@techreport{R-94-13, PSURL = {/publications/cgi-bin/tr-fetch.pl?r-94-13+ps}, ABSTRACTURL = {/publications/cgi-bin/tr-fetch.pl?r-94-13+abstr}, ABSTRACT = {FLUF: A FLexible Unification Formalism - Syntax and Semantics Lenas Strömbäck Abstract The report presents the FLexible Unification Formalism (FLUF) as our solution of a flexible unification-based formalism\x11for natural language processing. For this formalism we give both a declarative and an operational semantics based on the theory for term rewriting systems and narrowing. We also give some results about soundness and completeness. }, TITLE = {FLUF: A Flexible Unification Formalism - Syntax and Semantics}, AUTHOR = {Lena Str{\"o}mb{\"a}ck}, EMAIL = {lestr@ida.liu.se}, YEAR = {1994}, NUMBER = {R-94-13}, INSTITUTION = ida, ADDRESS = idaaddr, IDANR = {LiTH-IDA-R-94-13}