@techreport{R-86-10, TITLE = {Subgraph Isomorphism for Biconnected Outerplanar Graphs in Cubic Time}, AUTHOR = {Andrzej Lingas}, YEAR = {1986}, NUMBER = {R-86-10}, INSTITUTION = ida, ADDRESS = idaaddr, ABSTRACTURL = {/publications/cgi-bin/tr-fetch.pl?r-86-10+abstr}, ABSTRACT = {It is shown that we can determine whether a biconnected outerplanar graph is isomorphic to a subgraph of another biconnected outerplanar graph in cubic time.}, IDANR = {LiTH-IDA-R-86-10}, NOTE = {Also in Proc. of the 3rd Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, January 1986, Orsay, France and Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag}