@techreport{R-92-30, TITLE = {Features and Fluents. A Systematic Approach to the Representation of Knowledgr about Dynamical Systems}, AUTHOR = {Erik Sandewall}, YEAR = {1992}, NUMBER = {R-92-30}, INSTITUTION = ida, ADDRESS = idaaddr, ABSTRACTURL = {/publications/cgi-bin/tr-fetch.pl?r-92-30+abstr}, ABSTRACT = {The report proposes and uses a systematic methodology for the presentation, analysis, and comparison of logics of action and change, in particular for logics that deal with the "frame problem". The methodology is characterized by three major aspects: - The use of an underlying semantics for characterizing systems with in ertia (temporal persistence). - The use of an ontological taxonomy which is strictly defined in terms of the underlying semantics, and which characterizes classes of dynamical systems with specific restrictions on them. - Formally proven assessments of the range of applicability of various (non-monotonic) entailment criteria. The main results in the report are assessment results for a number of logics of time and action, including both logics that have been proposed before and logics defined here. The report is a second review version of a forthcoming book on the logic of reasoning about action and time, and on various aspects of the frame problem. The report corresponds to the first part of the intended book. }, IDANR = {LiTH-IDA-R-92-30}