@TECHREPORT{R-96-19, PSURL = {/publications/cgi-bin/tr-fetch.pl?r-96-19+ps}, NUMBER = {R-96-19}, INSTITUTION = ida, ADDRESS = idaaddr, YEAR = {1996}, AUTHOR = {Sandewall, Erik}, TITLE = {Transition Cascade Semantics and first Assessments Results for Ramification, Preliminary Report }, ABSTRACTURL = {/publications/cgi-bin/tr-fetch.pl?r-96-19+abstr}, ABSTRACT = {This article reports on assessment results for several approaches to the ramification problem. Two types of assessments are reported: (1) Assessment of soundness for one minimization based and one causation-based method; (2) Relative range assessments for a number of minimization based methods. Assessment of soundness is based on an underlying semantics for ramification. We propose, define, and use a transition cascade semantics for this purpose. Transition cascade means that an action is viewed as consisting of an initial state transition which represents the invocation of the action, followed by a succession of other state transitions which may be understood as representing a causal chain. The assessment of an entailment method specifies restrictions on the invocation and causation relations which guarantee that the entailment method is sound. Relative range assessments compare entailment methods pairwise and specify whether the set of selected models obtained by one is a subset of the set of selected models obtained by the other. }