" }; // dimension deduced to 9, initialized to C string\0
const char* p{ "C++" }; // character pointer, must be const here
standard library utilities for handling such strings are found in, e.g., <cstring>, <cctype>, and <cstdlib>
strcpy(s1, s2); // equivalent to assigning (s1 = s2)
strings are in most cases much better handled using std::string
#include <string>
string s1; // default initialized, empty string
string s2{ "C++ string" }; // initial size is 10
const string cs{ "C++" }; // constant string
a large set of operations are supplied by member functions and other functions
well-behaved concerning initialization, copying, comparing, etc.
the implementation is actually a template, basic_string – string is an instance for char
designed as a container type for storing characters, with iterators and all
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Can be instantiated with any number of arguments.
tuple<int, string, double> fragrance{ 4711, "Eau de Cologne", 39.39 };
int number;
string name;
double price;
tie(number, name, price) = fragrance;
get<2>(fragrance) = 49.95;
auto t = tuple_cat(fragrance, tuple{"SEK"}); // tuple<int, string, double, string>
tuple<int,int,int> fun(); // function returning three int
int a, b, c;
tie(a, b, c) = fun();
tie(a, ignore, ignore) = fun(); // we are only interested in the first value
tie(a, b, c) = make_tuple(b, c, a); // rotate (a, b, c) -> (b, c, a)
Not as flexible as one may expect, or wish, but still useful.
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The stream library is for reading and writing streams
a stream is a sequences of elements of a certain type, typically characters
stream types
in streams – istream, ifstream
out streams – ostream, ofstream
in- and out streams – iostream, fstream
string-based streams – istringstream, ostringstream, stringstream
operations provided to
open and close streams
read and write streams – text or binary
check the state of a stream – e.g. end-of-stream, error conditions
manipulate character streams – e.g. to modify input- or output format
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Stream classes hierarchy
Very simplified:
Object-oriented constructs and several other advanced features are used:
all classes except ios_base are templates (the classes above are actually instances for char; add basic_ for the primaries)
parameterized on character type and a character traits class providing character and string manipulation utilities
single inheritance – all except iostream
multiple inheritance – iostream
repeated inheritance – ios to iostream – DDD, the “Deadly Diamond of Derivation”
virtual inheritance – there are things in ios that must not be inherited into iostream in multiple instances
polymorphic classes (all)
istream ostream
ifstream istringstream fstream stringstream ofstream ostringstream
<fstream> <sstream>
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Using the streams library
#include <iostream>
the stream classes istream,ostream och iostream
the standard streams cin,cout,cerr and clog
manipulators without parameters, e.g. endl,noskipws,oct
#include <iomanip>
parameterized manipulators, e.g. setw(10),setprecision(2)
#include <iosfwd>
instead of <iostream> if only type definitions from <iostream> required
you can, e.g., declare function parameters (ostream&,istream&) but not use cin and cout
#include <fstream>
the stream classes ifstream,ofstream and fstream
support for handling files as streams
<fstream> include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
the string stream classes istringstream, ostringstream and stringstream
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Formatted I/O
For character streams, character file streams and string streams.
the standard library provide overloadings for operator<< and operator>> for fundamental types and string types
operator<< perform formatted output
cout << x
the internal representation for the value of x is transformed to the corresponding text representation before printed
operator>> perform formatted input
cin >> x
leading whitespace is ignored (can be manipulated)
characters are read as long as they together can represent a value for x
reading stops if the next character is whitespace, end of stream, or cannot belong to a text representation for a value for x
the read text is transformed to internal representation and stored in x
if reading fail – the stream did not contain anything that could be interpreted as an x value – failbit is set
if something disastrous occurred badbit is set
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Reading and writing standard streams
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int x;
while (cin >> x)
cout << x << ’\n’;
return 0;
The program can read input from a text file, and write output to a text file by redirection on the command line.
a.out < input.txt // cin is redirected to input.txt
a.out > output.txt // cout is redirected to output.txt
a.out < input.txt > output.txt
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Member functions for handling stream state
A stream have three state bits (flags):
failbit – indicates that an input operation failed to read expected characters, or an output operation failed to generate desired characters
badbit – indicates an irrecoverable error
eofbit – indicates that an input operation reached the end of an input sequence
Member functions for handling state:
Note: using eof() to construct input loops if often a bad choice.
cin.clear(); resets all state bits for cin – possible if failbit but not if badbit
if (cin.good()) … returns true if none of the state bits are set for cin
if ( ) … returns true if failbit or badbit is set for cin
if (cin.bad()) … returns true if badbit is set for cin
if (cin.eof()) … returns true if eofbit is set for cin
if (!cin) … returns fail(); operator!
if (cin) … returns ! fail(); type converting member operator function, operator bool()
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Making stream state changes throw exception
An alternative to check state of a stream explicitly is to let stream operations throw exceptions.
member function exceptions() is used to specify for which cases exceptions shall be thrown
input.exceptions(ios::failbit | ios::badbit); // throw if failbit or badbit is set
while (input >> x) // if read fails or stream turns bad here
cout << x << ’\n’;
catch (const ios::failure& e) // we will be thrown to here
if (input.bad())
// irreparable...
else if (
input.clear(); // reset state to “good”
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Stream manipulators for input
char word[32];
cin >> setw(32) >> word;
cin.width(32); // alternative, member function
Note: Manipulators having parameters, as setw, require inclusion of <iomanip>.
cin >> ws read whitespace until the next nonwhite character
cin >> skipws skip leading whitespace before reading a value (default)
cin >> noskipws don’t skip leading whitespace
cin >> dec integer input shall be interpreted as decimal numbers (digits are 0-9)
cin >> oct integer input shall be interpreted as octal numbers (digits are 0-7)
cin >> hex integer input shall be interpreted as hexadecimal numbers (digits are 0-9, A-F)
cin >> boolalpha bool input shall be given as false or true
cin >> noboolalpha bool input shall be given as 0 or 1 (default)
cin >> setw(32) at most 32 character can be read into the destination (typically an array)
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Member functions for unformatted input
c = cin.get() extract and return one character, converted to int, from cin
while (cin.get(c)) … extract one character from cin, store in c; the return value is the stream
cin.getline(s, 256) extract (maximum) 255 characters into character array s and append a ’\0’; extraction also
stops if a ’\n’ or end-of-file is reached; if ’\n’ is found it is extracted and discarded
cin.getline(s, 256, ’;’) as above but with ’;’ instead of ’\n’ as delimiter character
cin.get(s, 256) as the corresponding getline above, but if ’\n’ is found it is not extracted
cin.get(s, 256, ’;’) as the corresponding getline above, if ’;’ s found it is not extracted
if (cin.peek() == ’\n’) read and return the next character without extracting it
cin.putback(c); c becomes the next character to extract
cin.unget(); make the last character that was read available again as the next to read, sizeof(int)); reads sizeof(int) characters into x (binary mode)
n = cin.readsome(s, 30) as read but stops if the buffer runs out of characters, eve in not end-of-file
cin.ignore(100, ’;’) extracts 100 character from the input sequence and discards them; the extraction ends
when 100 characters have been extracted or when a ’;’ is found, which is also extracted
n = cin.gcount() returns the number of characters extracted by the last unformatted input operation
getline(cin, s) as getline above but for std::string
getline(cin, s, ’;’) as getline above but for std::string
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Formatted output flags
left output is padded to the field width appending fill characters at the end
right output is padded to the field width appending fill characters at the beginning
internal output is padded to the field width by inserting fill characters at a specified internal point
dec / oct / hex read/write integral values using decimal/octal/hexadecimal base format
fixed write floating point values in fixed-point notation (x.d)
scientific write floating-point values in scientific notation (x.dEn)
uppercase uppercase letters are used instead of lowercase for representations involving stream-generated letters, like
some hexadecimal representations and numerical base prefixes
boolalpha bool values are inserted/extracted as false and true instead of 0 and 1
showbase numerical values are prefixed with their C++ base format prefix, i.e. 0x for hexadecimal values, 0 for octal
values and no prefix for decimal values
showpoint the decimal point is always written for floating point values, even for whole numbers
showpos a plus sign (+) precedes every non-negative numerical value, including zeros
unitbuf the buffer is flushed after each insertion operation
width determines the minimum number of characters to be written in some output representations, padded with fill
characters if required
fill the character used to fill spaces when padding results to the field width
precision for the default floating-point notation the precision specifies the maximum number of significant digits to
display before and after the decimal point; in both the fixed and scientific notations, the precision specifies
how many digits to display after the decimal point
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Manipulators for managing format flags
cout << left sets left, unsets right and internal
cout << right sets right, unsets left and internal
cout << internal sets internal, unsets left and right
cout << dec sets dec, unsets oct and hex
cout << oct sets oct, unsets dec and hex
cout << hex sets hex, unsets dec and oct
cout << fixed sets fixed, unsets scientific
cout << scientific sets scientific, unsets fixed
cout << uppercase sets uppercase
cout << nouppercase unsets uppercase
cout << boolalpha sets boolalpha
cout << noboolalpha unsets boolalpha
cout << showbase sets showbase
cout << noshowbase unsets showbase
cout << showpoint sets showpoint
cout << noshowpoint unsets showbase
cout << showpos sets showpos
cout << noshowpos unsets showbase
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Manipulators for formatted output
Member functions are available for some of these:
char old_fill{cout.fill(’#’)};
cout << setw(32) << word sets the number of characters to be used as field width for the next output operation to 32
cout << setfill(’#’) sets the fill character to ’#’
cout << setprecision(3) sets the decimal precision to be used by output operations to 3; in fixed and scientific
notations the precision specifies how many digits to display after the decimal point; in the
default floating-point notation the precision specifies the maximum number of significant
cout << setbase(8) sets the numerical radix to be used to 8; should be 8, 10, or 16
cout << flush unwritten characters in the buffer are written to output (“flushed”), as soon as possible
cout << endl inserts a new-line character (’\n’); flush the buffer, if a buffered stream
ss << ends inserts a null character (’\0’)
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Member functions for unformatted output
vector<double> v;
// Populate v with doubles
// Save the doubles in v, on file in the internal binary representation
ofstream output{ "result.bin", ios::binary };
for (auto i : v)
output.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&i), sizeof(double));
ifstream input{ "result.bin", ios::binary };
double x;
while (<char*>(&x), sizeof(double)))
cout << x << ’\n’;
cout.put(c) writes the character c to the cout
cout.write(s, n) writes the block of data pointed by s, with a size of n characters, to cout
cout.flush() unwritten characters in the output buffer are written to cout as soon as possible
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File streams
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if (argc != 2) { // command line: program name file name
cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << ": file\n";
return 1;
ifstream input{ argv[1] }; // use an input file stream to read the file
if (!input) { // file opened successfully?
cout << "Could not open file: " << argv[1] << ’\n’;
return 2;
int x;
while (input >> x) {
cout << x << ’\n’;
if (!input.eof()) { // end of file should be reached
cout << "Something when wrong...\n";
return 3;
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File mode flags
Combining file mode flags:
fstream f;, ios::in | ios::out | ios::binary);
in the file shall be readable and exist
out the file shall be writeable; if it does not exist create a new file, otherwise it shall be overwritten
app the file must be writeable; if it does not exist, create a new file, otherwise append new data at the end
trunc if the file exists, it shall be overwritten
ate move to the end of the file after opening
binary treat file as a binary file
in | out the file shall be both readable and writeable; it shall exist
in | out | trunc the file shall be both readable and writeable; if it does not exist, it is created; if it does exist, it shall be
in | out | app the file shall be both readable and writeable; if it does not exist, it is created; if it does exist, all updates
shall occur at the end
out | trunc the file shall be writeable; if it does not exist, it is created, if it does exist it shall be overwritten
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String streams (1)
A string is a sequence of characters – stream operations could be useful also to operate on strings.
“serialization” – e.g. creating a text representation for a class object with data members of different types
string serialize()
ostringstream os;
os << ... << ... << ... ;
return os.str();
reading one of two types – e.g. read integers from a stream until “STOP” occurs
vector<int> v;
string next;
int x;
while (cin >> next)
if (next == "STOP") break;
istringstream is{ next };
is >> x;
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String streams (2)
localizing errors in input – can be easier to read one line at a time into a variable and then process that line
string line;
int x, y;
getline(cin, line);
istringstream is{ line };
is >> x;
if (is)
is >> y;
if (is)
cout << "x = " << x << ", y = " << y << endl;
cout << "Wrong input: " << is.str() << endl;
cout << "Wrong input: " << is.str() << endl;
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A class is a type – two syntactic choices:
struct – typically for objects with public members only (“behaviourless aggregates”)
class – otherwise
class type is a common notation in C++ for class,struct, and union types
The class has module properties.
encapsulates its members
access to members can be controlled by access specifiers and friend declarations
public – access by anyone – default for struct
private – access by the class’ member functions only – default for class
protected – access by subclasses – “public” for subclasses, “private” for others
friend – can be a global function; a specific member function of another class, or a class (i.e. all member functions of that class)
a friend declaration is not transitive, i.e. friendship is not inherited
beware – friendship creates a stronger coupling than derivation
Special rules describe the scope of names declared in classes – class scope
not only the declarative region made up of the class definition itself, but also, e.g. separately defined member function bodies
Class objects in C++ can be either statically declared objects, or allocated dynamically and referred by pointers.
makes the C++ object model quite different from many other object-oriented languages
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Class members
Class members can be of four kinds:
data members
member functions
nested types – e.g. a nested class, a nested alias declaration (using), or a nested typedef
enumerators – acts as static, constant data members – enum { Up, Down, Left, Right };
A data member or member function can be
non-static – “instance member” – each object have its own copy
static – “class member”
A member function can be
non-const – allowed to modify the state of objects
const – can not modify the state of objects
important to declare member functions const if they are not to modify object state
some const functions may need to alter a data member – declare the data member mutable
be “const correct”, sooner or later you will otherwise get into trouble…
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Class String definition, selected parts (1)
class String
using size_type = std::size_t; // nested type (alias declaration)
String() = default;//default constructor, compiler generated
String(const String&); // copy constructor
String(String&&) noexcept;//move constructor
String(const char*); // type converting constructor, from C string
String(size_type, char);
~String(); // destructor
String& operator=(const String&) &; // copy assignment operator, ref-qualifier (lvalues only)
String& operator=(String&&) & noexcept;//move assignment operator
String& operator=(const char*) &; // type converting assignment operator
size_type length() const;//const member function – accessor function
bool empty() const;
void clear(); // non-const member function – mutator function
const char* c_str() const;//type conversion to C string
explicit operator const char*() const;
void swap(String&) noexcept;//swap content with other String
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Class String definition, selected parts (2)
static char empty_rep_[1]; // static, null-terminated C string to represent empty string
size_type size_{ 0 }; // NSDMI
char* p_{ empty_rep_ };
// Internal helper functions
void construct_(const char*, size_type);
void construct_(size_type, char);
void construct_(std::initializer_list<char>);
void append_(const char*);
void append_(char);
empty_rep_ is defined in the implementation file:
char String::empty_rep_[1]; // initialized to ’\0’
A non-empty String has its own, dynamically allocated memorya null terminated character array (“C string”).
’C’ ’+’ ’+’
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Creating and operating on class objects
Class objects – variables and constants – can be either automatically och dynamically created/destroyed.
int main()
String s; // variable String
const String cs{ s }; // constant String – only const member functions can be applied
cout << cs.c_str() << " has length " << cs.length() << ’\n’; // the dot operator
String* ps{ new String }; // dynamically created String object, pointed to by ps
const char* p{ ps->c_str() }; // the arrow operator to access member in pointed-to object
String& rs{ s }; // reference to String – alternative name for s
cout << rs << endl; // a reference is automatically dereferenced when used
another implicitly defined operator is the important scope resolution operator ::
class::member // qualified name
there are quite a few more implicitly defined operators
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Definition of member functions
separately, outside the class definition, e.g on an accompanying implementation file
#include "String.h"
String::size_type String::length() const
return size_;
String:: must precede the name of any separately defined member – a qualified name
also when from outside class scope referring to a member, such as size_type
the parameter list and the function body is within class scope of String
within the class definition (inclass definition)
class String
size_type length() const { return size_; }
member functions defined inclass are automatically inline functions
separately defined member functions can explicitly be declared inline
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Special member functions
default constructor – initializes a new object without any arguments
copy constructor – initializes a new object from an existing object of the same type
move constructor – typically used if the source is a temporary object of the same type
copy assignment – assigns from an object of the same type
move assignment – typically used if the right hand side is a temporary object of the same type
destructor – cleans up when an object cease to exist, typically releasing resources
Compiler generated (implicitly declared/defined) if not declared by programmer (there are detailed rules), with the following semantics:
default constructor
data members with default initialization (class type members) are default initialized, in declaration order
data members without default initialization are not initialized, e.g. fundamental type members (int,double,pointers, etc.)
copy constructor,
member-by-member copy construction from source to destination, in declaration order
copy assignment
member-by-member assignment from source to destination, in declaration order
move constructor, move assignment
instead of copying content, it is moved from the source to the destination
• destructor
data members with destruction (class type members) are destroyed, in reverse declaration order
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one is always invoked automatically when class objects are created
shall initialize the objects to a well-defined state
cannot be declared to return anything, not even void
can have parameters – these can have default arguments – can be overloaded – a class can have several constructors
String(const char*);
String(const String&);
String(String&&) noexcept;
default constructor – a constructor which can be used without any arguments
String(const char* s = ""); // if no explicit argument, "" will be used “two-in-one”
copy constructor – a constructor with a (first) parameter of the class type – to create a new object as a copy of another
String(const String& other); // creates the new object as a copy of other
move constructor – a constructor with a (first) parameter of type rvalue reference – to create a new object by emptying another
String(String&& other) noexcept;//creates the new object by pilfering the content of other
type converting constructor – a constructor which can be invoked with one argument of another type
String(const char* s); // converts C string to String
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Using constructors
Selected by overload resolution.
String s1; // default constructor called – empty String created
String s2{ "C++" }; // initializing with string literal – type conversion
String s3{ s2 }; // initializing with another String object – copy
String* p{ new String{"C++"} }; // constructor taking a C string called
vector<String> v(10); // 10 container elements – default constructor used for each
String a[10]; // array element – default constructor is used for each element
String s5{ ’C’, ’+’, ’+’, ’1’, ’1’ }; // constructor taking initializer list
Note – the following declaration does not create a default constructed String s
String s();
but this expression does, a temporary object
return String();
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Member initializers
Amember initializer list can be used in constructors to initialize data members before the constructor body is executed.
Alternative implementation for String(const char* str), possible if we could be sure the parameter str in never nullptr:
String(const char* s)
: size_{ strlen(s) }, p_{ strcpy(new char[size_ + 1], s) }
if both an initilizer in the data member declaration, and a member initializer as above, only the member initializer will be executed
a member initializer list is inserted between the constructor parameter list and the constructor body
starts with a colon
initializers are separated with comma, if more than one
the data members are initialized in declaration order, not in the order initializers are written
size_ must be declared before p_ , since the value of size_ is used in the initializer for p_
always write member initializers in the same order as the members are declared
a member with default initialization will always be default initialized before the execution enters the constructor body
use initializer, if possible, instead of assignment in constructor body, to avoid “double” initialization
const and reference members cannot be assigned in the constructor body
follows from ordinary semantic rules – such types must always be initialized when they are created
member initializer is the only way to invoke a base class constructor from a subclass constructors
Derived(parameters) : Base(arguments), … {}
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called automatically when an object is on its way to disappear
for a dynamically created object (new) when deleted (delete)
typically used to release resources, e.g. deallocate memory, or closing a file
~String() { if (!empty()) delete[] p_; }
cannot be declared to return anything – not even void
have no name – special declaration syntax
cannot have parameters – cannot be overloaded – a class can only have one destructor
explicitly called only in special cases
String s; // s created automatically – constructor invoked
String* p{ new String }; // Object created dynamically – constructor invoked
delete p; // Dynamic object deallocated – destructor implicitly invoked
p = nullptr;
}//declaration block for s is terminated – s disappears the destructor is implicitly invoked
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The this pointer
One problem with the calling syntax for member functions is that the object don’t belong to the parameter list;
as in a traditional function call
at(s, 7);
where the object s is accessible in the function through the corresponding parameter.
what if you need to refer to the object in question in a member function – use the this pointer
in a non-static member function this points to the object for which the function is called
in a non-const member function this have type String*
in a const member function this have type const String*
volatile can also appear, e.g. const volatile String*
move semantics can also be applied to *this (comes later)
this is usually used implicitly to access members – an explicit reference is written, e.g.
size_type String::length() const
return this->size_;
length() is constthe this pointer have type const String*the object is const in this contextsize_ cannot be modified
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Default constructor
Since there are other constructors declared, a default constructor would not be generated, according to rule.
a naïve, straight-forward way to define the default constructor would be
String() {}
the data members will be initialized according to the initializers in their declarations
•bydefaulting, we ask the compiler to generate
String() = default;
a defaulted function can be more efficient than a hand-written one
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Type converting constructor
A constructor taking one argument of another type defines a type conversion, possibly implicit.
declaring explicit means that it cannot be invoked to make implicit type conversions
class String
String(const char*); // not explicit
•Ifoperator=(const char*) had not been declared for String, the assignment below would still be allowed
s = "This is a literal of type const char*";
semantically equivalent to
s = String("This is a literal of type const char*");
the literal of type const char* is converted to a temporary object of type String this constructor
operator=(String&&) can then be applied to s and the temporary object
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Copy constructor
Deep copy.
the compiler generated constructor would just copy size_ and p_ – the character array would be shared by several object
a new object is to be created – no history to take into account if something goes wrong
the helper function construct_ takes care of the greedy details – memory allocation and copying value from other
String::String(const String& other)
construct_(other.p_, other.size_);
void String::construct_(const char* cstr, size_type size)
if (cstr != nullptr && size > 0)
p_ = strcpy(new char[size + 1], cstr);
size_ = size;
String s2{ s1 }; // direct initialization syntax
String s2 = s1; // copy initialization syntax
allocating memory for the character array is the critical part – if new throws (bad_alloc), just bail out – no cleanup required
copying size is safe – memory for the String object itself (size_ and p_) is already there, assigning int will not fail
’C’ ’+’ ’+’ ’\0’
’C’ ’+’ ’+’ ’\0’
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Copy assignment operator
Deep assignment.
s1 = s2;
left hand side has a history
dispose of old content
copy new value from right hand side
important to do things in the right order
no object should end up in an undefined state
make sure to get new memory first
then make changes
’C’ ’+’ ’+’
s1: ’S’ ’c’ ’e’
’m’ ’e’’h’
’C’ ’+’ ’+’
’S’ ’c’ ’e’
’m’ ’e’’h’
’C’ ’+’ ’+’
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Copy assignment operator – straightforward implementation
the default copy assignment would just assign size_ and p_ – the character array from source object would be shared
the destination is an existing object – old content to take care of – otherwise the same copy semantics as for the copy constructor
String& String::operator=(const String& rhs) & // ref qualifier – assign to lvalue only
if (this != &rhs)
char* p{ empty_rep_ }; // in case rhs is an empty String
if (!rhs.empty())
p = strcpy(new char[rhs.size_ + 1], rhs.p_); // if we survive this we’re fine
size_ = rhs.size_;
if (!empty()) delete[] p_;
p_ = p;
return *this;
checks if the left and right hand side operands are the same object – self-test
s = s
performs a deep copy in a strongly exception-safe way – allocates memory before anything is changed – if new throws
no memory will leak
none of the objects will be corrupted
semantics corresponds to built-in assignment – returns a non-const reference (lvalue) to the left-hand side argument
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Copy assignment operator – elegant version
uses the idiom “create a temporary and swap”
need a function that can exchange the contents of two objects in a safe way, preferably a nothrow swap
String& String::operator=(const String& rhs) &
String{ rhs }.swap(*this); // create a temporary and swap
return *this;
a temporary is created and initialized by the copy construct – deep copy of rhs
the contents of this and the temporary is swapped
this now becomes a copy of rhs
the temporary takes over of the old content of this – especially the character array
the temporary is destroyed after the swap
the old dynamic memory for this is deallocated
if an exception is thrown, it will happen when the temporary is initialized
strongly exception-safe – no memory will leak – no object will end up in an undefined state
exception neutral – any exception thrown is propagated further as is
Note. If the elements had been of class type, exceptions could also be thrown when copying the elements,
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Move semantics
One of the big news in C++11 – alternative to classic copy semantics.
temporary objects are created in different situations – often implicitly
if such an object is used to initialize or assign another object it is unnecessary to make a copy
copying can be costly – time and space
instead move the content of the temporary to the destination object
how find such objects – they are not visible?
the compiler knows!
rvalue-references catches them automatically!
we just need to be aware of the possibility and have it in mind when we construct classes
String(const String&); // this can catch all kind of objects but
String(String&&) noexcept;//this one is a better match for temporary objects (rvalues)
String& operator=(const String&) &;
String& operator=(String&&) & noexcept;
implementing move semantics
an object which resources have been moved must be destructible
sometimes we want to apply move semantics also to ordinary objects (lvalues)
an object which have been moved from must be assignable (and copyable)
the principle should be that an object moved from should be comparable to a default initialized object
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Move constructor
Our implementation use the member functions swap():
String::String(String&& other) noexcept // size_ and p_ are initialized by their NSDMI empty string
swap(other); // swap content with other
String s1 = String{ "C++" }; // temporary object (rvalue)
String s2{ std::move(s1) }; // utility function move() converts s1 (lvalue) to String&& (rvalue)
when entering constructor body after move
’C’ ’+’ ’+’
’C’ ’+’ ’+’
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Move assignment operator
Our implementation uses clear() and swap():
String& String::operator=(String&& rhs) & noexcept
clear(); // the left hand side operand is cleared – set to ”empty string”
swap(rhs); // move by swapping content with the right hand side operand
return *this;
s1 = std::move(s2);
start state s1 cleared after move
An alternative is to just swap contents for the two objects (there is no precise definition of move semantics).
’C’ ’+’ ’+’
’C’ ’+’ ’+’
’C’ ’+’ ’+’
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Rules for move constructor and move assignment operator generation
The move constructor is only generated if, the class does
not have a user declared copy constructor
not have a user declared copy assignment operator
not have a user declared move assignment operator
not have a user declared destructor
The move assignment operator is only generated if, the class does
not have a user declared copy constructor
not have a user declared move constructor
not have a user declared copy assignment operator
not have a user declared destructor
Style recommendations for declaring special member functions
if a special member function is desired, and the compiler can generate it – default it
if a special member function is not desired, and the compiler will generate it – delete it
if a special member function is not desired, and the compiler will not generate it – don’t declare it
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The name rule
Things that are declared as rvalue reference can be either an rvalue or an lvalue. The name rule says:
if it has a name it’s an lvalue
otherwise, it’s an rvalue
void foo(T&& x) // rvalue reference having a name, x
T y{ x }; // x is an lvalue, T::T(const T&) is called
// x still in scope – it would be dangerous to allow move semantics to be allowed tacitly
T&& fie(); // rvalue reference having no name
T x{ fie() }; // T::T(T&&) is called
T fum(); // rvalue having no name (temporary)
T y{ fum() }; // T::T(T&&) is called
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Utility function std::move()
The traditional way to exchange values for two String variables:
void swap(String& x, String& y)
String tmp{ x }; // x is copied to tmp by the copy constructor
x = y; // y is copied to x by the copy assignment operator
y = tmp; // tmp is copied to y by the copy assignment operator
Both x and y shall receive new values – their old values is not required to be kept when they are copied – move instead
#include <utility>
void swap(String& x, String& y)
String tmp{ std::move(x) }; // x is moved to tmp by the move constructor
x = std::move(y); // y is moved to x by the move assignment operator
y = std::move(tmp); // tmp is moved to y by the move assignment operator
std::move() doesn’t really do more than type convert to an rvalue reference – String&& in this case
this will make the move versions to be chosen instead of the copy versions
Note: move() basically applies static_cast<String&&>(arg)
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Ref-qualifiers for non-static member functions
Extends move semantics to *this – thee options:
no ref-qualifier
& ref-qualifier, same as no ref-qualifier
&& ref-qualifier
struct X
void fun() &; // OK, *this will be X& – lvalue reference
void fun() &&; // OK, *this will be X&& – rvalue reference
void fun() const &; // OK, *this will be const X& – lvalue reference to const
& and && can be overloaded, in combination with the cv-qualifers
struct X
X* operator&() &; // selected for lvalues only
X& operator=(const X&) &; // selected for lvalues only
X* p = &X(); // error: takes the address of something temporary (rvalue)
X x;
X() = x; // error: no known conversion for implicit this parameter from X to X&
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Situations where special member functions are used
String g1{ ”Global” }; // g1 is initialized by the type converting constructor for C string
String g2{ g1 }; // g2 is initialized by the copy constructordirect initialization syntax
String fun(String s) // s is initialized by the copy constructor, unless the argument is a temporary, then move
String loc{ s }; // loc is initialized by the copy constructor
loc = s; // loc is assigned by the copy assignment operator
return loc; // a temporary object is created and initialized by the move constructor
}//the local objects s and l are destroyed by the destructor
int main()
String g3 = g1; // g3 is initialized by the copy constructorcopy initialization syntax
g2 = fun(g1); // g2 is assigned from a temporaryinvokes the move assignment operator
Sometimes the temporary used for passing a return value from a function can be elided.
in such case the value of loc would be directly copied or moved into a destination object
a common optimization called RVO – Return Value Optimization
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Delegating constructors
A constructor can delegate to another constructor of the same class.
if empty Strings had been represented in the same way as non-empty Strings, the default constructor could have been written:
String() : String{ "" } {} // delegate to the constructor below
String(const char*);
an alternative is to let the type converting constructor also represent the default constructor (as we have chosen)
String(const char* = "");
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Ways to restrict and control object creation (1)
Some objects, e.g. stream objects, are not suitable to copy.
copy construction and copy assignment can be disallowed
declare delete to remove a special member functions,
default if you want the compiler to generate
X() = default;//default initialization allowed
X(const X&) = delete;//no copy construction
X& operator=(const X&) = delete;//no copy assignment
if, e.g., the compiler generated copy constructor is fine, but you want to restrict it for internal use only, default it as protected
X(const X&) = default;
if at least one of the destructor, copy constructor or copy assignment operator is declared, the move constructor or move assignment
operator are not generated
the move constructor and move assignment operator should never be deleted – either declare, if desired, or ignore, if not
eliminating public constructors does not make a class abstract (derived classes)
Note: a defaulted function must be a member function, a deleted function need not be.
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Ways to restrict and control object creation (2)
Dynamic memory allocation can be disallowed by hiding the predefined global allocation functions.
static void*operator new(size_t) = delete;//plain versions
static void operator delete(void*, size_t) = delete;
static void*operator new[](size_t) = delete;//array versions
static void operator delete[](void*, size_t) = delete;
these are always static members, even if not explicitly declared so
there are also nothrow and placement versions of global new/new[] and delete/delete[]
In the context of derived classes there is also the concept of abstract class, for which no objects can be created, except as subobjects of objects
of a derived concrete class.
For a new expression, such as ’new String’, one of these new functions will be called, resulting in a two-step procedure:
memory is acquired, and, if successful, then
the constructor is executed to create the object in that memory
For a delete expression, such as ’delete p’, one of these delete functions will be called, also resulting in a two-step procedure:
the destructor is executed to destroy the object in the memory
the memory is released
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Type conversion functions
Type conversion from a class to some other type is defined as a conversion function.
can be declared explicit to disallow implicit use
class String
operator const char*() const { return p_; } // not explicit
// If not present: ostream& operator<<(ostream&, const String&);
String s{ "Hello World!" };
cout << s << endl; // Implicit type conversion to const char*
this type conversion function makes it possible to use predefined operator<< for const char*, if not declared explicit
such conversion can cause much more problems than it solves
be aware of possible type conversion sequences for arithmetic types
explicit solves such problems but allows explicit use, e.g.
cout << static_cast<const char*>(s) << endl;
an ordinary member function doing the same can be an alternative, or a complement – c_str()
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Static members
String have a static data member to represent the empty string value.
member functions and data members declared static are common for all object belonging to a class – class members.
class C
static int s; // static data member declaration
static int get_s(); // static member function declaration
int C::s{}; // static data member definition, explicitly initialized
int C::get_s() { return s; } // static member function definition
Static members can be accessed in two ways:
class name and the scope operator (qualified name)
an object and the dot operator, or a pointer to an object and the arrow operator
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A class, its operations, namespaces, and name lookup
A nonmember function belonging to a class is an operation of that class, no less than a member function.
natural to declare such non-member functions in the same namespace as the class
argument dependent lookup (ADL) is applied to unqualified function names and depend upon the arguments given in the call
if a member function turns up, ADL does not occur
the set of namespaces searched during ADL depends upon the types of the function parameters
at least namespaces containing the parameter types belong to the set of searched namespaces
there are known problems – ADL may lead to unpleasant “surprises”
A namespace is a simple module construct.
encapsulates the declarations within it – access controlled by using directives and using declarations
using namespace std; // opens the entire standard namespace all names becomes directly visible
using std::string; // introduces the name string, as if it was declared at this point
can be added to, successively
have influence on name lookup
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String and namespace
String is encapsulated in a namespace named IDA_String.
first introduced in String.h (original namespace definition)
namespace IDA_String
class String { … };
added to in (extension namespace definition)
#include "String.h"
namespace IDA_String
Separate definitions for String member functions
•aqualified name including the namespace name can alternatively be used:
IDA_String::String::size_type IDA_String::String::length() const { … }
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String iterators
String is a container storing elements of type char, and should as such have iterators.
for (auto it = begin(s); s != end(s); ++i) …
String iterators can be defined as character pointers and implemented as random access iterators
using iterator = char*;
using const_iterator = const char*;
using reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<iterator>;
using const_reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>;
iterator operators are given by the ordinary pointer operators: *, ->, ++, --, etc.
std::reverse_iterator is a standard template utility class to define reverse iterators, given the forward iterators iterator and
usually iterator and const_iterator must be defined as classes
the full set of iterator member functions are defined, some examples
iterator begin() { return iterator(p_); }
const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(p_); }
iterator end() { return iterator(p_ + size_); }
const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(p_ + size_); }
Iterators will be covered in the standard library lectures.
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TDDD38 APiC++ Single class design 84
Some recommendations for single class design (1)
a class should do one thing, and do it well
members not to be accessed directly should be private (or protected)
member functions that does not modifying the state of the objects shall be const
can the constructors initialize the object in all desired ways?
declare and initialize data members in the same order.
the declaration order determines the initialization order, so be consistent with that
prefer initialization to assignment in constructors
often more readable
avoids “double initialization” of default initialized members
does the compiler generated copy constructor, copy assignment operator, and destructor work, or must they be defined?
copy and destroy consistently
if you write/disable the copy constructor or the copy assignment operator, you probably need to do the same for the other
if you write copy functions, you probably need to write a destructor, and vice-versa
explicitly enable or disable copying (copy constructor and copy assignment)
if desired and compiler versions works fine – default both
if not desired – delete both
if desired but the compiler generated versions does not work correctly – write both
deleting a function declares it private – don’t delete move constructor or move assignment operator if their copy versions are allowed
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TDDD38 APiC++ Single class design 85
Some recommendations for single class design (2)
make data members private, except in behaviourless aggregates (C-style structs)
std::pair is defined as a struct with only public members
don’t give away your internals
let e.g. member access functions return reference to const or pointer to const
avoid providing implicit conversions
eliminates or minimizes creation of temporary objects by type converting constructors and function
prefer to declare converting constructors and conversion functions explicit
define optimized operator overloadings for the mixed type operation to be allowed
whenever it makes sense, provide a no-fail swap
nice things can be done using swaps
design and write error-safe code
don’t optimize prematurely – don’t inline by default, it leads to higher coupling
profilers are good at telling you which functions you should mark inline
profilers are bad at telling you which functions you should not have marked inline
inline may not even matter for your compiler…
File: Derivation-Polymorphism-RTTI-OH-en © 2015 Tommy Olsson, IDA, Linköpings universitet (2015-02-11)
TDDD38 APiC++ Derived Classes, Inheritance, Polymorphism and RTTI 96
Derived classes
C++ has a relatively complete and complicated derivation mechanism.
supports several inheritance models
single inheritance – only one direct base class
multiple inheritance – two or more direct base classes
repeated inheritance – an indirect base class is inherited several times through multiple inheritance
multiple and repeated inheritance can lead to ambiguities and other problems – need for ways to solve such – virtual inheritance
static members,nested types and enumerators are class memberscan always be found unambiguously
several ways to specify access to base class members in a derived class
publicpublic members of the base class are accessible as public in the derived class, protected members as protected
protectedpublic members of the base class are accessible as protected in the derived class, protected members as protected
privatepublic and protected members of the base class are accessible as private in the derived class
default access is public if a base class is a struct,private if it is a class
in case of repeated inheritance the number of subobjects of a repeatedly inherited base class can (must) be controlled
virtual base class – in combination with one of the three above, e.g. virtual public
polymorphic behaviour is controlled by the programmer
only virtual functions can be bound dynamically and have polymorphic behaviour
objects must be referred to by pointers or references, if virtual function calls are to be bound dynamically
the overhead of polymorphism can be avoided if not desired – don’t declare any virtual functions unless required
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TDDD38 APiC++ Derived Classes, Inheritance, Polymorphism and RTTI 97
Person-Employee-Manager-Consultant – a polymorphic class hierarchy
Design of a simple polymorphic class hierarchy for different categories of employees
class representing persons in general – Person
have name and civic registration number
all employees shall share the properties of this class
no Persons are to be created – shall be an abstract class
class for employees in general – Employee
have employment date, employment number and salary, works at a department
Employees are to be created – shall be a concrete class
class for employees that also are department managersManager
manages a department and its employees
class for (temporary) employees that are consultantsConsultant
no actual difference to employees in general but need to be distinguishable
objects are supposed to be referred to by pointers and created dynamically
otherwise no polymorphic behaviour, and the way objects are copied require dynamic allocation
other polymorphic type objects may be declared statically and polymorhism obtained to by reference passing
Manager Consultant
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Class Person
class Person
virtual ~Person() = default;
virtual Person* clone() const = 0;
virtual std::string str() const;
std::string get_name() const;
void set_name(const std::string&);
CRN get_crn() const;
void set_crn(const CRN&);
Person(const std::string& name, const CRN& crn);
Person(const Person&) = default;
Person(Person &&) = default;
Person& operator=(const Person&) = delete;
std::string name_;
CRN crn_;
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Comments on Person
basically a trivial class
well-behaved data members regarding initialization, copying/moving, and destruction
generated copy constructor and move constructor are fine, but allowed only for internal use – protected and default
no obvious use of move constructor, but since the copy constructor is allowed…
defaulted and deleted member functions
– the default constructor is not generated when another constructor is declared – could be defaulted if required
copy assignment shall not be allowed – deleted – access specification does not matter, it will be private regardless
move assignment is not generated because of other declared special member functions (more about this later)
only special member functions can be defaulted – any function can be deleted
virtual functionsvirtual
virtual functions can be overridden by subclasses
happens if a function with the same signature is declared in a subclassvirtual is then optional
a function in a subclass with the same name but with different signature will instead hide
makes the class polymorphic
pure virtual function
–apure specifier = 0 makes a virtual function publicly non-callable
can have a separate definition – must, if a destructor – callable by other member functions, and from subclass member functions
pure virtual functions are inherited – a subclass becomes abstract unless all inherited pure virtual functions are overridden
makes the class abstract
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TDDD38 APiC++ Derived Classes, Inheritance, Polymorphism and RTTI 100
Comments on Person, cont.
polymorphic class
have virtual functions, own or inherited
must have a virtual destructor to ensure correct destruction of subobjects
objects will contain type information – used when calling virtual functions and by dynamic_cast
objects will contain a virtual table (e.g. __vtable) – implementation technique for calling virtual functions (generated by compiler)
abstract class
no free-standing objects can be created
protected constructors
since Person is abstract there is no need for any public constructor
protected constructors can be used to emphasizes abstractness
static type and dynamic type
Person* p{ new Employee{ … } }; // p has static type “pointer to Person
p->clone(); // the dynamic type of the expression *p is Employee
the static type is used during compilation to check if clone() is valid for the kind og object that p kan point to
the dynamic type is used during execution to bind the overriding of clone() corresponding to the object p actually points to
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TDDD38 APiC++ Derived Classes, Inheritance, Polymorphism and RTTI 101
Constructor taking name and civic registration number
Person::Person(const std::string& name, const CRN& crn)
: name_{ name }, crn_{ crn }
Ensures that a new Person always have a name an a civic registration number.
default constructor is eliminated
no other constructor is available that can initialize an object in some other way, except the copy and move constructor
only to be used by corresponding direct subclass constructors – declared protected
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Member function str()
virtual string Person::str() const;
string Person::str() const
return name_ + ’ ’ + crn_.str();
A call will be bound dynamically, if the object in question is referred to by a pointer or a reference
the dynamic type decides which overriding to be called
Person* p = new Manager{ name, crn, date, employment_number, salary, dept };
cout << p->str() << endl;
– pointer p has static type Person*
– expression *p has dynamic type Manager
Manager::str() is called – we prefer the arrow operator in this case
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TDDD38 APiC++ Derived Classes, Inheritance, Polymorphism and RTTI 103
Member function clone()
virtual Person* clone() const = 0;
A polymorphic class needs a polymorphic copy function.
the copy constructor could be used, but it would be very cumbersome
polymorphic class objects are often allocated dynamically and handled with polymorphic pointers
Person* p = new Manager{ name, crn, date, employment_number, salary, dept };
Person* copy = p->clone();
every concrete subclass must have its own, specific, overriding of clone()
it’s the programmer’s responsibility to ensure this
it’s possible to code so the compiler can check this
suitable candidate for making Person abstract
we have decided to not allow Person objects a such
made pure virtual by the pure specifier (= 0)
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TDDD38 APiC++ Derived Classes, Inheritance, Polymorphism and RTTI 104
Subclass Employee
class Employee : public Person
Employee(const std::string& name,
const CRN& crn,
const Date& e_date,
const int e_number,
const double salary,
const int dept = 0);
~Employee() = default;
Employee* clone() const override; // note return type!
std::string str() const override;
int get_department() const;
Date get_employment_date() const;
int get_employment_number() const;
double get_salary() const;
Employee(const Employee&) = default;
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Employee& operator=(const Employee&) = delete;
friend class Manager;
void set_department(const int dept);
void set_salary(const double salary);
Date e_date_;
int e_number_;
double salary_;
int dept_;
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TDDD38 APiC++ Derived Classes, Inheritance, Polymorphism and RTTI 106
Comments on Employee
trivial class
same considerations as for Person
an Employee object consists of a subobject of type Person and the specific Employee data members
the Person subobject is by definition initialized before the other members of Employee
the Person subobject is by definition destroyed after the other members of Employee
the only way to pass arguments to a base class constructor is by a member initializer
both virtual functions are overridden
Employee is to be a concrete class
require a specific version of str()
clone() must be overridden for every concrete class
marking a virtual function with override makes the compiler check there is such a virtual function to be overridden
Employee* clone() const override;
recommended style is to not declare virtual when using override
Manager is declared friend
all member functions of Manager is given unrestricted access to all Employee members, including private members
friendship creates stronger coupling than derivationderivation does not give access to private members
why Employee declares Manager a friend we leave to later …
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Employee’s public constructor
Employee::Employee(const string& name,
const CRN& crn,
const Date& e_date,
const int e_nbr,
const double salary,
const int dept)
: Person{name, crn}, e_date_{e_date}, e_number_{e_nbr}, salary_{salary}, dept_{dept}
Person subobject is by definition initialized first
write the Person initializer first in the member initializer list
avoids unnecessary warnings
Employee data members are then initialized in declaration order
write the member initializers in that order
avoids unnecessary warnings
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Member function str() overridden
string Employee::str() const override
return Person::str() + " (Employee) " + e_date_.str() + ' ' + std::to_string(dept_);
• calls str() for the Person subobject to produce part of the string to return
std::to_string() is overloaded for all fundamental types
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TDDD38 APiC++ Derived Classes, Inheritance, Polymorphism and RTTI 109
Member function clone() overridden
Employee* clone() const override
return new Employee{ *this };
shall create a dynamically allocated copy of the object for which clone() is called, and return a pointer to that object
the copy constructor is the natural choice to make a copy
since the return type belongs to a polymorphic class hierarchy we are allowed to adapt it
Employee* p1= new Employee{ name, crn, date, employment_nbr, salary };
Employee* p2 = p1->clone(); // no cast needed if clone() returns Employee*
Person* p3 = p1->clone(); // implicit upcastEmployee* to Person*
the types are said to be covariant
adapting the return type for clone() is allowed because of their close relation to each other
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TDDD38 APiC++ Derived Classes, Inheritance, Polymorphism and RTTI 110
Subclass Manager
class Manager : public Employee
Manager(const std::string& name,
const CRN& crn,
const Date& e_date,
const int e_number,
const double salary,
const int dept);
~Manager() = default;
Manager* clone() const override;
std::string str() const override;
void add_department_member(Employee* ep) const;
void remove_department_member(const int e_number) const;
void print_department_list(std::ostream&) const;
void raise_salary(const double percent) const;
Manager(const Manager&) = default;
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Manager& operator=(const Manager&) = delete;
// Manager& operator=(Manager&&); is not generated
// Manager does not own the group members objects, no clean-up required
// Employment number is key
mutable std::map<int, Employee*> dept_members_;
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TDDD38 APiC++ Derived Classes, Inheritance, Polymorphism and RTTI 112
Comments on Manager
trivial class
well-behaved std::map member dept_members_ – default initialized to an empty map
otherwise same considerations and measures taken as for Employee and Person
a Manager object consists of a subobject of type Employee, which in turn consists of a subobject of type Person, and a std::map object
base members are initialized top-down – Person subobject first, then Employee subobject, thereafter dept_members_
destruction is performed in the opposite order – dept_members_ – Employee members – Person members
dept_members_ is declared mutable
add_department_member() och remove_department_member() modifies the object
we prefer to regard them as non-modifying operations from a public point of view – const
mutable allow dept_members_ to be modified by const member functions
Manager was declared friend by Employee
Manager does not access any private members of Employee – so why?
we will soon find out…
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TDDD38 APiC++ Derived Classes, Inheritance, Polymorphism and RTTI 113
Manager’s public constructor
Manager(const std::string& name,
const CRN& crn,
const Date& e_date,
const int e_number,
const double salary,
const int dept)
: Employee{ name, crn, e_date, e_number, salary, dept }
all parameters are passed as arguments to direct base class Employee’s constructor
dept_members_ have default construction – an empty employee list is created for a new Manager
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Member function clone() overridden
Manager* clone() const override
return new Manager{ *this };
Suppose we forget to override clone() in Manager.
the final overrider is then Employee::clone()
instead of a Manager clone() would return an Employee
copied from the Employee subobject of the Manager which was to be copied
Employee copy constructor creates the copy – member by member copy of the Employee data members
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TDDD38 APiC++ Derived Classes, Inheritance, Polymorphism and RTTI 115
Adding and removing department employees is done by Manager
void Manager::add_department_member(Employee* ep) const
// Set employee's department to same as manager's department
ep->set_department(get_department()); // require friendship
// Add employee to department members
dept_members_.insert(make_pair(ep->get_employment_number(), ep));
Manager must be friend of Employee, to be allowed to call Employee::set_department() in this context
function parameter ep is a pointer to an Employee
only public operations are then allowed (unless Manager is a friend of Employee)
it makes no difference if set_department() had been protected, Manager must still be friend
protected access is only allowed when the accessed object is a subobject of the accessing object
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TDDD38 APiC++ Derived Classes, Inheritance, Polymorphism and RTTI 116
class Consultant final : public Employee // no subclassing
using Employee::Employee; // inheriting constructors
~Consultant() = default;
Consultant* clone() const override;
std::string str() const override;
Consultant(const Consultant&) = default;
Consultant& operator=(const Consultant&) = delete;
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Comments on Consultant
no real difference compared to Employee
same data members, same set of operations
we want to be able distinguish consultants from ordinary employees
subtyping is a way to allow for that by dynamic type checks
marking a class final
class Consultant final : public Employee
not allowed to derive from Consultant
marking a virtual function final
string str() const override final;
such a function is not allowed to override in subclasses
inheriting constructors
using Employee::Employee;
naming a constructor in a nested using declaration opens for inheriting constructors from a base class
the public constructor for Manager and Consultant is inheried from Employee
our special member functions must still be declared
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TDDD38 APiC++ Derived Classes, Inheritance, Polymorphism and RTTI 118
The using declaration in class scope
•ausing-declaration introduces a name in the declarative region in which it appears
using name; // an alias for the name of some entity declared elsewhere
can be used in class scope to introduce names from a base class
using Base::hidden;
inheriting constructors
using Base::Base;
the alias created has the usual accessibility for a member declaration
an alias can be a public alias for a protected member
–ausing-declaration can not make a private member of a base class (more) accessible
member functions in the derived class override and/or hide member functions with the same name and
parameter types in the base class
can not be used to resolve inherited member ambiguities
Note: Ausing-directive can not appear in class scope, so the following is not allowed in class scope:
using namespace std;
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Using the using declaration in class scope
class A
void f();
void h(); // h can be named in a using declaration, since no private h
void h(int);
void g(); // g can be named in a using declaration, since no private g
void g(int);
void p();
void f(int); // using A::f not possible (access control)
void p(int); // using A::p not possible (access control)
class B : public A
using A::h; // OK
using A::g; // OK
using A::p; // error: void A::p(int)is private within this context
using A::f; // error: void A::f(int)is private within this context
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Inheritance and special member functions
The default constructor and the copy/move constructors are not inherited,
implicitly-declared in a derived class, if not user declared
The destructor is not inherited,
implicitly-declared, if not user declared
Operator functions are inherited, but
inherited copy/move assignment operators are always hidden, either by implicitly-declared or user declared copy/move assignment
operators of the derived class
•Ausing-declaration that brings in a copy/move constructor or a copy/move assignment operator from the base class is not concidered an
explicit declaration and does not supress the implicit declaration of these functions in the derived class. Such special member functions
introduced by a using-declaration is therefore hidden by the implicit declaration.
A using-declaration cannot refer to a destructor for a base class.
Other constructors brought in from a base class by a using-declaration are inherited.
For Consultant this gives that
the default constructor is not inherited (never is), and is not implicitly-declared since other constructors are declared
the copy/move constructors are not inherited (never is) – are user declared (defaulted)
the destructor is not inherited (never is) – is user declared (defaulted)
the copy assignment operator is inherited but hidden, as always, in this case by a user-declared (deleted) copy assignment operator
the move assignment operator is not implicitly-declared since, e.g., the copy assignment operator is explicitly declared
the user-declared public contructor of Employee is inherited, because of the using-declaration using Employee::Employee;
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The NVI pattern – Non-Virtual Interface
class Person
std::string str() const;
Person* clone() const;
virtual std::string to_str() const;
virtual Person* make_clone() const = 0;
public str() and clone() are declared non-virtual
implemented by call-through to a corresponding private virtual function to_str() and make_clone(), respectively
subclasses override to_str() and make_clone()
The Non-Virtual Interface pattern eliminates the problem that a public virtual function really do two things:
specifies interface
specifies implementation – namely internal customizable behaviour
NVI keeps public interface apart from implementation – makes it easier to modify implementation without affecting clients.
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NVI str() and to_str()
the non-virtual public member str() is inherited by subclasses
std::string Person::str() const
return to_str(); // explicitly this->to_str()
a call to str() will be bound statically
a call to to_str() will be bound dynamically
the type of the this pointer reflects the type of the object that have called the function
definition of to_str() for Person
string Person::to_str() const
return name_ + ' ' + crn_.str();
to be overridden by subclasses, might be used by subclass implementation
Note: It is allowed to override a virtual function, even if it is declared private in the base class.
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NVI clone() and make_clone()
Person* Person::clone() const
Person* p = make_clone(); // explicitly: this->make_clone()
// assert will fail if the copy *p doesn’t have same type as the original, *this
assert(typeid(*p) == typeid(*this) && "make_clone() incorrectly overridden");
return p;
the non-virtual public member clone() is inherited by subclasses
the string literal "make_clone() incorrectly overridden" is converted to true in this context
assert will not fail if the copied object (*p) and the original (*this) have same type – true && true is true
the purpose of the right hand side of && is that this text is to appear in the error message when the actual assertion fails
make_clone() for Person is pure virtual
virtual Person* make_clone() const = 0;
every concrete subclass must override make_clone()
the assert will check this, but unfortunately not until runtime
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Initialization and destruction of objects of derived type
an object of derived type is made up of parts, subobjects.
base class subobjects and the data members of the class in question
the “most derived type”
initialization order is top-down (and left-to-right if multiple inheritance)
base class subobjects are initialized before subclass subobjects
the first constructor to be called is that of the most derived class
direct base class constructors are called recursively
data members are initialized in the same order as they are declared within the class
destruction order is reverse to initialization order – bottom-up (and right-to-left if multiple inheritance)
data members are destroyed in the reverse order to how they are declared within the class
direct base class destructors are then called, recursively
if virtual inheritance
all virtual base class subobjects are initialized first of all – top-down, left-to-right
the non-virtual subobjects are initialized/destroyed as described above
all virtual base class objects are destroyed last of all – bottom-up, right-to-left
important that the top-most polymorphic base class have a virtual destructor
Person* p = new Consultant{ … };
delete p; // ~Person() or ~Consultant() ?
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Using Person-Employee-Manager-Consultant
Person* pp; // can point to an Employee or a Manager or a Consultant object
Employee* pe; // can point to an Employee or a Manager or a Consultant object
Manager* pm; // can only point to an Manager object (since no subclasses to Manager)
Consultant* pc; // can only point to a Consultant object (ditto)
pm = new Manager{ name, crn, date, employment_nbr, salary, 17 };
pp = pm; // upcast is automatic – Manager* -> Person*
pm = dynamic_cast<Manager*>(pp); // downcast must be explicit – Person* -> Manager*
if (pm != nullptr)//do we have a Manager?
polymorphic pointers – can point to objects of the pointee type and subtypes
upcast is an automatic and safe type conversion
downcast must be explicit and possibly checked before use
print_department_list() is specific for Manager and can only be invoked using a pointer of type Manager* (or reference Manager&)
the object is not affected – once a Manager is always a Manager
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Dynamic type check and dynamic type conversion
sometimes you need to find out type information for a polymorphic object during execution
what kind of object does a polymorphic pointer point to?
what kind of object does a polymorphic reference refer to?
sometimes you need to do dynamic type conversion, e.g.
if a subclass have a member function which is not inherited, as e.g. Manager::print_department_list()
and an object of the subclass is referred by a base class pointer or a base class reference
and you want to call the member function
typeid expressions can be used to
check if an object have a specific type
check the type of an expression
can be applied to all types
include <typeinfo>
dynamic_cast can be used
only for polymorphic types – require the type information such objects keep
to check if an object have a specific type or is a subtype to some type
to convert a polymorphic pointer or a polymorphic reference
static_cast is possible to use also when converting polymorphic pointers and references, but without dynamic type checks
you need to be absolutely sure it’s correct to do
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Dynamic type control using typeid expressions
One way to find out the type of an object is to use typeid
if (typeid(*p) == typeid(Manager)) …
can be used for type names, all kind of objects, and all kind of expressions
•atypeid expression returns a type_info object (a class type)
type checking is done by comparing two type_info objects
typeid expressions:
typeid(*p) // p is a pointer to an object of some type
typeid(r) // r is a reference to an object of some type
typeid(T) // T is a type
typeid(p) // is usually a mistake if p is a pointer
type_info operations:
== check if two type_info objects are equal typeid(*p) == typeid(T)
!= check if two type_info objects are not equal typeid(*p) != typeid(T)
name() returns the type name as a stringmay be an internal name used by the compiler, a “mangled name”
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Dynamic type conversion using dynamic_cast
dynamic_cast can be used to type convert polymorphic pointers and references.
dynamic_cast<T*>(p) // convert p to “pointer to T
dynamic_cast<T&>(r) // convert r till “reference to T
typically used to “downcast”
from a base type pointer to subtype pointer
from base type reference to subtype reference
if conversion fails
in the pointer case, 0 is returned
in the reference case, exception bad_cast is thrown
“upcast” is automatic and safe
in case of multiple inheritance “crosscast” can be of interest
class Derived : public Base, public Interface { … };
Base* pb{ new Derived };
Interface* pi = dynamic_cast<Interface*>(pb);
if (pi != nullptr) ...
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Virtual base classes – class lattice – subobject lattice
class B {
int i;
static int s;
enum { e };
class X : virtual public B { … };
class Y : virtual public B { … };
class Z : public B { … };
class A : public X, public Y, public Z { … };
void F(A* p)
p->i++; // Ambiguous: two i in A
p->X::i++ // OK: qualification specifies
p->s++; // OK: only one s (static)
p->s = p->e // OK: only one e (enumerator)
virtual virtual
class lattice:
subobject lattice:
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Initialization and destruction of derived class objects with virtual base classes
When an object of type A is created the following takes place.
first the constructor for the most derived class – A – is called
constructors for all virtual subobjects are called top-down, left-to-right (B1)
a member initializer for B is required in A, unless default initialized
then the direct non-virtual base subobjects to A are constructed in declaration
order – X,Y,Z – recursively
any non-virtual base subobjects are constructed
any non-static data member subobjects are constructed in declaration order
the constructor body is executed
Initialization order: B1 –> X –> Y –> B2 –> Z –> A
an object comes into existence first after its constructor body has succeded
if construction fails, already constructed subobjects are destroyed in reverse
construction order
the subobject that construction failed for never existed
all non-abstract classes in a class lattice must have initializers for virtual base
classes, unless virtual bases have default construction
initializers for virtual bases are ignored in all constructors except in the
constructor for the most derived class
X,Y and A (if non-abstract) must all have an member initializer for B, or rely on a default constructor.
subobject lattice:
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An example of real use of virtual base classes
The standard stream classes:
basic_fstream basic_ofstreambasic_ifstream basic_stringstream basic_ostringstream
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Comments on derived class design
prevent subclassing by marking a class final
make compiler check overridings by marking virtual function declarations override
prevent further overriding by marking a virtual function final
make a base class destructor
public and virtual, if deletion through a base class pointer should be allowed (typically for polymorphic types)
protected and non-virtual otherwise, if class is abstract
a compiler generated destructor is public and non-virtual (unless there is a base class having a virtual destructor)
if a base class has a virtual destructor, generated subclass destructors will also be virtual
default and delete special member functions properly
if the copy/move constructors are desired and can be generated – default with proper access (public,protected)
if copying is not allowed, delete the copy constructor – the move constructor is not generated
if the copy constructor is declared but the move constructor is not desired – do not delete the move constructor!
an explicitly deleted member function will implicitly be private – compile error if chosen in overload resolution
analogous for copy assignment and move assignment operators
avoid calling virtual functions in constructors and destructors
virtual functions don’t behave virtual in constructors and destructors
a Manager object have dynamic type Person when the Person constructor/destructor is executing
use som “post-construction” technique if virtual dispatch into a derived class is needed from a base constructor
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Comments on derived class design, cont.
avoid slicing
slicing is automatic, invisible and likely to create problems
typically occur when a function has a value parameter of base type (& forgotten?)
to allow for explicit slicing the copy constructor can be declared explicit, to avoid unexpected use
explicit C::C(const C);
consider a virtual copy function for copying polymorphic types – clone()
prevents slicing
other ways to copy should be restricted to internal use only – make copy/move constructors protected, e.g.
consider making virtual functions non-public and public functions non-virtual
separates the public interface from the customization interface – the NVI pattern
especially interesting for base classes with a high cost of change (libraries, frameworks, etc.)
consider containment instead of inheritance
prefer containment if no real gain using derivation
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namespace Outer
int i;
namespace Inner // nested namespace
void f() { ++i; } // Outer::i
int i;
void g() { ++i; } // Inner::i
a namespace is an optionally-named declarative region – can be unnamed
the entities declared in a namespace are called the namespace’s members
the name of a namespace can be used to access entities declared in that namespace
a namespace can be split over several parts of one or more translation units
members can be added successively
one can add members to the standard namespace std
•anamespace alias declares an alternative name for a namespace, typically a shorthand
namespace A_Very_Long_Namespace_Name { … }
namespace AVLNN = A_Very_Long_Namespace_Name;
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Namespace member definitions
The original namespace definition (e.g. in a header file)
namespace N
class C
void memfun();
members can be added later (e.g. in an accompanying implementation file) in two ways
extension namespace definition
namespace N
void C::memfun() { … }
explicit qualification
void N::C::memfun() { … }
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Using directive
a using directive specifies that the names in the nominated namespace can be used in the scope in which the using directive appears
#include <iosfwd>
#include <string>
using namespace std; // from here names in std can be used without the prefix std::
a using directive does not add any members to the declarative region in which it appears
the using directive is transitive
namespace N { int i; }
namespace M
int i;
using namespace N;
void f()
using namespace M;
i = 17; // error: both N::i and M::i are visible
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Using declaration
•ausing-declaration introduces a name in the declarative region in which it appears
using N::x;
xis an alias (synonym) for the name of some entity declared elsewhere, in this case in the namespace N
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Unnamed namespaces
An unnamed namespace definition such as
int i{ 4711 };
Behaves as if it was replaced by
namespace unique { } // empty body
using namespace unique;
namespace unique
int i{ 4711 };
where all occurrences of unique are replaced by the same identifier and this identifier differs from all other identifiers in the entire program
members of an anonymous namespace is only accessible in the file in question
the use of the static keyword for that purpose is deprecated
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Inline namespaces
namespace Outer
inline namespace Inner
int fun(bool) { return 1; }
int fun(int) { return 2; }
int main()
return Outer::fun(true);
when an inline namespace is defined, a using directive is implicitly inserted into its enclosing namespace
without inline, 2 will be printed
with inline, 1 will be printed
an unnamed namespace can be declared as an inline namespace
Version handling, e.g., can be managed with inline namespaces (one for each version) in combination with conditional compilation.
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The Interface Principle and Argument Dependent Lookup (ADL)
The Interface Principle:
For a class type X, all functions (including non-member functions) that both “mention” X and are “supplied with” X
in the same namespace are logically part of X, because they form part of X’s interface.
C++ is explicitly designed to enforce the Interface Principle by argument-dependent lookup (ADL)
ADL ensures that code that uses an object x of type X can use its nonmember function interface, e.g.
cout << x;
which invokes the nonmember operator<< for X, as easily as it can use member functions, e.g.;
which needs no special lookup, since f is clearly to be looked up in the scope of X.
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Namespace recommendations
keep a type and its nonmember function interface in the same namespace – The Interface Principle
otherwise nonmember functions may not be called correctly
keep types and functions in separate namespaces unless they are specifically intended to work together
the C++ standard library puts everything in the same namespace…
don’t write namespace using directives in header files or before #include
using directives is for your convenience – don’t inflict with others
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Source code is preprocessed before the actual compilation begins.
source file inclusion
#include <iosfwd>
#include "Hash.h"
simple macros – prefer const and/or constexpr instead
#define MAX 1000
constexpr int max{ 1000 }; // implicitly const
function macros
#define Square(x) ((x)*(x))
textual substitution – x is evaluated twice
int a{ 2 };
cout << Square(++a) << endl; // 12
prefer inline functions (or non-inline and rely on the compiler…)
template<typename T> inline T square(const T& x) { return x*x; }
cout << square(++a) << endl; // 9
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conditional compilation
inclusion guards in header files – very important
#ifndef ZOO_H
#define ZOO_H
conditional inclusion
#if VERSION == 1
inline namespace Version_1 { … }
#elif VERSION == 2
inline namespace Version_2 { … }
#elif …
large “comments” – creates no conflict with ordinary C++ comments within
#if 0
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trace output, the # operator
#define TRACE(s) cerr << #s << " = " << (s) << endl;
#define TRACE(s)
compile with option -DDEBUG to activate TRACE
int i{ 4711 };
TRACE(i+1) // Output: i+1 = 4712
and some more …
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a template can be either a class or a function
–aclass template defines a family of classes
–afunction template defines a family of functions
object-oriented construct
static polymorphism, a.k.a. compile-time polymorphism
powerful and useful in many ways
traditional generic data structure design – element type parameterization
an alternative to function overloading – can also be combined with function overloading
policy design – parametrizing e.g. storage policy, ordering policy, etc., for containers
template meta programming – compile time type classification, type property inspection, type translation, code selection, …
• pre-runtime
static type checking
highly optimizable
flexibility combined with safety and efficiency
we will on the way see
programming techniques related to template programming
use of rvalue references, move semantics, perfect forwarding – all very important features of C++
core language features used in connection with templates – auto,decltype,noexcept,constexpr
examples of standard library components
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Function templates
template<typename T>
const T& max(const T& x, const T& y)
return x < y ? y : x;
template parameter lista comma separated list of template parameters within angle brackets
template< template parameters >
template type parameter – two alternatives, no semantic difference
typename T class T
other kind of template parameters – non-type parameter, template template parameter,template parameter pack,...
• note – max is designed and implemented with care
the only requirement on T is operator<
there should also be an overloading with a second template parameter for a comparison predicate
pass by reference – T need not be copyable
pass by reference to constin semantics enforced and arguments can be constants or literals
be aware of special cases
wrong semantics if T is, e.g., a pointer type
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Function template instantiation
template instantiation – the act of instantiating a template
int a{ 1 };
int b{ 2 };
int c = max(a, b); // name lookup…
if no other, better candidate is found by name look up
the function call will create an int instance for our template max ()
such an instance is an implicit specialization for int
template argument for T is deduced from the type of the function call arguments, i.e. the type(s) for a and b
x and y have the same template type Ta and b must have same type (int)
no implicit type conversion of arguments is allowed in this context
explicit instantiation is a declaration using the keyword template only in front of a declaration or definition
template const int& std::max<int>(const int&, const int&);
this will force the compiler to create one instance for the entire program
used to make, e.g., compilation more efficient
this is not an explicit specialization (next slide)
how instances are managed is implementation dependent
the standard does not specify
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Explicit function template specialization (1)
the original declaration of a template is called primary template
template<typename T> const T& max(const T& x, const T& y) { … }
the name for a primary is a simple identifier – max
•anexplicit specialization is typically defined to handle a special case, e.g.
when the template primary does not work for a specific type
when a more efficient solution can be found for a specific type
an explicit specialization is introduced by template<…>
template<> max<const char*>(const char*&, const char*&) { … }
specialization for const char*
the name is a template-id – max<const char*>
is a full specialization if no template parameters are declaredtemplate<>
otherwise it’s a partial specialization (examples will follow)
a primary and its specializations are separate definitions
no code sharing
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Explicit function template specialization (2)
•anexplicit specialization for std::max for const char* would be
template<> const char*& max<const char*&>(const char*& x, const char*& y)
return (strcmp(x, y) < 0) ? y : x;
T is replaced with char* (& must remain)
don’t specialize a function template unless needed
specializations never participate in overload resolution
but, an existing specialization will be used, if its primary is chosen by overload resolution
prefer to overload with an ordinary function
const char* max(const char* x, const char* y)
return (strcmp(x, y) < 0) ? y : x;
obviously no point in specializing in this case
this function will participate in overload resolution, and will be chosen before any template is considered
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Function templates and overload resolution
Function templates can be overloaded with both template functions and normal functions.
Overload resolution basically goes through the following steps to find a function to match a call:
1. if there is a normal function that exactly matches the call, that function is selected, else
2. if a function template can be instantiated to exactly match the call, that specialization is selected, else
3. if type conversion can be applied to the arguments, allowing a normal function to be used as a unique best match,
that function is selected, else
4. overload resolution fails – either no function matches the call, or the call is ambiguous
template<typename T> const T& max(const T& x, const T& y);
int a, b;
double x, y;
a = max(a, b); // OK, a and b have same type, int
x = max(x, y); // OK, x and y have same type, double
x = max(a, x); // ERROR, a and x has different types
x = max<double>(a, x); // explicit instantiation allows for implicit type conversion, ais converted to double
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Non-type template parameters
template<typename T, std::size_t N>
T* begin(T (&a)[N])
return a;
template<typename T, std::size_t N>
T* end(T (&a)[N])
return a + N;
int a[]{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }; // type is int[9]
for (auto it = begin(a), it != end(a); ++it)
cout << *it << endl;
N is a non-type template parameter
acts as a constant within the template
the dimension of the array will be deduced from the function call argument
it is recommended to pass arrays to functions by reference, instead as by pointer
Examples taken from the standard library, range access.
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Function templates, auto and decltype
template<class Container>
auto begin(Container& c) -> decltype(c.begin()) // also for const Container&
return c.begin();
template<class Container>
auto end(Container& c) -> decltype(c.end())) // also for const Container&
return c.end();
vector<int> v{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
for (auto it = begin(v), it != end(v); ++it)
cout << *it << endl;
return type is not possible to determine from the template parameter
the actual type for Container must be known, and then what the member functions begin() and end() returns
decltype is an unevaluated contextc.begin() and c.end() are not invoked
In C++14 auto will be sufficient in cases where the return type can be deduced from the code in the body (as in these examples)
Note: This syntax is a reminiscent of the lambda syntax[capture] ( parameter-list ) -> return-type { statements }
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Class templates
template<class T1, class T2> struct pair
typedef T1 first_type;
typedef T2 second_type;
T1 first;
T2 second;
pair(const pair&) = default;
pair(pair&&) = default;
constexpr pair() : first(), second() {}
pair(const T1& x, const T2& y) : first(x), second(y) {}
// more constructors
pair& operator=(const pair& p);
pair& operator=(pair&& p);
// more assignment operators
void swap(pair& p)
noexcept(noexcept(swap(first, p.first)) && noexcept(swap(second, p.second))) { … }
template<class T1, class T2>
swap(pair<T1, T2>& x, pair<T1, T2>& y) noexcept(noexcept(x.swap(y))) { x.swap(y); }
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Comments on std::pair
pair<int, string> p{ 4711, "Eau de Cologne" };
pair<int, string>::first_type x = p.first;
two template type parameters,T1 and T2
member types first_type and second_type
T1 and T2 – but with better names – are made available to code using pair
common practice for class templates
data members first and second
direct access causes no problem – public
pair means pair<T1, T2>, when used within the template
constexpr pair() means that a call to the constructor is a constant expression
can be evaluated during compile time
default initialized pair objects can be used in static contexts
the noexcept specification for member swap specifies that it will not throw
if swapping T1 objects will not throw, and
if swapping T2 objects will not throw
the noexcept specification for non-member swap specifies that it’s no-throw, if member swap is no-throw
Note: noexcept is an operatornoexcept(expression )
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Helper function make_pair()
template<class T1, class T2>
pair<T1, T2>
make_pair(T1&& x, T2&& y)
return pair<T1, T2>(std::forward(x), std::forward(y));
auto p = make_pair(4711, string{"Eau de Cologne"}); // pair<int, string>
common practice to have a helper function to create an instances of a class template for given arguments
creating a pair object becomes easy
the types of the template arguments T1 and T2 are deduced from the given call arguments
reference collapsing is applied to T1&& and T2&& (more about that later)
std::forward() is a utility function for perfect forwarding
makes it work as if the call to the pair constructor was made in the client code
preserves the actual type category of the argumentslvalue or rvalue
if the first argument is an lvalue of type L and the second argument is an rvalue of type R, the signature will effectively be
pair<L, R> make_pair(L& x, R&& y);
why cannot std::move() be used in this context?
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Class template instantiation and specialization
implicit instantiation occurs when the context requires an instance of a class template
class template arguments are never deduced, but default arguments can be used
template<class T, class Allocator = allocator<T>> class vector;
vector<int> v; // definition of v require instance of std::vector for int
class template member functions are instantiated when called
•anexplicit instantiation is a declaration using the keyword template
template class vector<int>;
a class template specialization is introduced by template<…> – the name is a template-id
template<typename Allocator> class vector<bool, Allocator> { … };
specialization for vector<bool>
this is a partial specialization, since there is (at least) one template parameter left (Allocator)
–afull specialization is introduced by template<>
template<> class vector<bool, std::allocator<bool>> { … };
primary and specialization have separate definitions – no code sharing
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Default template parameter arguments
template<typename T = int,//for demonstration only
typename U = std::allocator<T>,
template<typename = T, typename = U> class Container = std::vector>
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Container<T, U>& c);
template<size_t N = 32> bitset;
Note: only std::allocator<T> is in practice realistic to have as a default argument
if all template parameters have a default argument, the template argument list can be empty
template<typename T = int>class X { … };
X<> x1; // OK, same as X<int>
X x2; // Syntax error
ambiguity between a type identifier (type-id) and an expression is resolved to a type identifier
template<typename T> void fun(); // function template with a type parameter
template<int I> void fun(); // function template with a non-type parameter
void g() { fun<int()>(); } // int() is resolved as a type-id first fun() is called
what type?
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Separate definitions for members of a class template
template<typename T>
struct S
T t_{ T() }; // non-static data member definition
T get_t(); // non-static member function declaration
static T c_; // static data member declaration
static T get_c(); // static member function declaration
template<typename T> // non-static member function definition
T S<T>::get_t() { return t_; }
template<typename T> // static data member definition
T S<T>::c_{ T() };
template<typename T> // static member function definition
T S<T>::get_c() { return c_; }
instantiation argument used in qualified names – S<T>::name
• expression T() to initialize data members of a generic type T
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Variadic templates
•atemplate parameter pack is a template parameter that accepts zero or more template arguments.
template<class... Types>
class tuple { … };
Types is a template parameter pack
tuple<> t0; // Types contains no arguments
tuple<int> t1{ 17 }; // Types contains one arguments, int
tuple<int,double> t2{ 17, 3.14 }; // Types contains two arguments, int and double
•afunction parameter pack is a function parameter that accepts zero or more arguments
template<class... Types>
void fun(Types... args); // function parameter pack
args is a function parameter pack
fun(); // args contains no arguments
fun(1); // args contains one argument, type int
fun(2, 3.14); // args contains two arguments, type int and double
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Variadic print function
template<typename T> void print(const &T x)
cout << x;
template<typename First, typename... Rest>
void print(First first, Rest... rest) // Rest is expanded
cout << first << ’ ’;
print(rest...); // rest is expanded
Rest is a template parameter pack
rest is a function parameter pack
rest... is a pack expansion – consists of a pattern and an ellipsis – rest is the pattern
beside expanding, the only thing one can do with a parameter pack is to take its size with sizeof...
print(); // error: no function matches call print()
print(17); // 17
print(17, "Hello"); // 17 Hello
print(17, "Hello", 3.14); // 17 Hello 3.14
print(17, "Hello", 3.14, ’X’); // 17 Hello 3.14 X
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Variadic emplace functions
the purpose is to avoid copies – for example when inserting into a container and we have suitable constructor arguments at hand
pass constructor arguments instead of ready-made objectsby rvalue reference or by lvalue reference
objects are created in-place by a matching constructormove or copy
template<typename T> class Container
void insert(const T& x) { … }
template<typename... Args>
void emplace(Args&&... args) { construct(&storage_, std::forward<Args>(args)...); }
template<typename... Args>
void construct(T* p, Args&&... args) { new(p) T{ std::forward<Args>(args)... }; }
T storage_; // very, very simplified storage…
Container<pair<int, string>> c;
string s{ "foobar" };
c.emplace(4711, s); // note: first argument is an rvalue, second is an lvalue
c.insert(make_pair(4711, s)); // this is what we avoided, first creating a pair and then insert it
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Template parameter overview (1)
template type parameter (typename or class)
template<typename T> class X;
actual T can be any type (fulfilling the requirements the implementation of X puts on T)
template non-type parameter – shall have one of the following types:
integral or enumeration type
template<int n, Colour c> …
pointer to object, or to function
template<double* p, void (*pf)()> …
lvalue reference to object or to function
template<X& r, void (&rf)()> …
pointer to data member, or member function
template<int X::*pm, void (X::*pmf)()> …
std::nullptr_t – hard to find examples
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Template parameter overview (2)
template template parameter
template<typename T, typename U, template<typename,typename>class Container>
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Container<T, U>& c)
copy(begin(c), end(c), ostream_iterator<T>(os, " "));
return os;
vector<int> v{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
cout << v << endl;
Container can be instantiated by any class type having two type parameters
template<typename,typename>class Container;
vector, and all other sequence containers, except array, have two template type parameters
template <class T, class Allocator = allocator<T>> vector;
default arguments for template parameters are not considered in this context
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Template parameter overview (3)
template type parameter pack
template<typename... Types> class tuple;
tuple can be instantiated with zero or more type arguments
tuple<int, string, double> fragrance{ 4711, "Eau de Cologne", 39.39 };
– the sizeof... operator yields the number of arguments provided for a parameter pack
static const std::size_t number = sizeof...(Types);
template non-type parameter pack
template<typename T, int... Dims> class Multi_Array;
Multi_Array can be instantiated with a type and zero or more int values
Multi_Array<string, 3, 4> m34;
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Template parameter overview (4)
a template parameter (T) can be used in declaration of subsequent template parameters and their default arguments
template<class T, T* p, class U = T> class X;
a template parameter of type array of T is adjusted to pointer to T by the compiler
template<int a[10]> is adjusted to template<int* a>
as for an ordinary function parameter of array type
a template parameter of type function is adjusted to pointer to function by the compiler
template<int f()> is adjusted to template<int (*f)()>
as for an ordinary function parameter of function type
The two, in practice, dominant kinds of template parameters are
type parameters
integral non-type parameters
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Type equivalence
Two template identifiers refer to the same class or function, if their
names are identical
type arguments are the same types
non-type arguments of integral or enumeration type have identical values
non-type arguments of pointer or reference type points/refer to the same object or function
template arguments refer to the same template
template<typename T, T t, T* p, template<typename>class C> class X;
template<typename T> class Y;
template<typename T> class Z;
int a;
int b;
X<int, 100, &a, Y> x1;
X<int, 2*50, &a, Y> x2; // x1 and x2 have same type
X<int, 10, &b, Z> x3; // x3 have not same type as x1 and x2
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Member templates
template<class T1, class T2>
struct pair
template<class U, class V> pair(U&& x, V&& y);
a class template or function template can be declared as member of a class
such a template is called a member template
a member function template cannot be virtual and never override a virtual function
allowing for type conversions is one use – if U is convertible to T1, and V is convertible to T2, the constructor above is fine
copy/move constructors and copy/move assignment operators are not templates
separate member template declaration syntax
template<class T1, class T1> // class template parameters
template<class U, class V> // member template parameters
pair<T1, T2>::pair(U&& x, V&& y)
: first{ std::forward<U>(x) }, second{ std::forward<V>(y) }
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Alias templates
The declaration for std::vector is:
template<class T, class Allocator = std::allocator<T>> class vector;
•analias template for vector could be
template<typename T>
using default_alloc_vector = std::vector<T, std::allocator<T>>;
template version of the alias declaration
implicit partial instantiation of Allocator
can be used as
default_alloc_vector<int> v;
which is the same as
vector<int, std::allocator<int>> v;
default_alloc_vector can be used as an argument for a template template type parameter with one parameter
template<typename T, template<typename>class C = default_alloc_vector> class X {};
X<int> x;
vector cannot, since it has two template parameters
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Dependent names
Inside a template, constructs have semantics which may differ for different instances.
such constructs depends on the template parameters
in particular types and expressions may depend on the type and/or the value of template parameters, which are determined by the template
Some examples:
template <typename T>
struct Derived : public Base<T> // Base<T> depend on T
typename T::X* x_ptr; // T::X depend on T
int value = Base<T>::value; // Base<T>::value depend on T
void memfun()
typename vector<T>::iterator it; // vector<T>::iterator depend on T
dependent names are by definition not assumed to name a type, unless qualified by typename
T::X could be the name of a data member, e.g.
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SFINAE – Substitution Failure Is Not An Error
Invalid substitution of template parameters is not in itself an error.
When the compiler is deducing the template parameters for a function template from a function call
if the deduced parameters would make the signature invalid, that function template is not considered for overload resolution
it does not stop the compilation with a compile error
Example – the std::enable_if template, from <type_traits>
primary template have no members
template<bool,typename T = void>struct enable_if {};
partial specialization for true have a member typedef for T , named type
template<typename T> struct enable_if<true, T> { typedef T type; };
typically used in combination with some type traits component from the standard library
template<typename T>
typename std::enable_if< std::is_pod<T>, void >::type
fun( … )
–if T is not a POD there is no member type and this overload of fun is then discardedit is not an error
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SFINAE – example of practical use
if T is POD, use std::memcpy to copy T objects – efficient byte-by-byte copy
template<typename T>
typename std::enable_if< std::is_pod<T>::value, void >::type
copy(const T* source, T* destination, unsigned count)
std::memcpy(destination, source, count * sizeof(T));
if T is POD, std::is_pod<T>::value will be true
std::enable_if<std::is_pod<T>::value, void>::type will be defined (void), otherwise not (failure)
–if type is defined the overload above will be enabled (and the one below will be disabled)
if T is non-POD, use object-by-object copy assignment for T
template<typename T>
typename std::enable_if< !std::is_pod<T>::value, void >::type
copy(const T* source, T* destination, unsigned count)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i)
*destination++ = *source++;
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Utility function std::move() (1)
Typically used to allow for move semantics on lvalues – example from the standard library:
template<class T>
void swap(T& x, T& y)
noexcept(is_nothrow_move_constructible<T>::value &&
T tmp{ std::move(x) };
x = std::move(y);
y = std::move(tmp);
x and y are lvalues
in this context move semantics is appropriate to exchange the values of x and y
std::move() converts its argument to a nameless rvalue reference (T&&)
if T have move constructor and move assignment operator they will be used
if not, the copy constructor and copy assignment operator will be used
whether or not swap may throw an exception is specified by two type property traits
value will be true if T objects can be move copied and move assigned without throwing
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Utility function std::move() (2)
template<typename T>
typename std::remove_reference<T>::type&&
move(T&& t)
return static_cast<typename std::remove_reference<T>::type&&>(t);
Much to learn from this simple function template…
move() uses type modifier traits class std::remove_reference:
template<typename T> struct remove_reference { typedef T type; }; // primary
template<typename T> struct remove_reference<T&> { typedef T type; }; // spec 1
template<typename T> struct remove_reference<T&&> { typedef T type; }; // spec 2
the primary template matches any typeused for non-reference types
the first specialization matches lvalue references (T&)
the second specialization matches rvalue references (T&&)
std::remove_reference<T>::type will always be T
the return type of move() will always be rvalue reference (T&&)
the type conversion will effectively be static_cast<T&&>(t)
std::remove_reference<T>::type is a dependent name – typename required
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Utility function std::move() (3)
Reference collapsing rules
A& & becomes A& (1)
A& && becomes A& (2)
A&& & becomes A& (3)
A&& && becomes A&& (4)
Special template argument deduction rules for function templates
template<typename T>
void foo(T&& arg); // deduced parameter typetype deduction takes place&& = universal reference
If foo() is called with an
lvalue of type A, T resolves to A&, and by reference collapsing rule 2 the type of arg effectively becomes A&
rvalue of type A, T resolves to A and the type of arg becomes A&& (no reference collapsing involved)
So, if std::move() is called with an
lvalue of type A, T resolves to A& and the parameter type (A& &&) becomes A& – move(A& t)
spec 1 of std::remove_reference is used – std::remove_reference<A&>
rvalue of type A, T resolves to A and parameter type becomes A&& – move(A&& t)
primary of std::remove_reference is used – std::remove_reference<A>
cast is always to rvalue reference, A&&
Note: Reference collapsing rule 1 has always been in effect since C++98.
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Perfect forwarding
Rvalue references was also designed to solve the perfect forwarding problem.
template<typename T, typename Arg>
shared_ptr<T> factory(Arg&& arg)
return shared_ptr<T>{ new T{ arg } }; // arg is an lvalue (the name rule)
we want this to work as if the argument passed to factory() was passed directly to the T constructor
lvalue as lvalue
rvalue as rvalue
std::forward() does this
template<typename T, typename Arg>
shared_ptr<T> factory(Arg&& arg)
return shared_ptr<T>{ new T{ std::forward<Arg>(arg) } };
if factory() is called with an lvalue of type X, Arg resolves to X& and the type for parameter arg will be X& (X& &&)
forward will be instantiated std::forward<X&>(arg)
in factory() is called with an rvalue of type X, Arg resolves to X and the type for parameter arg will be X&&
forward will be instantiated std::forward<X>(arg)
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Utility function std::forward()
Lvalue version:
template<typename T>
constexpr T&& forward(typename std::remove_reference<T>::type& t)
return static_cast<T&&>(t);
T&& effectively becomes T& (template argument deduction rule and reference collapsing rule)
return type will be T&conversion will be static_cast<T&>parameter is always T&
Rvalue version:
template<typename T>
constexpr T&& forward(typename std::remove_reference<T>::type&& t)
"template argument substituting T is an lvalue reference type");
return static_cast<T&&>(t);
T&& will be T&& (template argument deduction rule, no reference collapsing involved)
if instantiated with an lvalue reference type the program is ill-formedprevent strange things like
std::forward<string&>( string{} ) // string{} creates a prvalue
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Policy design (1)
Policy design is about letting a feature, a policy, of a type, the host, be a template type parameter.
Two copy policies for objects of type T:
deep copy
template<typename T>
struct deep_copy
static void copy(T*& destination, T*& source)
destination = new T{ *source };
destructive copy (move semantics)
template<typename T>
struct destructive_copy
static void copy(T*& destination, T*& source)
destination = source;
source = nullptr;
Note: Alternatively the functions could be templates, instead of the policy classes – actually a better choice!
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Policy design (2)
A smart pointer class with a copy policy – deep_copy as default
template<typename T, template<typename T> class copier = deep_copy>
class smart_ptr : private copier<T>
smart_ptr(T* p) : ptr_{ p } {}
~smart_ptr() { delete ptr_; }
smart_ptr(smart_ptr& value) { this->copy(ptr_, value.ptr_); } // this-> required
smart_ptr& operator=(smart_ptr& rhs)
T* tmp_ptr;
copier<T>::copy(tmp_ptr, rhs.ptr_); // or, alternatively
delete ptr_;
ptr_ = tmp_ptr;
return *this;
T* ptr_;
Note: Names are not looked up in dependent base classes – call to copy() require qualification of some kind.
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Policy design (3)
A better alternative, in this case, would be to make member functions templates, instead of policy classes.
struct deep_copy
template<typename T>
static void copy(T*& destination, T*& source)
destination = new T{ *source };
struct destructive_copy
template<typename T>
static void copy(T*& destination, T*& source)
destination = source;
source = nullptr;
by this we can take advantage of template function argument deduction
we will also see some other simplifications and also generalizations
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Policy design (4)
template<typename T, class copier = deep_copy> // note!
class smart_ptr // note!
smart_ptr(T* p) : ptr_{ p }{}
~smart_ptr() { delete ptr_; }
smart_ptr(smart_ptr& value) { copier::copy(ptr_, value.ptr_); } // note!
smart_ptr& operator=(smart_ptr& rhs)
T* tmp_ptr;
copier::copy(tmp_ptr, rhs.ptr_); // note!
delete ptr_;
ptr_ = tmp_ptr;
return *this;
T* ptr_;
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Meta programming and type traits
Meta programming is about programs that create or modifies programs.
the template instantiation process in C++ can be used as a computational enginetemplate meta programming
parametrized types and (compile-time) constants can be used to record state
template specializations can be used to implement conditions
C++ is both the metalanguage and the object language
The standard library define components to be used by C++ programs, particularly in templates, to
support the widest possible range of types
optimize template code usage
detect type related user errors
perform type inference and transformation at compile time
It includes:
type classification traits
describe a complete taxonomy of all possible C++ types, and state where in that taxonomy a given type belongs
type property inspection traits
allow important characteristics of types or of combinations of types to be inspected
type transformations
allow certain properties of types to be manipulated
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Type classification traits (1)
unary type traits describes a property of a type
type categories – is_integral, is_floating_point, is_array, is_pointer, is_class, is_function, is_reference, is_arithmetic, is_fundamental,
is_object, is_scalar, is_compound, is_member_pointer, …
type properties – is_const, is_polymorphic, is_abstract, is_signed, is_copy_constructible, has_virtual_destructor, …
type property queries – alignment_of, …
binary type traits describes a relationship between two types
is_same, is_base_of, is_convertible
transformation traits modifies a property of a type
const-volatile modifications – e.g. remove_const, remove_cv, add_volatile
reference modifications – remove_reference, add_rlvalue_reference, add_rvalue_reference
sign modifications – make_signed, make_unsigned
array modifications – remove_extent, remove_all_extent
pointer modifications – remove_pointer, add_pointer
other transformations – …
(There is about 90 type traits in C++11).
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Type classification traits (2)
class template integral_constant is the common base class for all value-based type traits.
template<typename T, T v>
struct integral_constant
static constexpr T value{ v }; // declaration and initialization
using value_type = T;
using type = integral_constant<T, v>; // the type itself
constexpr operator value_type() { return value; }
template<typename T, T v>
constexpr T integral_constant<T, v>::value; // definition for value
true_type and false_type are provided for convenience – most value traits are Boolean properties and will inherit from these
using true_type = integral_constant<bool,true>;
using false_type = integral_constant<bool,false>;
is_array as an example
template<typename>struct is_array : public false_type {}; // primary
template<typename T, std::size_t Size> struct is_array<T[Size]> : public true_type {};
template<typename T> struct is_array<T[]> : public true_type {};
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Type classification traits (3)
Examples of some simple type traits.
template<typename>struct is_const : public false_type {};
template<typename T> struct is_const<T const> : public true_type {};
template<typename T> struct remove_const { typedef T type; };
template<typename T> struct remove_const<T const> { typedef T type; };
template<typename T> struct add_const { typedef T const type; };
template<typename,typename>struct is_same : public false_type {};
template<typename T> struct is_same<T, T> : public true_type {};
template<typename T> struct is_arithmetic
:public integral_constant<bool, (is_integral<T>::value || is_floating_point<T>::value)> {};
template<typename T> struct is_object
:public integral_constant<bool, !(is_function<T>::value
|| is_reference<T>::value
|| is_void<T>::value)> {};
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Example: Dispatching constructor
Example from the containers library – wrong constructor can be chosen…
template <typename T> class Container {
Container(size_t n, const T& value) : size_(n), data_(allocate(size_))
{ std::fill_n(begin(), n, value); }
template <typename InputIterator>
Container(InputIterator first, InputIterator last) {
typedef typename std::is_integral<InputIterator>::type Integral; // check type category
initialize_dispatch(first, last, Integral()); // dispatch accordingly
template <typename Integer> // corresponds to the first constructor
void initialize_dispatch(Integer n, Integer value, std::true_type)
{ std::fill_n(begin(), n, value); }
template <typename InputIterator> // corresponds to the second constructor
void initialize_dispatch(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, std::false_type)
{ std::copy(first, last, begin()); } // memory must be allocated first!
size_t is an unsigned integer type
•if T is, e.g. int, an instance of the template constructor (aimed for iterators!) is a better match than the first constructor
check what type category InputIterator in the second constructor belongs to and dispatch to the corresponding helper function
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Example: Select the most efficient implementation of several possible (1)
The standard library divide iterators into different categories – one important issue is how they can be moved:
•anInputIterator can be moved forward one element at the time with ++
•aBidirectionalIterator can be moved forward one element at the time with ++ and backward one element at the time with --
•aRandomAccessIterator can be moved also by pointer arithmetics, i.e., also by using +,+=,-, and -=
advance() is a utility function to move an iterator a specified number of steps – advance(it, n)
for an InputIterator n must be non-negative and the advancement is done by repeating ++it n times
for a BidirectionalIterator advancement is done by repeating ++it n times, if n >= 0, and repeating --it n times, if n < 0
for a RandomAccessIterator advancement can be done with it += n (n can be negative)
advance() is implemented to select the most efficient way to advance an iterator, depending on which category it belongs to
template <typename InputIterator, typename Distance>
inline void advance(InputIterator& i, Distance n)
typename iterator_traits<InputIterator>::difference_type d = n;
advance_dispatch(i, d, typename iterator_traits<InputIterator>::iterator_category());
the name InputIterator is used to specify the minimum requirements for the iterator
Distance could be any relevant type – d is used to convert n to the correct difference type for the iterator in question
iterator_traits<InputIterator>::iterator_category gives the category type for InputIterator, e.g. random_access_iterator_tag
iterator_traits<InputIterator>::iterator_category() creates an object of that type – used to dispatch to a suitable overloading of
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Example: Select the most efficient implementation of several possible (2)
the basic requirement is that the given iterator must fulfill the requirements of InputIterator, and n >= 0dispatch to
template <typename InputIterator, typename Distance>
void advance_dispatch(InputIterator& i, Distance n, input_iterator_tag)
while (n--) ++i;
if the given iterator is a BidirectionalIterator, n is allowed to be negativedispatch to
template <typename BidirectionalIterator, typename Distance>
void advance_dispatch(BidirectionalIterator& i, Distance n, bidirectional_iterator_tag)
if (n > 0)
while (n--) ++i;
while (n++) --i;
if the given iterator is a RandomAccessIterator the iterator can be advanced in a more efficient waydispatch to
template <typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Distance>
void advance_dispatch(RandomAccessIterator& i, Distance n, random_access_iterator_tag)
i += n;
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Example: Constraints check (1)
Suppose a class template C require a template type T to have a member function clone().
template<typename T> // T must have member function T* clone() const;
class C
template <T* (T::*)() const>struct _check_Cloneable {};
using _check_Cloneable_t = _check_Cloneable<&T::clone>;
_check_Cloneable is a utility template class
a type definition is a static entity
_check_Cloneable is a primary with one member function pointer parameter (name left out)
_check_Cloneable_t is declared to be a name for the specialization _check_Cloneable<&T::clone>
an alias declaration is a static entity
T::clone is looked up in T and checked staticallythis is what we actually want to do!
if no such member function this will fail and generate a compile error
Note, leading underscores are used to emphasise internal use (typical compiler convention)
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Example: Constraints check (2)
As an alternative, define a concept class for checking cloneability.
template<typename T>
struct _Cloneable
void __constraints() { T* (T::*test)() const = &T::clone; }
template<typename T>
class C
using __func = void (_Cloneable<T>::*)(); // simplifies the next declaration
template<__func> struct _check_Cloneable {};
using _check_Cloneable_t = _check_Cloneable<&_Cloneable<T>::__constraints>;
becomes more general
_Cloneable can be replaced by any concept class having member function __constraints()
__constraints() can have several checks
now we just have to find a way to simplify generating these declarations to check a concept
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Example: Constraints check (3)
(The simplification becomes a bit complicated though…)
a preprocessor function macro can be used to create the declarations to check a concept _concept for a type _type
#define CLASS_REQUIRES(_type, _concept) \
using __func_##_type##_concept = void (_concept<_type>::*)(); \
template <__func_##_type##_concept> struct _check_##_type##_concept {}; \
using _check_typedef_##_type##_concept = \
simple use
CLASS_REQUIRES(T, _Cloneable);
all instances of ##_type are replaced by T
all instances of ##_concept are replaced by _Cloneable
result (actually as a single line)
using __func_T_Cloneable = void (_Cloneable<T>::*)();
template <__func_T_Cloneable> struct _check_T_Cloneable {};
using _check_typedef_T_Cloneable = _check_T_Cloneable<&_Cloneable<T>::__constraints>;
leading underscores in names are to be regarded as reserved for the implementation, don’t use for user names
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Template compilation models
The inclusion compilation model
the definition for a template is included in every file in which the template is instantiated
one can still have a template function declaration on an inclusion file (fun.h) and its definition on a separate file (fun.tcc)
in such case the .h files pulls in the .tcc file at its end – #include "fun.tcc"
the alternative would be to have only the template function definition in fun.h, and no fun.tcc file
a variation of this allows you to exclude #include "fun.tcc" in the fun.h file
in this case the compiler implicitly knows by some rule where to look for fun.tcc
the inclusion compilation model is the model that most current C++ compilers provide
The separation compilation model
basically the traditional model with header files and corresponding implementation files
an implementation file is not pulled into its header file
compiled separately
difficult to implement, few compilers have
this compilation model is related to the keyword export
export is removed from C++11 – “ The export keyword is unused but is reserved for future use.”
seems meaningless to get into any details…
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Standard library overview
content is overall fairly traditional, e.g.
containers (data structures)
algorithms (standard functions)
input and output (streams)
new features in C++11
– threads
regular expressions
the whole standard library is adapted to support move semantics and perfect forwarding
may seem complicated, but a closer look shows it to be
– flexible
– general
– extendible
– efficient
the implementation uses several advanced core language features, often in combination, e.g.
templates, including the new feature variadic templates
derivation (single, multiple, repeated, virtual)
operator overloading
rvalue references (move semantics, perfect forwarding,…)
type traits, template meta programming
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Standard library content
Language support – program start/termination, limits, dynamic memory handling, initializer lists, runtime support
Diagnostics – components used to detect and report error conditions – exceptions and assertions
General utilities – components used by other elements of the standard library and may be used by programs
pair, tuples, type traits, function objects, function call wrappers, memory allocation, smart pointers, date and time, functions for move
semantics and forwarding, type traits
Strings – components for manipulating sequences of characters, numeric conversions
Localization – components programs may use to encapsulate cultural differences.
character classification, string collation, numerics, monetary and date/time formatting and parsing
Containers – components used for organizing collections of information – sequence containers, adaptors, associative containers
Iterators – components used to perform iterations over containers and stream buffers
Algorithms – components used to perform algorithmic operations on containers and other sequences
Numerics – components used to perform numerical operations, random number generators, conformance with C99 functions
Input / output – components for input/output operations
Regular expressions – components to perform operations making regular expressions matching an searching
Atomic operations – components for fine-grained atomic access
Thread support – components to create and manage threads, perform mutual exclusion, and communicate conditions between threads
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C++1y Standard Library
ISO/TS Technical Specificationsto be part of the standard, or withdrawn:
Library fundamentalse.g. classes and functions likely to be used widely within a program
File system – standardized file access (paths, regular files, directories)
• Parallelismvector and multi-core support
• Concurrencytasks, thread pools
• Conceptsextensions to enable specification and checking of constraints on template arguments
• Arraysdynamic arrays
Transactional memorySTM (Software Transactional Memory)
• Rangessupport for range-based versions of the standard algorithms
• Networking
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Standard library in this course
Main focus in this course:
things related to data structures and algorithms
– containers
– algorithms
– iterators
function objects
lambda expressions (core language)
related utilities
streams and strings
general streams
file streams
string streams
std::string is a kind of container
smart pointers
Iterators Algorithms
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Example: containers – iterators – algorithms – function objects – streams
#include <algorithm> // copy, sort, unique, for_each
#include <functional> // greater, unary_function
#include <iostream> // ostream, cin, cout
#include <iomanip> // setw
#include <iterator> // istream_iterator, ostream_iterator
#include <numeric> // accumulate
#include <vector> // vector
// Function object to be used in algorithms for printing (suitable) objects of type T to an ostream
template<typename T>
class printw
printw(std::ostream& os, int width = 6) : os_{ &os }, width_{ width } {}
void operator()(const T& x) const
*os_ << std::setw(width_) << x << ((++n_ % 10 == 0) ? "\n" : "");
std::ostream* os_;
const int width_;
mutable int n_{ 0 };
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int main()
using namespace std;
vector<int> v{ istream_iterator<int>{cin}, istream_iterator<int>{} };
copy(begin(v), end(v), ostream_iterator<int>{cout, " "});
sort(begin(v), end(v));
v.erase(unique(begin(v), end(v)), end(v));
sort(begin(v), end(v), greater<int>{});
for_each(begin(v), end(v), printw<int>{cout, 4});
cout << "\nSum = " << accumulate(begin(v), end(v), 0) << ’\n’;
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Standard Containers Library (1)
C++ containers are objects that store other objects – data structures.
controls allocation and deallocation of the stored objects through constructors, destructors, insert and erase operations
physical implementation is not defined by the standard, instead
complexity requirements for each operation is stated, e.g. compile time, constant, linear, …
elements are ordered in some containers
the type of objects stored in standard containers must meet some general requirements, e.g.
constructible – have copy constructor and destructor
moveable – have move constructor
assignable – have copy assignment operator
especially efficient operations are typically applied directly at some specific, implicit position of the container, e.g.
vector has push_back(x) and pop_back(),emplace_back(x)
deque and list have also push_front(x) and pop_front(), emplace_front(x) and emplace_back(x)
other operations typically take iterator arguments, e.g.
insert(iterator,x) – the insertion of xcan typically be relatively costly
emplace operations
copy/move-free, in-place construction
given arguments can be passed directly to a constructor for the element type
vector has emplace_back(args) and emplace(iterator,args)args to be passed to a constructor of the element type
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Standard Containers Library (2)
basic sequence containers
array – a fixed-sized container with performance of built-in arrays (std::arrays are aggregates)
vector – the sequence container to “use by default”
deque – when most insertions and deletions take place at the beginning or end
list – when frequent insertions and deletions not at the beginning and/or end
forward_list – a container with no storage or time overhead compared to a hand-written singly linked list
sequence adaptors represent three frequently used specialized data structures
have a basic sequence container as member
have an adapted interfacethe set of operations is reduced and operations renamed according to convention
provide no iterators
associative containers (ordered)
set and multiset store keys onlythe key is the value
map and multimap store key-value pairs
unordered associative containershash-table-like data structures, bucket-organized
unordered_set and unordered_multiset
unordered_map and unordered_multimap
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Regarding exam
important to have a good overview and understanding of the containers library
good knowledge of different container types and their common and specific features
sufficient practice in using containers, in combination with other components
unordered associative containers will not be required for solving programming problems Reference will be available at exam (web browser)
see the course examination page for more information
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Container member types
all containers defines member types, e.g. vector defines the following
typedef T value_type;
typedef Allocator allocator_type;
typedef value_type& reference;
typedef const value_type& const_reference;
typedef implementation-defined iterator;
typedef implementation-defined const_iterator;
typedef reverse_iterator<iterator> reverse_iterator;
typedef reverse_iterator<const_iterator> const_reverse_iterator
typedef implementation-defined size_type;
typedef implementation-defined difference_type;
typedef typename allocator_traits<Allocator>::pointer pointer;
typedef typename allocator_traits<Allocator>::const_pointer const_pointer;
used in declarations of the member functions for declaring parameter types and return types
used by other standard library components
to be used otherwise whenever possible to reduce implementation dependencies and relax couplings
implementation-defined types are typically defined by the associated memory allocator
reverse iterators are easily defined by the iterator adapter reverse_iterator template
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Container iterators
all containers except the sequence adaptors provide container specific iterators
container iterator types
const refers to the container and its elements
iterators are divided into different iterator categories representing different levels of functionality
vector,deque and array provide random access iterators
list and all associative containers provide bidirectional iterators
forward_list and all unordered associative containers provide forward iterators
there is a special iterator value – past-the-end iterator
represents the iterator position following after the last element in a container
only for comparing with other iterators
for (vector<int>::iterator it = begin(v); it != end(v); ++it)
cout << *it << ’\n’;
there might not exist any valid before-the-first position for some container implementations
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Container iterator interface
each member function above is overloaded in a const and a non-const version
if the container object is non-const the returned iterator is an iterator or reverse_iterator
if the container object is const the returned iterator is a const_iterator or const_reverse_iterator
these are only declared as const member functions
can be invoked for both const and non-const containers
forward_list and unordered associative containers does not provide reverse iterators
–no rbegin(), rend(), crbegin(), or crend()
c.begin() Returns an iterator to the first element, a past-the-end iterator if c is empty
c.end() Returns a past-the-end iterator
c.rbegin() Returns a past-the-end reverse iterator
c.rend() Returns a reverse iterator to first element in c, a past-the-end reverse iterator if c is empty
c.cbegin() Returns a const iterator to first element, past-the-end const iterator if c is empty
c.cend() Returns a past-the-end const iterator
c.crbegin() Returns a past-the-end const reverse iterator
c.crend() Returns a const reverse iterator to first element in c, a past-the-end const iterator if c is empty
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Container iterator semantics
reverse_iterator is moved backwards with ++makes iterators and reverse iterators exchangeable
rend() points to the same element as begin()the first element (if any)
rbegin() points to the same element as end()“past-the-end-iterator”
When a reverse_iterator is dereferenced, it is the preceding element that is obtained – don’t dereference rend()
For reverse iterators, operator* and operator->() are implemented as:
reference operator*() const pointer operator->() const
iterator tmp = *this;return &(operator*());
return *--tmp; }
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Container iterators – type conversions
implicit conversions
from iterator to const_iterator
from iterator to reverse_iterator
from const_iterator to const_reverse_iterator
explicit conversionsmember function base()
from reverse_iterator to iterator
from const_reverse_iterator to const_iterator
iterator const_iterator
reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator
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Sequence containers
organizes objects of the same kind into a strictly linear arrangement
how they can be pictured
for some there is a distinction between size and capacity
size refers to the number of stored elements – the logical size
capacity refers to the size of the available storage – the physical size
deque actually require a more complicated implementation than illustrated above to fulfill complexity requirements
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Sequence containers – construction, copying, assignment, and destruction (1)
All sequence containers have
default constructor,copy constructor,copy assignment operator and destructor
vector<int> v1;
vector<int> v2{ v1 };
v2 = v1;
array<int, 100> a;
move constructor and move assignment operator
vector<int> v3{ std::move(v1) };
v3 = std::move(v2);
constructor taking an initializer list
vector<int> v4{ 1, 2, 3 };
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Sequence containers – construction, copying, assignment, and destruction (2)
All sequence containers except array have
constructor for initializing with n value-initialized elements
vector<int> v5{ 10 };
constructor for initializing with n elements with a specific value – cannot use braces here!
vector<int> v6(10, -1);
constructor for initialize with values from an iterator range
vector<int> v7{ begin(v6), end(v6) };
assignment operator taking an initializer list
v7 = { 1, 2, 3 };
assign member functions
v5.assign({ 1, 2, 3 }); // values from an initializer list
v6.assign(10, -1); // 10 elements with value -1
v7.assign(begin(v6), end(v6)); // values from the range [begin(v6), end(v6))
Note: There is a versions of all constructors also taking an allocator.
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Sequence containers – operations (1)
Size, capacity vector deque list forward_list array
n = c.size() ••• •size() == max_size() for array
m = c.max_size() ••• • •
c.resize(sz)••• increase or decrease
n = c.capacity()
b = c.empty() ••• • •
c.reserve(n)increase capacity to at least n
c.shrink_to_fit() •• reduces capacity, maybe to size()
Element access
c.front() ••• • •
c.back() ••• •
c[i]•• ••• •throws out_of_range, if invalid i
data() ••pointer to first element
Note: access functions, except data(), returns a reference which allows for modification, if c is non-const
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Sequence containers – operations (2)
Modifiers vector deque list forward_list array
c.pop_back() •••
c.push_front(x)•• •
c.pop_front() •• •
it = c.insert(begin(c), x)•••
it = c.insert(begin(c), n,x)•••
it = c.insert(begin(c), { x,y,z }) •••
c.insert(begin(c), it1,it2)•••
it = c.erase(begin(c)) •••
it = c.erase(begin(c), end(c)) •••
c1.swap(c2)••• • •
c.clear() ••• •
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Sequence containers – operations (3)
emplace – “to put into place” or “put into position”
emplace functions are variadic template functions
args is a template parameter pack – constructor arguments matching a constructor for the element type is expected
stored objects are created inplace – no copy/move required (constructor arguments will be copied or moved)
Modifiers, cont. vector deque list forward_list array
c.emplace_front(args)•• •
it = c.emplace(pos,args)•••
it = c.emplace_after(args)
Comparisons vector deque list forward_list array
== != ••• • •
<<=>>= ••• • •
Specialized algorithm
swap(c1,c2)••• • •
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Sequence containers – special list and forward_list operations
Since list and forward_list does not provide random access iterators, a number of general algorithms cannot be applied.
There is also a number of special member functions, overloaded in several versions, related to list inserting,splicing and erasing
insert(), splice(), and erase() for list
insert_after(), splice_after(), and erase_after() for forward_list
inserting will not affect source
splicing will remove the element(s) in question from source
The following member functions corresponds to such general algorithms
c.remove(x)remove x
c.remove_if(pred)remove elements for which pred(element) is true
c.unique() remove consecutive equivalent elements; == used for comparison
c.unique(pred)remove consecutive equivalent elements; pred used for comparison
c1.merge(c2)merge c1 and c2; both must be ordered with <; c2 becomes empty
c1.merge(c2,comp)merge c1 and c2; both must be ordered with comp; c2 becomes empty
c1.sort() order elements with <
c1.sort(comp)order elements using comp
c1.reverse() place elements in reverse order
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Sequence adaptors
each adaptor class adapts the interface to model one of three classic data structures
have a sequence container as private data member to store the elements
for each adaptor type a default sequence container type is used internally
stack – deque
queue – deque
priority_queue – vector
this container can be replaced by any other container fulfilling the requirements (operations and complexity)
standard library heap operations are used to implement priority_queue operations
these adaptions significantly simplifies the interface
substantial reduction of the number of operations, compared to the sequence container used internally
operations renamed according to “tradition” – e.g. push,top and pop for stack
no iterators provided – not relevant for these data structures
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Sequence adaptors – construction, copying, assignment, and destruction
All sequence adaptors have
default constructor,copy constructor,copy assignment operator and destructor
priority_queue<int> pq1;
move constructor and move assignment operator
constructor for initializing with elements from a container
vector<int> v;
queue<int> q1{ v };
versions of the constructors and assignment operators above also taking an allocator
priority_queue also have
constructor taking a comparer – default is std::less (corresponds to operator<)
priority_queue<int, std::greater<int>> pq2;
constructor for initializing with elements from an iterator range
priority_queue<int> pq2{ begin(v), end(v) };
versions of these constructors taking an allocator
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Sequence adaptors – operations
Size, capacity stack queue priority_queue
n = a.size() •• •
b = a.empty() •• •
Element access stack queue priority_queue
x = ••
x = pq.front()
x = pq.back()
Modifiers stack queue priority_queue
a.push(x)•• •
a.pop() •• •
a.emplace(args)•• •
Comparisons stack queue priority_queue
== != ••
<<=>>= ••
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std::initializer_list (1)
This is not a container type, it’s a language support component for implementing initializer lists – <initializer_list>
have some similarities with sequence containers
elements are stored in a hidden array of const E
typically used as function parameter type for passing initializer lists as argument
vector& operator=(initializer_list<T>);
v = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
A pair of pointers, or a pointer and a length is obvious representations (GCC uses the latter)
a private constructor, to be used by the compiler initialize this
Special member functions not declared (all except default constructor) are compiler generated.
copying an initializer list does not copy the underlying elements
shallow copy
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std::initializer_list (2)
template<class E> class initializer_list
typedef E value_type;
typedef const E& reference; // elements are const !
typedef const E& const_reference;
typedef std::size_t size_type;
typedef const E* iterator; // elements are const !
typedef const E* const_iterator;
initializer_list() noexcept;
size_type size() const noexcept;//number of elements
const_iterator begin() const noexcept;//first element
const_iterator end() const noexcept;//one past the last element
// initializer list range access
template<class E> constexpr const E* begin(initializer_list<E> il) noexcept;
template<class E> constexpr const E* end(initializer_list<E> il) noexcept;
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Utility class pair
utility class for storing pair of values – used by map containers and functions returning two values
defines types used by other components of the standard library (T1 and T2 are the template parameters)
typedef T1 first_type;
typedef T2 second_type;
have default constructor, copy/move constructor, copy/move assignment operator, destructor and type converting constructors
pair<int,char> p2{ 1, ’A’ }; initialize with a pair of values
pair<double,int> p3{ p2 }; automatic type conversion
element access – all members are public
• comparisons
== != < > <= >=
utility template function make_pair to ease creation of a pair – template type parameters are deduced from the arguments
p = make_pair(x, y)
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Associative containers
Provide fast retrieval of data based on keys
the following associative containers are ordered
map multimap set multiset
• corresponding unordered associative containers
unordered_map unordered_multimap unordered_set unordered_multiset
set containers store only keys (values)
map containers store key-value-pairs – uses pair to store a key and its associated value
non-multi variants only allows unique keys
multi variants allows equivalent keys
several elements may have the same key and also the associated value may be the same
in (ordered) associative containers elements are ordered by key
parametrized on key type and ordering relation (and memory allocator)
maps also associate an arbitrary type with the key, the value type
typically implemented as a binary search tree (e.g. a red-black tree, a height-balanced binary search tree)
•inunordered associative containers elements are stored in a hash table
parametrized on key type,hash function (unary function object), and equality relation (a binary predicate) (and memory allocator)
maps also associate an arbitrary type with the key, the value type
elements are organized into buckets – elements with keys having the same hash code appears in the same bucket
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Associative containers – construction, copying, assignment, and destruction
All associative containers have
default constructor,copy constructor,copy assignment operator and destructor
map<int, string> m;
multi_set<string> ms;
unordered_map<int, X, hasher, equal> um;
move constructor and move assignment operator
constructor and assignment operator to initialize/assign with values from an initializer list
unordered associative container constructor version can also take initial number of buckets,hash function, and equality relation
constructor for initializing with values from an iterator range
for ordered associative containers also with the possibility to give a comparer and an allocator
for unordered associative containers also the initial number of buckets,hash function,equality relation, and an allocator can be given
constructors equivalent to the default, copy and move constructors, also taking an allocator
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Associative containers (ordered)
#include <map>
#include <set>
Additional or redeclared member types
map and multimap
typedef Key key_type; // Key is a template type parameter
typedef T mapped_type; // T is a template type parameter
typedef pair<const Key, T> value_type;
typedef Compare key_compare; // Compare is a template type parameter
value_compare is declared as a nested function object class
set and multiset
typedef Key key_type; // Key is a template type parameter
typedef Key value_type;
typedef Compare key_compare; // Compare is a template type parameter
typedef Compare value_compare;
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Associative containers (ordered) – operations (1)
Size, capacity map multimap set multiset
n = a.size() ••••
n = a.max_size() ••••
b = a.empty() ••••
Comparisons map multimap set multiset
== != ••••
<<=>>= ••••
Element access map multimap set multiset
x = a[k]
x = out_of_range if no such element
Note: if an element with key k does not exist in the map, it is created by operator[], with the associated value default initialized
return value_type(k, T());
areference is returned which can be used to assign a value to second
m[k] = x;
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Associative containers (ordered) – operations (2)
*) in case map and multimap,x has type pair<key_type, value_type)
Modifiers map multimap set multiset
pair<iterator,bool> p = a.insert(x)••*
it = a.insert(x)••*
it = a.insert(pos,x)••••*
a.insert( { x,y,z } ) ••••
pair<iterator,bool> p = a.emplace(args); ••
it = a.emplace(args)••
it = a.emplace_hint(pos,args)••••
n = a.erase(k)••••
a.clear() ••••
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Associative containers (ordered) – operations (3)
Map and set operations map multimap set multiset
it = a.find(k)••••
n = a.count(k)••••
it = a.lower_bound(k)••••
it = a.upper_bound(k)••••
pair<iter,iter>p = a.equal_range(k); ••••
Specialized operation map multimap set multiset
Observers map multimap set multiset
comp = a.key_comp() ••••
comp = a.value_comp() ••••
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Unordered associative containers
declared in <unordered_map> and <unordered_set>
based on hash tables
bucket count can change dynamically
initial number of buckets is implementation defined
each bucket has its own chain of elements
default hash functions declared in <functional>, <string>, …
– bool
character types
integer types
floating point types
string types
pointer types
smart pointer types Conceptually, implementations may differ!
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Unordered associative containers
Additional or redeclared member types
unordered_map and unordered_multimap
typedef Key key_type; // Key is a template type parameter
typedef T mapped_type; // T is a template type parameter
typedef pair<const Key, T> value_type;
unordered_set and unordered_multiset
typedef Key key_type; // Key is a template type parameter
typedef Key value_type;
hash function and hash key related
typedef Hash hasher; // Hash is a template type parameter
typedef Pred key_equal; // Pred is a template type parameter
bucket iterators
typedef implementation-defined local_iterator;
typedef implementation-defined const_local_iterator;
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Unordered associative containers operations (1)
Size, capacity unordered_map unordered_multimap unordered_set unordered_multiset
n = u.size() ••••
n = u.max_size() ••••
b = u.empty() ••••
Comparisons unordered_map unordered_multimap unordered_set unordered_multiset
== != ••••
Element access unordered_map unordered_multimap unordered_set unordered_multiset
x = u[k]
x =
Note 1: if an element with key k does not exist in the map, it is created by operator[], with the associated value default
initialized. A reference to the associated value is returned and can be used to assign a value.
Note 2: if an element with key k does not exist in the map, member function at(k) throws out_of_range.
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Unordered associative containers operations (2)
*) in case unordered_map or unordered_multimap, x has type pair<key_type, value_type>
Modifiers u_map u_multimap u_set u_multiset
pair<iterator,bool>p = u.insert(x); ••*
it = u.insert(x)••*
it = u.insert(it_hint,x)••••*
u.insert( { x,y,z } ) ••••
pair<iterator,bool>p = u.emplace(args); ••
it = u.emplace(args)••
it = u.emplace_hint(pos,args)••••
n = u.erase(k)••••
u.clear() ••••
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Unordered associative containers operations (3)
Map and set operations u_map u_multimap u_set u_multiset
it = u.find(k)••••
n = u.count(k)••••
pair<iter,iter>p = u.equal_range(k); ••••
Specialized operation u_map u_multimap u_set u_multiset
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Unordered associative containers operations (4)
Bucket interface
The hash table used for storing elements is bucket organized – each hash entry can store several elements.
n = u.bucket_count() current number of buckets for container u
m = u.max_bucket_count() maximum number of buckets possible for container u
s = u.bucket_size(b)number of elements in bucket b
b = u.bucket(k)bucket number where keys equivalent to k would be found
it = u.begin(b)iterator to the first element in bucket b
it = u.end(b)const past-the-end iterator for bucket b
it = u.cbegin(b)iterator to the first element in bucket b
it = u.cend(b)const past-the-end iterator for bucket b
pair<it,it>p = u.equal_range(k); range containing elements with keys equivalent to k
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Unordered associative containers operations (5)
Hash policy interface
f = u.load_factor() average number of elements per bucket.
f = u.max_load_factor() a positive number that the container attempts to keep the load factor less than or equal to
u.max_load_factor(f)may change the container’s maximum load factor, using fas a hint
u.rehash(n)alters the number of buckets to be at least nbuckets – rebuilds the hash table as needed
u.reserve(n)reserves space for at least the specified number of elements and regenerates the hash table
n = u.hash_function() us hash function
eq = u.key_eq() key equality predicate
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Iterating over buckets and bucket contents
unordered_map<string> table;
// table is populated…
auto n_buckets = table.bucket_count();
for (decltype(n_buckets) b = 0; b < n_buckets; ++b)
cout << "Bucket " << b " has " << table.bucket_size(b) << " elements: ";
copy(table.cbegin(b), table.cend(b), ostream_iterator<string>(cout, ", "));
cout << ’\n’;
The type of n_buckets and b is unordered_map<string, Item>::size_type
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Some comments on containers library design
covers a wide variety of common data structures
uniform interfaces
all containers, except the sequence adaptors, provide iterators
the elements in different type of containers can be operated upon in a uniform manner
policy technique is used for different adaptions, e.g.
memory allocation
comparison and equivalence functions
hash functions
supports static polymorphism and generic programming
templates parametrized on different aspects
supports move semantics, perfect forwarding, and emplacement construction
type traits and concept checking is frequent in the implementation
checking requirements for instantiation types
selecting the most efficient implementation among several candidates
solving ambiguities that may arise due to instantiation types
given array,vector and string there is little reason to use C-style arrays
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Standard Algorithms Library
#include <algorithm>
Generic components that programs may use to perform algorithmic operations on e.g. containers.
mainly function templates
most operate on data structures and objects through iterators
categorized as follows in the standard library
non-modifying sequence operations
mutating sequence operations
sorting and related operations
algorithms for numeric computations are found in the Numerics library, <numeric>
C library algorithms, <cstdlib>
separated from the particular implementation of different data structures by iterators
the iterator category names are used to reflect the minimum requirements of an algorithm, e.g. BidirectionalIterator
move semantics may be applied by some algorithms
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Regarding exam
the following algorithms are not an exam topic
shuffle algorithms
set algorithms
heap algorithms
lexicographical comparison algorithms
permutation generators
allowed, if suitable and available and not contradicted by given requirements
important to have a good overview and understanding of the algorithms library
what kind of algorithms available and how to use them
sufficient practice in using algorithms, in combination with other components Reference will be available at exam (web browser)
see the course examination page for more information
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Notes on standard algorithms design (1)
many algorithms comes in several versions, sometimes with slightly different names, for example
–abasic version and a version taking an additional predicate, named algorithm and algorithm_if
copy(begin(v1), end(v1), back_inserter(v2));
copy_if(begin(v1), end(v1), back_inserter(v2), bind(less_equal<int>{}, _1, 10));
–anin-place version and a copy version, named algorithm and algorithm_copy (and possibly algorithm_copy_if)
reverse(begin(v), end(v));
reverse_copy(begin(v1), end(v1), back_insert(v2));
one version for one input range and one version for two input ranges
transform(begin(v1), end(v1), begin(v1), negate<int{}); // result in v1
transform(begin(v1), end(v1), begin(v2), back_inserter(v3), plus<int>{});
Note 1: less_equal,negate and plus are standard function object types, bind is a utility function for binding function arguments
Note 2: a lambda expression is much simpler to use instead of bind and less_equal
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Notes on standard algorithm design (2)
some algorithms does not modify size, as one might expect, but instead leave “garbage” at the end of the modified range
unique(begin(v), end(v));
template<typename ForwardIterator>
unique(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last)
// Skip to first occurrence of adjacent equal values
first = std::adjacent_find(first, last);
if (first == last)
return last;
// Uniquify the rest
ForwardIterator dest = first;
while (++first != last)
if (! (*dest == *first))
*++dest = std::move(*first);
return ++dest;
to get rid of the “garbage” it also must be erased (size adjusted)
v.erase(unique(begin(v), end(v)), end(v));
first last
first lastdest
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Notes on standard algorithm design (3)
functions (function pointers or function objects) are passed and returned by value
template <typename InputIterator, typename Function>
for_each(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, Function f)
for ( ; first != last; ++first)
return std::move(f);
the return value from the function f, if any, is ignored – f typically have a side effect, e.g. to print the element
classified as non-modifying, since it does not explicitly modify the elements, but…
void negate(int& i) { i = -i; } // reference parameter
for_each(begin(v), end(v), negate); // the elements in v are negated
the fact that for_each returns f opens for interesting possibilities – f can be a function object with state
Fun_Obj fun;
fun = for_each(begin(v), end(v), fun);
cout << fun.get_result() << endl;
or use a std::reference_wrapper to pass fun by reference – example later
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Notes on standard algorithm design (4)
ordinary function call syntax is always used within the algorithms
template<typename ForwardIterator, typename Generator>
generate(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, Generator gen)
for (; first != last; ++first)
*first = gen();
to call a member function, a function call wrapper must be used (covered in Function objects)
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Notes on standard algorithm design (4)
assignment (operator=) is used for copying elements
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
copy(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator result)
for ( ; first != last; ++result, ++first)
*result = *first;
return result;
if the capacity of result is not guaranteed an insert iterator must be used
copy(begin(v1), end(v1), back_inserter(v2));
operator== and operator< are used by default when comparing elements for equality or for ordering
such algorithms typically come in two versions, one using the default implicitly and one taking a comparer as an extra argument
sort(begin(v1), end(v1)); // uses operator<
sort(begin(v1), end(v1), std::greater<int>{});
sort(begin(v1), end(v1), [](int x, int y){ return y < x; });
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Notes on standard algorithm design (5)
iterators are passed by value
template <typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename Predicate>
copy_if(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator result, Predicate pred)
for (; first != last; ++first)
if (pred(*first))
*result = *first;
return result;
semantically the objects are accessed by reference
input and output ranges may or may not overlap
ranges may not overlap for (most) copy, swap and set algorithms
iterators can be invalidated by algorithms
modifying algorithms typically invalidate stored iterators
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Notes on standard algorithm design (6)
input values of generic type are passed by const&, and return values are returned by const&, when suitable
template <typename T>
const T&
min(const T& a, const T& b)
if (b < a)
return b;
return a;
semantically this is passing by value in a effective way, and reduces the requirements on T (no copy/destroy required)
input values of (to be) simple type are passed by value
template <typename InputIterator, typename Size, typename OutputIterator>
copy_n(InputIterator first, Size n, OutputIterator result)
for ( ; n > 0; --n)
*result = *first;
return result;
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Utility class to create objects that act as references but can be copied.
two helper functions
ref(T) returns a T& wrapper object
cref(T) returns a const T& wrapper object
class sum {
sum() : acc(0) {}
void operator()(int x) { acc += x; }
int get_sum() const { return acc; }
int acc;
algorithm for_each takes a function as third argument and passes it by value, and finally return that copy by value
vector<int> v{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
sum s;
for_each(begin(v), end(v), ref(s)); // alternative: s = for_each(begin(v), end(v), s);
cout << s.get_sum() << endl;
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Non-modifying sequence operations (1)
Function for_each(first,last,f) applies the function f to each element in [first,last); returns f
Note: f can be passed by reference using std::reference_wrapper
ncount(first,last,value) returns the number of elements in [first,last) equal to value
ncount_if(first,last,pred) returns the number of elements in [first,last) for which pred is true
iter find(first,last,value) find the first element in [first,last) equal to value
iter find_if(first,last,pred) find the first element in [first,last) for which pred is true
iter find_if_not(first,last,pred) find the first element in [first,last) for which pred is false
iter find_first_of(first1,last1,first2,last2) find the first element in [first1,last1) equal to one of the elements in [first2,last2)
iter find_end(first1,last1,first2,last2) find the last subsequence in [first1,last1) equal to [first2,last2)
iter search(first1,last1,first2,last2) search for the first subsequence in [first1,last1) equal to [first2,last2)
iter search_n(first,last,count,value) search for the first subsequence in [first,last) of count elements equal to value
Note 1: algorithms returning an iterator returns last/last1 if not successful.
Note 2:find_first_of,find_end,search and search_n use operator== by default to compare for equality; they all also come in a version
taking a binary predicate to be used instead.
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Non-modifying sequence operations (2)
bool all_of(first1,last1,pred)true if pred is true for all elements in [first1,last1)
bool any_of(first1,last1,pred)true if pred is true for any element in [first1,last1)
bool non_of(first1,last1,pred)true if pred is true for none of the element in [first1,last1)
iter adjacent_find(first,last) returns iterator to first two consecutive equal elements in [first,last), or last
bool equal(first1,last1,first2)true if the elements in [first1,last1) and [first2, …) are equal
pair<it1,it2>mismatch(first1,last1,first2) returns the positions in [first1,last1) and [first2, …) where the elements in the
sequences differ for the first time; if all elements match, last1 and an iterator
into first2 offset by the size of [first1,last1) is returned
bool is_permutation(first1,last1,first2)true if there is a permutation of the elements in [first2,…) with the same
number of elements as are in [first1,last1) and for which the elements in the
permutation and in [first1,last1) are equal
Note: adjacent_find,equal,mismatch, and is_permutation by default uses operator== for equality test, They all also come in a version
taking a binary predicate to be used instead.
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Mutating sequence operations (1)
fill(first,last,value) assign value to the elements in [first,last)
fill_n(first,n,value) assign value to the elements in [first,first + n)
generate(first,last,gen) invokes gen() and assign the return value to each element in [first,last)
generate_n(first,n,gen) invokes gen() and assign the return value to each element in [first,first + n)
iter transform(first,last,result,unary-op) applies unary-op to the elements in [first,last), assigns result to [result, …)
iter transform(first1,last1,first2,result,binary-op) applies binary-op to the elements in two ranges, assigns result to [result, …)
iter copy(first,last,result) copies all elements from [first,last) into [result, …)
iter copy_n(first,n,result) copies the first n elements from [first,) into [result,)
iter copy_if(first,last,result,pred) copies all elements in [first,last) for which pred is true
iter copy_backward(first,last,result) copies elements backwards from [first,last) into [result, …)
iter move(first,last,result) like copy but elements are moved
iter move_backward(first,last,result) like copy_backward but elements are moved
swap(x,y) exchanges values in two locations x and y
iter swap_ranges(first1,last1,first2) exchanges values pair-wise in two ranges [first1,last1) and [first2, …)
iter_swap(it1,it2) exchanges values pointed to by iterators it1 and it2
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Mutating sequence operations (2)
replace(first,last,old,new) substitutes each element in [first,last) equal to old with new
replace_if(first,last,pred,new) substitutes each element in [first,last) for which pred is true with new
iter replace_copy(first,last,result,old,new)asreplace, but the result is copied into another range [result, …)
iter replace_copy_if(first,last,result,pred,new)asreplace_if, but the result is copied into another range [result, …)
iter remove(first,last,value) eliminates all elements in [first,last) equal to value
iter remove_if(first,last,pred) eliminates all elements in [first,last) for which pred is true
iter remove_copy(first,last,result,value)asremove but the result is copied into [result, …)
iter remove_copy_if(first,last,result,pred)asremove_if but the result is copied into [result, …)
iter unique(first,last) eliminates all but the first from every consecutive group of equal elements
iter unique_copy(first,last,result)asunique but the result is copied into [result, …)
reverse(first,last) reverses the order of the elements in [first,last)
iter reverse_copy(first,last,result)asreverse but the result is copied into [result, …)
rotate(first,new-first,last) left rotate the elements in [first,last) so new-first becomes the first element
iter rotate_copy(first,new-first,last,result)asrotate but the result is copied into [result, …)
Note 1:iter returned by the functions above, is an iterator pointing past-the-end of the resulting range.
Note 2: the input range for unique and unique_copy is normally supposed to be sorted.
Note 3: unique and unique_copy also comes in a version taking a predicate, to be used instead of operator== to compare for equality.
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Mutating sequence operations (3)
random_shuffle(first,last) shuffles the elements in [first,last) in a random way;
deprecated in C++14, use shuffle!
random_shuffle(first,last,rand)asrandom_shuffle but using function rand;
deprecated in C++14, use shuffle!
shuffle(first,last,uniform-rand) shuffles the elements in [first,last) in a random way using function uniform-
iter partition(first,last,pred) places all element in [first,last) satisfying pred before elements not
satisfying pred; iter points at the first element in the second part
iter stable_partition(first,last,pred)aspartition but the relative order of elements in both groups is preserved
bool is_partitioned(first,last,pred)true if [first, last) is empty, or if [first,last) is partitioned by pred, i.e. all
elements satisfying pred occurs before those that do not
iter partition_point(first,last,pred)[first,last) shall be partitioned by pred, i.e. all elements that satisfy pred
shall appear before those that do not; returns an iterator referring to the
partition point
pair partition_copy(first,last,out-true,out-false,pred) copies elements in [first,last) satisfying pred to out-true, elements not
satisfying pred to out-false; returns pair such that first is the end of the
output range beginning at out-true and second is the end of the output range
beginning at out-false
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Sorting and related operations (1)
sort(first,last) sorts the elements in [first,last)
stable_sort(first,last)assort but preserving the relative order of equal elements
partial_sort(first,middle,last) places the lowest-valued (middle -first) elements in [first,last) sorted in
iter partial_sort_copy(first,last,result,result-last) places the min(last - first,result-last - result) lowest-valued elements from
[first,last) sorted in result in [result,result-last); iter is past-the-end of result
nth_element(first,nth,last)nth must be an iterator pointing to an element in [first,last); after
nth_element the element in the nth position is the element that would be
there if the whole range was sorted; elements to the left of nth are less or
equal to the nth element, elements to the right of nth are greater or equal, but
not ordered in any other way
bool is_sorted(first,last) returns true is all elements in [first,last) is sorted, false otherwise
iter is_sorted_until(first,last) returns the last iterator in [first,last) for which [first,iter) is sorted
Note 1: operator< is used by default to compare; all also have a version taking a comparer to be used instead.
Note 2: from sort/stable_sort and down to nth_element, the degree of sorting is decreasing.
Note 3: library guarantee that sort moves (not copies), if available.
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Sorting and related operations (2)
bool binary_search(first,last,value) returns true if value is found in [first,last)
iter lower_bound(first,last,value) returns first position where value can be inserted without violating the ordering
iter upper_bound(first,last,value) returns last position where value can be inserted without violating the ordering
pair<it1,it2>equal_range(first,last,value) returns the largest subrange [it1,it2) where value can be inserted without
violating the ordering; the two iterators returned corresponds to the ones
returned by lower_bound and upper_bound.
Note 1: operator< is used by default to compare; all also have a version taking a comparer, to be used instead, as last argument.
Note 2:binary_search works for both random access an forward iterators.
iter merge(first1,last1,first2,last2,result) merges two sorted ranges, [first1,last1) and [first2,last2) into one sorted
range, [result, …); iter is past-the-end of the resulting range
inplace_merge(first,middle,last) merges two sorted consecutive ranges, [first,middle) and [middle,last), putting
the result into [first,last)
Note 1: operator< is used by default to compare; both also have a version taking a comparer to be used instead.
Note 2: merging is stable, i.e. elements from the first range comes before equivalent elements from the second range.
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Set algorithms
Works on sorted structures, also works on multiset.
bool includes(first1,last1,first2,last2)true if every element in [first2,last2) is contained in [first1,last1)
iter set_union(first1,last1,first2,last2,result) constructs a sorted union in [result, …) of the elements from the
two ranges [first1,last1) and [first2,last2)
iter set_intersection(first1,last1,first2,last2,result) constructs a sorted intersection in [result, …) of the elements from
the two ranges [first1,last1) and [first2,last2)
iter set_difference(first1,last1,first2,last2,result) copies the elements of range [first1,last1) which are not present in
[first2,last2) to [result, …)
iter set_symmetric_difference(first1,last1,first2,last2,result) copies the elements of range [first1,last1) not present in [first2,
last2) and elements of range [first2,last2) not present in range
[first1,last1) to the range [result, …)
Note 1: operator< is used by default to compare; all also have a version taking a comparer to be used instead.
Note 2: the iterator returned by the functions above refers to the end of the constructed range (result).
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Heap algorithms
vector<int> v{ 8, 1, 4, 6, 5, 8, 3, 2, 7, 9 };
make_heap(begin(v), end(v)); // 9 8 8 7 5 4 3 2 6 1
v.push_back(10); // 9 8 8 7 5 4 3 2 6 1 10
push_heap(begin(v), end(v)); // 10 9 8 7 8 4 3 2 6 1 5
pop_heap(begin(v), end(v)); // 9 8 8 7 5 4 3 2 6 1 10
make_heap(first,last) constructs a heap (max-heap) out of the range [first,last)
push_heap(first,last) the range [first,last -1) must be a valid heap; the value to push must first be placed in location
last-1; places the value in location last-1 into the resulting heap [first,last)
pop_heap(first,last) the range [first,last) must be a valid heap; swaps the value in location first with the value in location
last-1 and makes [first,last -1) into a heap
sort_heap(first,last) sorts the elements in the heap [first,last); the range [first,last) is thereafter not a heap; not stable
bool is_heap(first,last) returns true if the elements in [first,last) are heap ordered, otherwise false
iter is_heap_until(first,last) returns the last iterator in [first,last) for which the range [first,iter) is heap ordered, otherwise last
Note 1: operator< is used by default to compare; all also have a version taking a comparer to be used instead.
Note 2:make_heap(), push_heap(), and pop_heap() are used in the implementation of priority_queue.
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Minimum and maximum operations
value min(a,b) returns the smaller value of a and b,a when a and b are equivalent
value min(initializer-list) returns the (leftmost) smallest value in initializer-list
value max(a,b) returns the larger value of a and b,a when a and b are equivalent
value max(initializer-list) returns the (rightmost) largest value in initializer-list
pair minmax(a,b) returns a pair with smallest of a and b first
pair minmax(initializer-list) returns a pair with (leftmost) smallest and (rightmost) largest in initializer-list
iter min_element(first,last) returns iterator to the (leftmost) smallest element in [first,last)
iter max_element(first,last) returns an iterator to the largest element in [first,last); if several equivalently large elements,
an iterator to the first of those
pair minmax_element(first,last) returns a pair with iterators to the leftmost) smallest and the (rightmost) largest element in the
range [first,last)
Note: operator< is used by default to compare; all also have a version taking a comparer to be used instead.
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Lexicographical comparison
Lexicographical comparison means
if two sequences have the same number of elements and their corresponding elements are equivalent then neither sequence is
lexicographically less than the other
abcd1 < abcd2not true
abcd2 > abcd1not true
if one sequence is a prefix of the other, then the shorter sequence is lexicographically less than the longer sequence
abc < abcde true
otherwise the lexicographical comparison of two sequences yield the same result as the comparison of the first pair of elements that are
not equivalent
abcde < abcxetrue, because d < x
bool lexicographical_compare(first1,last1,first2,last2) returns true if the elements in [first1,last1) are lexicographically less
than the elements in [first2,last2)
Note: operator< is used by default to compare; there is also a version taking a comparer to be used instead.
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TDDD38 APiC++ Standard Library Algorithms 286
Permutation generators
the next permutation is found by assuming that the set of all permutations are sorted with respect to operator<, or to a given comparer.
abc < acb < bac < bca < cab < cba
bool next_permutation(first,last) takes the sequence [first,last) and transforms it to the next permutation; returns true if such a
permutation exists, otherwise false
bool prev_permutation(first,last) takes the sequence [first,last) and transforms it to the previous permutation; returns true if
such a permutation exists, otherwise false
Note: operator< is used by default to compare; both also have a version taking a comparer, to be used instead
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TDDD38 APiC++ Standard Library Algorithms 287
Numeric algorithms
#include <numeric>
The Numerics library also have support for complex numbers,random number generation,numeric arrays, and C99 standard library
Taccumulate(first,last,init) initializes an accumulator with init, adds each value in [first,last) to the accumulator
using operator+; returns accumulator value
Tinner_product(first1,last1,first2,init) initializes an accumulator with init; multiplies each pair of elements in [first1,last1) and
[first2,…) with each other and adds the result to the accumulator using operator+;
returns accumulator value
iter partial_sum(first,last,result) assigns to every element in [result, …) the corresponding partial sum; (*first),
(*first + *(first+1)), (*first + *(first+1) + *(first+2)), …, using operator+;
returns past-the-end iterator for the resulting range
iter adjacent_difference(first,last,result) the first element in result is assigned to the first value in [first,last); each element in
[result+1,…) is assigned to the difference between the corresponding value in
[first+1,last) and its previous value; returns past-the-end iterator for the resulting range.
iota(first,last,value) assigns all elements in [first,last) increasing values starting with value
Note 1: accumulate,inner_product, and partial_sum also have a version taking a binary operation to be used instead of operator+
Note 2:adjacent_difference also have a version taking a binary operation to be used instead of operator-
File: Standard-Function-Objects-OH-en © 2015 Tommy Olsson, IDA, Linköpings universitet (2015-04-23)
TDDD38 APiC++ Standard Library – Function objects and lambda expressions 288
Function objects and lambda expressions
function objects are objects of class type with the function call operator overloaded
operator() must be a non-static member function
important for effective use of the standard library
enables algorithms to work with both ordinary functions and function objects
template<class InputIterator, class Function>
Function for_each(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, Function f);
for_each(begin(v), end(v), fun);
for_each(begin(v), end(v), fun_obj{});
increases the expressive power of the library
function objects are more flexible and powerful than functions
can have data members to keep a state
can have other member functions than operator()
makes the resulting code more effective
transform(begin(v), end(v), std::negate<double>{}); // negate object can be inlined
lambda expressions is a convenient way to create simple function objects inplace
in many situations in C++98 where function objects was used, lambda expressions should be used in C++11
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TDDD38 APiC++ Standard Library – Function objects and lambda expressions 289
Regarding exam
important to have a good understanding of function objects and lambda expressions
know about the standard library function objects
be able to define own function objects when needed
sufficient practice in using function objects, both from standard library and your own, in combination with other components
lambdas is often a good alternative to create simple function objects Reference will be available at exam (web browser)
see the course examination page for more information
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TDDD38 APiC++ Standard Library – Function objects and lambda expressions 290
Defining function object class types
defining a simple, binary function object class
template<typename T>
struct logical_xor
constexpr bool operator()(const T& lhs, const T& rhs) const
return (lhs && !rhs) || (!lhs && rhs);
using first_argument_type = T;
using second_argument_type = T;
using result_type = bool;
constexpr allows locical_xor be evaluated during compile-time, for appropriate arguments
constexpr also implies inline
the alias declarations (type definitions) are required by some library components, e.g., for declaring function parameters and other stuff
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TDDD38 APiC++ Standard Library – Function objects and lambda expressions 291
Using function objects
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
#include <iterator>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main()
vector<bool> b1{ false,false,true,true };
vector<bool> b2{ false,true,false,true };
vector<bool> b3;
transform(begin(b1), end(b1), begin(b2), back_inserter(b3), logical_xor<bool>{});
// b3 now contain b1 xor b2 (bit-wise)
return 0;
the expression logical_xor<bool>{} creates a temporary object
passed to the corresponding parameter, binary_op
the function call in transform is
binary_op(*first1, *first2);
can be either an ordinary function, a function object, or a lambda expression
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TDDD38 APiC++ Standard Library – Function objects and lambda expressions 292
Function objects with state
Fibonacci number generator (F0 = 0, F1 = 1, Fn = Fn-1 + Fn-2 for n>1)
class Fibonacci
Fibonacci() : Fn{0}, Fn_1{1} {}
unsigned long long int operator()() const
unsigned long long int next{Fn};
Fn = Fn_1;
Fn_1 = next + Fn;
return next;
mutable unsigned long long int Fn;
mutable unsigned long long int Fn_1;
vector<unsigned long long int> v(20);
generate(begin(v), end(v), Fibonacci{}); // 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, …
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TDDD38 APiC++ Standard Library – Function objects and lambda expressions 293
Standard library function object classes
the standard library declares function objects classes correspond to the arithmetic,comparison and logical operators.
plus addition x + y
minus subtraction x - y
multiplies multiplication x * y
divides division x / y
modulus reminder from integer division x % y
negate negationperforms -x
equal_to equality x == y
not_equal_to inequality x != y
greater greater-than x > y
less less-than x < y
greater_equal greater-or-equal x >= y
less_equal less-or-equal x <= y
logical_and logical conjunction x && y
logical_or logical disjunction x || y
logical_not logical negation !x
bit_and bit-wise and x & y
bit_or bit-wise or x | y)
bit_xor bit-wise xor x ^ y)
makes it possible to pass “operators” as function arguments, and invoke them using ordinary function call syntax
transform(begin(v1), end(v1), begin(v2), back_inserter(v3), plus<int>{});
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TDDD38 APiC++ Standard Library – Function objects and lambda expressions 294
Standard library function object class definitions (1)
std::plus is defined (default argument void is C++14)
template<typename T = void>struct plus
constexpr T operator()(const T& lhs, const T& rhs) const
return lhs + rhs;
using first_argument_type = T;
using second_argument_type = T;
using result_type = T;
wrapper for operator+
works for all types T having operator+ and copy construction
implicit specialization (T = void) is illegal!
explicit specialization for a specific type creates a simple instance with all T:s replaced with that type – plus<int>
unary function objects should have the following two nested type definitions, instead of those three above
using argument_type = …;
using result_type = …;
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TDDD38 APiC++ Standard Library – Function objects and lambda expressions 295
Standard library function object class definitions (2)
explicit (standard library) specialization for std::plus<void>(C++14)
template<> struct plus<void>
template <typename T, typename U>
constexpr auto operator()(T&& lhs, U&& rhs) const
-> decltype(std::forward<T>(lhs) + std::forward<U>(rhs))
return std::forward<T>(lhs) + std::forward<U>(rhs);
typedef unspecified is_transparent;
parameter types and return types are deducedarguments can be different, compatible types
member type is_transparent indicates that this is a transparent function object
accepts arguments of arbitrary types
uses perfect forwarding
avoids unnecessary copying and conversion when used in heterogeneous context, or with rvalue arguments
string a = "Hello ";
const char* b = "world";
cout << plus<>{}(a, b) << ’\n’;
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TDDD38 APiC++ Standard Library – Function objects and lambda expressions 296
Lambda expressions
Lambda expressions provide a quick way to create (simple) function objects at their point of use
array<int, 9> a{ 7, -2, -8, 4, 3, -5, 9, -1, 6 };
sort(begin(a), end(a), [](int x, int y) { return abs(x) < abs(y); });
[] is the lambda introducer – introduces the declaration of a lambda expression
can contain zero or more lambda captures
[] only global and static entities can be referenced in the lambdacapture-less lambda expression
[&] will capture any name used from the reaching scope implicitly by reference
[=] will capture by value
[x] explicitly capture the object named x, as read only
[&x] will capture x by reference
[=, &x] default capture is by value, x is captured by reference
[this]will allow capturing members
() contains ordinary parameter declarations
can be left out if no parameters
{} is a compound statement
The return type is in the example above is implicitly deduced from the type of the returned value – it can be declared explicitly
[](int x, int y) -> bool { return abs(x) < abs(y); }
there is more…
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TDDD38 APiC++ Standard Library – Function objects and lambda expressions 297
Closure objects
The evaluation of a lambda expression creates a closure object
a prvalue temporary
behaves as a function object
closure types are not specified but there are two easy ways to store closure objects
auto fun =[](int x, int y) { return abs(x) < abs(y); };
cout << fun(2, 1) << endl;
– template std::function (introduced later)
function<bool(int,int)> func = [](int x, int y) { return abs(x) < abs(y); };
cout << func(1, 2) << endl;
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TDDD38 APiC++ Standard Library – Function objects and lambda expressions 298
Non-generic lambda expressions and closure types
auto lambda = [](int a, int b) { return a < b; }
bool (*fp)(int,int) = lambda; // pointer-to-function conversion allowed for capture-less lambdas
The closure type for a non-generic lambda expression has a public operator() (1)
same parameter types and return type as the lambda expression
const if the lambda-expression’s parameter declaration clause is not followed by mutable
Capture-less lambdas have a pointer to function conversion (2)
parameter types and return type are the same as for the function call operator
returns the address of a function (3)that, when invoked, has the same effect as invoking the function call operator
class Closure {
bool operator()(int a, int b) const { return a < b; } (1)
static bool invoker_(int a, int b) { return a < b; } (3)
using fptr_t = bool (*)(int,int);
operator fptr_t() const { return &invoker_; } (2)
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TDDD38 APiC++ Standard Library – Function objects and lambda expressions 299
Generic lambda expressions (C++14)
auto lambda = [](const auto& a, const auto& b) { return a + b; };
auto indicates a generic lambda parameter
closure operator() is a member template with one invented type template parameter for each occurrence of auto in the lambda
struct Closure
template<typename T, typename U>
auto operator()(const T& x, const U& y) const
return x + y;
auto is used for the deduced return type of operator()
conversion from a capture-less generic lambda to an appropriate pointer-to-function is allowed
long (*fp)(long,long) = lambda;
parameter types and also return type may differ
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TDDD38 APiC++ Standard Library – Function objects and lambda expressions 300
Generic lambda expressions and closure types (C++14)
auto lambda = [](const auto& a, const auto& b) { return a + b; }
Complete closure type for a capture-less lambda expression:
struct Closure {
template<typename T, typename U>
auto operator()(const T& x, const U& y) const { return x + y; }
template<typename T, typename U>
static auto invoker_(const T& x, const U& y) { return x + y; }
template<typename T, typename U> using fptr_t =
decltype(invoker_(declval<T>{}, declval<U>{})) (*)(T, U);
template<typename T, typename U>
operator fptr_t<T, U>() const { return &invoker_; }
function template declval returns an rvalue reference (T&& and U&&, respectively) without referring to any object
references to (non-exciting) values of type T and U is used in the unevaluated call of invoker_ in decltype(…)
the return type of fptr_t is deduced this way
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TDDD38 APiC++ Standard Library – Function objects and lambda expressions 301
Generic lambda expressions for function parameter packs (C++14)
The invented type template-parameter is a parameter pack if the corresponding parameter-declaration declares a function parameter pack.
auto lambda = [](auto&&... fpp){ … }; // function parameter pack
Closure type:
struct Closure {
template<typename... Args> // parameter pack
auto operator()(Args&&... args) { … }
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TDDD38 APiC++ Standard Library – Function objects and lambda expressions 302
Function call syntax (1)
There are three ways to invoke a function f on a class object of type T:
f(x) Syntax #1: f is a normal function or function object and x is an object of type T
x.f() Syntax #2: f is a member function and x is an object of type T or a reference to an object of type T
p->f() Syntax #3: f is a member function and p is a pointer to an object of type T
Suppose we have a unary function that can operate on objects of type T, and a container with elements of type T
void fun(T& t);
vector<T> v;
to apply fun to each object in the vector we can use the algorithm for_each
for_each(begin(v), end(v), fun); // Fine, for_each uses call syntax #1
•if fun instead is a member of T and we try the following, it will not work
for_each(begin(v), end(v), &T::fun); // Compile error, call syntax #2 required
the third variant would be if the container stores pointers to T, and fun is a member of T, which also will not work
vector<T*> v;
for_each(begin(v), end(v), &T::fun); // Compile error, call syntax #3 required
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TDDD38 APiC++ Standard Library – Function objects and lambda expressions 303
Function call syntax (2)
the implementation of for_each shows why the passed function f cannot be a member function, unless adapted
template<typename InputIterator, typename Function>
for_each(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, Function f)
for (; first != last; ++first)
f(*first); // syntax #1
return f;
works with both ordinary functions and function objects, but not for calling member functions
all standard library algorithms use this normal function call syntax
to be able to call a member function we must adapt the member function call syntax to ordinary function call syntax
x.memfun() –> f(x)
x.memfun(y) –> f(x, y)
an ordinary function also need adaption, if a component require typedefs for argument type(s) and return type
for_each does not
Before finding att how to solve this, lets find out what can be called…
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TDDD38 APiC++ Standard Library – Function objects and lambda expressions 304
Callable objects (1)
Something that can be called as a function.
functions, function pointers, or function references
void fun(int x) { cout << x << endl; } // function
void (*fp)(int){ fun }; // function pointer (bound to fun above)
void (&fr)(int){ fun }; // function reference (bound to fun above)
fun(1); // 1
fp(2); // 2
fr(3); // 3
objects implicitly converted to function pointer or to function reference
struct Type
using Fun_Ptr = void (*)(int); // alt. void (&)(int)
operator Fun_Ptr() const { return fun; } // conversion function – fun defined above
Type obj;
obj(4); // 4
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TDDD38 APiC++ Standard Library – Function objects and lambda expressions 305
Callable objects (2)
function object
struct Fun_Obj_Type
void operator()(int x) const { cout << x << endl; }
Fun_Obj_Type obj;
obj(6); // 6
closure object – behaves as a function object
auto f = [](int x){ cout << x << endl; };
f(7); // 7
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TDDD38 APiC++ Standard Library – Function objects and lambda expressions 306
Callable objects (3)
pointer to non-static member function
struct Type
void mem_fun(int x) const { cout << x << endl; }
auto pmf = &Type::mem_fun; // void (Type::*pmf)(int)const = &Type::mem_fun;
Type obj;
(obj.*pmf)(8); // 8
to point to a static member function, an ordinary function pointer must be used
struct Type
static void smem_fun(int x) { cout << x << endl; }
auto fp = &Type::smem_fun; // void (*fp)(int) = &Type::smem_fun;
Type obj;
(fp)(9); // 9
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Function call wrappers
• negators
function call wrappers to negate the result from calling a predicate function
not1() helper function returning a function call wrapper for a unary predicate
not2() helper function returning a function call wrapper for a binary predicate
function argument binder
bind() returns a function call wrapper which binds a callable object and arguments
member function adaptor
mem_fn() returns a function call wrapper to call a member function using normal function call syntax
functions as first class citizens
function is a polymorphic function wrapper that can store,copy, and call arbitrary callable objects
Note: These components are all defined using the new feature variadic template.
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TDDD38 APiC++ Standard Library – Function objects and lambda expressions 308
Negators (1)
struct less_than_5 // a user defined unary predicate
constexpr bool operator()(int x) const { return x < 5; }
typedef int argument_type;
typedef bool return_type;
vector<int> v{ 1, 8, 3, 6, 10, 7, 5, 9, 2, 4 };
cout << count_if(begin(v), end(v), not1(less_than_5{})) << endl;
the function object returned by not1() is applied to each element in v by transform
calls less_than_5{} and returns the result negated
transform(begin(v1), end(v1), begin(v2), begin(v3), not2(std::less<int>{}));
the function object returned by not2() is applied to each pair of elements in v1 and v2 by transform
calls std::less<int>{} and returns the result negated
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TDDD38 APiC++ Standard Library – Function objects and lambda expressions 309
Negators (2)
Utility function not1() takes a unary predicate Predicate and returns a function object of type unary_negate
template<typename Predicate>
unary_negate<Predicate> not1(const Predicate& pred)
return unary_negate<Predicate>(pred);
Predicate must have nested type argument_type
template<typename Predicate> class unary_negate
explicit unary_negate(const Predicate& x) : pred(x) {}
bool operator()(const typename Predicate::argument_type& x) const { return !pred(x); }
using argument_type = typename Predicate::argument_type;
using result_type = bool;
Predicate pred;
defined by standard function objects
defined by std::function when wrapping a unary or binary function
defined by std::mem_fn when wrapping a unary or binary member function
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TDDD38 APiC++ Standard Library – Function objects and lambda expressions 310
Utility function std::bind
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using namespace std::placeholders;
vector<int> v{ 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9 }; // not necessarily sorted
how many values in v are greater than 6?
auto n = count_if(begin(v), end(v), bind(greater<int>{}, _1, 6));
bind is given a binary predicate, greater<int>{}, and the arguments to be bound
the second parameter is bound to 6 – greater<int>()::operator(?, 6)
argument for the first parameter is to be supplied when count_if calls the unary predicate created by bind
if (bind(greater<int>{}, _1, 6)(*it)) // effectively if (greater<int>{}(*it, 6))
– placeholder _1 refers to the first argument given in the call of the function call wrapper (*it)
in this case there is only one argument – the only valid placeholder is _1
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Utility function std::mem_fn
class C {
C(int i = 0) : value_(i) {}
int times(int n) const { return n * value_; }
operator int() const { return value_; }
int value_;
int a[]{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };
vector<C> v(begin(a), end(a)); // initialize C objects with values from a
transform(begin(v), end(v), begin(a), ostream_iterator<int>{cout," "}, mem_fn(&C::times));
mem_fn covers all member function call variants – the call to transform would be the same if v was storing pointers to C
vector<C*> v{ new C{1}, new C{2}, new C{3} };
not restricted to member functions with just none or one parameter
nested types
result_type and argument_type are defined for member functions with no parameters
result_type,first_argument_type, and second_argument_type are defined for member functions with one parameter
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TDDD38 APiC++ Standard Library – Function objects and lambda expressions 312
Template std::function (1)
function wrapper class that can store, copy, and call arbitrary callable objects, such as
normal functions
function objects
closure objects (acts as function objects)
bind expressions
allow functions to be first-class objects, that is, can be
– assigned
passed by value
returned by value
stored in data structures
• exception bad_function_call is thrown by function::operator() when the function wrapper object has no target
class bad_function_call : public std::exception {
bad_function_call() noexcept;
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Template std::function (2)
function<double(double)> fn; // no function boundthrows bad_function_call, if called
fn = std::sinf; // normal function, signature float(float)
cout << fn(3.14) << endl;
// cos is overloaded in three version, for float, double, long double, type conversion required:
fn = static_cast<double(*)(double)>(std::cos);
cout << fn(3.14) << endl;
fn = [](double d) -> double { return 2 * d; }; // closure object (lambda expression)
cout << fn(3.14) << endl;
function<bool(int)> pred{ bind(std::greater<int>(), _1, 10) }; // bind expression
cout << boolalpha << pred(9) << ", " << pred(11) << endl;
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Template std::function (3)
If instantiated for a unary or binary function:
have type definitions for result type and argument type(s)
for unary functions
for binary functions
expected by some components
char* a[]{ "C++", "Ada", "Basic", "C", "C++", "Eiffel", "Java", "Python", "C++" }
count_if(begin(a), end(a), not1(function<int(const char*)>{bind(strcmp, "C++", _1)}))
not1 require those types
bind does not supply
we can use function inbetween to supply the types
a lambda expression is much simpler to use in many cases, e.g in this case:
count_if(begin(a), end(a), [](const char* s){ return !(strcmp("C++", s)); })
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TDDD38 APiC++ Standard Library – Function objects and lambda expressions 315
Template std::function (4)
Definition, parts ofjust to give a hint on implementation:
template<class>class function; // primary – undefined
template <class R, class... ArgTypes> // result type, argument types
class function<R(ArgTypes...)> { // specialization for this function signature
function(const function&);
function& operator=(const function&);
function& operator=(function&&);
template<class F> function(F); // constructor taking function
explicit operator bool() const noexcept;//true if *this has a target, otherwise false
Roperator()(ArgTypes...) const;//function call operator
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Summing up: Containers – Iterators – Algorithms – Functions objects
Designed for flexibility, extensibility, reuse and efficiency.
uniform interfaces
makes containers and iterators interchangeable
many algorithms can be applied to a variety of structures
makes learning and use easier
iterators is the “glue” that allow for combining components
algorithms operate on data through iterators
containers provide iterators
iterators can be bound to streams
ordinary pointers can in many cases be used where iterators are expected
function objects can be used for many different purposes
algorithms and containers can take a function object to modify their behaviour
function wrappers can be used to create more complicated operations from simple functions or function objects, e.g.
function call adaptors
reference wrapper
use lambda expressions for simple function objects
utilities for supporting rvalue references, move semantics, perfect forwarding, …
the template mechanism is heavily used, supports together with e.g. variadic templates
reusability, genericity, flexibility, efficiency