Slutredovisning inlämnad till VINNOVA Dokid: 137224 

Diarienummer Projekttitel
2003-01379 SWEBPROD- Semantisk webb för produkter
Projektnummer Bidragsmottagare
24482-1 LIU Linköpings universitet - Datavetenskap
Projektledare VINNOVAs handläggare
Uwe Assmann Magnus Cedergren
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Sammanfattning av projektet och dess resultat:

We have used several techniques to represent semantic information about products in a way that is accessible from the web.

The freely available, object-oriented modelling language Modelica is designed to allow convenient, component-oriented modelling of complex physical systems. Within SWEBPROD we contributed:
ModelicaXML a XML representation of Modelica with Xschema, parser, printer and composition rules guided by the semantics of the language.
ModelicaDB a database of Modelica components in XML format with a generic XML import processor
MTD an Eclipse plug-in which integrates the Modelica compiler and Eclipse, which during the project has become a standard platform for product development.
MetaModelica a compiler for language semantics available in MTD

Xcerpt is a rule-based query language for XML developed by an international network of researchers, where search patterns are formulated in an intuitive fashion. Within SWEBPROD we have contributed to the development by introducing a type system (based on regular tree grammars).

The type checker makes it possible to discover typing errors in queries.
Our types will also be used for query optimization in the new implementation of Xcerpt currently developed in Munich.

FM Design is a tool for creating and maintaining a wide variety of product information, such as, requirements, function-means trees, simulation models, CAD-information etc. During the SWEBPROD project the tool has advanced from version 1.0 to version 2.2. The UML information model contains 75 classes, 121 attributes and 84 relations. About 135,000 lines of code are generated. New features are improved performance, improved user interface, integration with ModelicaDB, pre-configured XML import/export, and design matrices that allow full traceability from requirements to description of physical implementation.

Focal Point is a tool of our industrial partner for managing and prioritizing requirements. Originally we planned to translate the internal database format into XML for integration with FM Design. After the merger with Telelogic, Focal Point has developed a hub in XML-format making this trivial.


A prototype type checker for Xcerpt which computes the type of the query results from the type of queried XML data. The latter may be provided as a DTD or specified in our formalism.
Two prototypes for integrating ontologies with a rule-based language to allow querying the ontology. One of the prototypes is an extension of Xcerpt with OWL-queries, the other combines XSB prolog with any OWL DIG compatible reasoner.
A prototype for SAMI, our own invention of using web-services to achieve buyer awareness of suitable components without involving humans sending and reading bulks of e-mail. The idea is that both potential buyers´ and sellers´ web-services contain a casual ontology to define their interests and offers. The number of potential matches is reduced by a partial matching algorithm of the ontologies.
Other results:
A survey of XML frameworks for e-commerce
A survey of potential advantages for Semantic Web in B2B communication.
A method for constructing an ontology for internet commerce based on re-using information in XML-based frameworks
Hittills utgivna publikationer (kan även redovisas i separat bilaga):
Se pdf-bilaga.
Annan resultat- och kunskapsförmedling:

SWEBPROD has been an active member in the EC-supported Network of Excellence REWERSE ´Reasoning on the web´ (2004-2008). Our members have participated in the working groups I3 (composition and typing) in I4 (Query) and in the ET (Education and Training) activity. Jan Maluszynski is the deputy coordinator of REWERSE and as the coordinator of the ET Activity he was responsible for the international Summer Schools ´Reasoning Web´ ( in 2005 (where he also edited the proceedings for Springer Verlag) and in 2006. SWEBPROD was presented at two working-group meetings in 2005 (Venice) and 2006 (Dresden). Since the NoE only founds integration activities such as travelling our participation would have been impossible without the SWEBPROD project.


SWEBPROD gave many opportunities to contact various academic groups and companies. One result of this was the formation of the MODPROD consortium. The most concrete output was an application for a VINNEX research centre, which made it to an interview, but sadly enough not to funding. The consortium is continuing with a board-meeting in November and an industrial workshop in February. The consortium comprises us, researchers in strategic business modelling, innovation and electro-mechanical products. 15 companies all over Sweden are presently members.


Open Modelica is open-source software for Modelica and related support functions. The contributing community is steadily increasing. Open source projects are an efficient way of spreading results from technical research for targeted industry and academia.


Together with Ericsson AB we made a practical investigation of how non-functional requirements are documented, decomposed and distributed to the many design units of Ericsson. Our initial hypothesis was that UML models enriched with more semantic information could be an effective way of working. However, we quite soon discovered that there was a need to improve process maturity in specification and validation before such an attempt could be made. Industry participating in this investigation is not yet ready for more semantics in their models.


Dr Yuxiao Zhao, 2005,
Tekn lic Andreas Borg, 2004
Tekn lic Adrian Pop, 2005
Tekn lic Arthur Wilk, 2006


We plan to produce a book titled: Semantic Web and Product Modeling a Preliminary Draft exists of 2006-10-18 Editor: Peter Fritzson

Lägesredovisning i enlighet med Särskilda villkor. (Samfinansiärers och samarbetspartners ekonomiska insatser redovisas nedan i "Samfinansiering enligt villkor".):
Ekonomisk slutredovisning av VINNOVAs bidrag:
VINNOVAs bidrag totalt: 4796047
Total medelsförbrukning: 4903659
Därav förvaltnings och lokalkostnadspåslag: 1071503
                         andra administrativa påslag: 482983
Överskott skall återbetalas till VINNOVA, postgiro 78 80 62-8 med angivande av diarienr på talongen.
Samfinansiering enligt villkor
Samfinansiärer/Samarbetspartners (företag/organisation) Kontantinsats kr: Naturainsats kr:
Foa, FocalPoint, MathCore Engineering 12735000
Summa 0 12735000

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[x] projektet/etappen överhuvudtaget kunde startas och/eller slutföras
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[ ] projektet/etappen fick just denna inriktning och uppläggning
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2. Projektet/etappen har på ett tydligt sätt skapat nära samarbetsrelationer mellan aktörer från följande kategorier, inom Sverige och/eller i samarbete med partners i andra länder:
Aktörer Sverige Aktörer i andra länder
[x] Universitet/Högskolor [x] Universitet/Högskolor
[x] Företag [ ] Företag
[ ] Politiska beslutsfattare [ ] Politiska beslutsfattare
[ ] Offentlig verksamhet [ ] Offentlig verksamhet
[ ] Institut [ ] Institut
[ ] Ej relevant  
Kommentera bedömningen:
3. Projektet/etappen har inneburit att projektdeltagare flyttat anställningsmässigt (på hel- eller deltid) mellan viktiga aktörer i innovationssystemet:
Från Till
[ ] Universitet/Högskola [ ] Universitet/Högskola
[ ] Företag [ ] Företag
[ ] Politik [ ] Politik
[ ] Offentlig verksamhet [ ] Offentlig verksamhet
[ ] Institut [ ] Institut
[x] Ej relevant  
Precisera och kommentera:
4. Inom forskarsamhället har projektet/etappen resulterat i:
[ ] Ny forskargrupp [x] Doktorsavhandling(ar) [ ] Ny vetenskaplig teori
[x] Nytt forskarnätverk [x] Licentiatavhandling(ar) [ ] Ny vetenskaplig metod
[ ] Nytt institut [x] Examensarbete(n) [ ] Ny vetenskaplig teknik
[ ] Ny centrumbildning [ ] Professur/adj professur [x] Vetenskapliga publikationer
[ ] Ny institution/avdelning [ ] Gästprofessur/gästforskare [x] Vetenskapliga konferenser
[ ] Nytt forskningsprogram [ ] Doktorandtjänst(er) [x] Vetenskapliga konferensbidrag
[ ] Ny forskarutbildning [ ] Industridoktorand(er) [ ] Ej relevant
5. Utanför forskarsamhället har projektet/etappen resulterat i:
[ ] Patent/patentansökan [ ] Ny teknik, ny utrustning [ ] Affärsplan/marknadsanalys
[ ] Immaterialrätter [ ] Ny praktisk metod [ ] Kommersialisering
[x] Produkt, system, program [x] Tekniköverföring [ ] Nytt/nya företag
[x] Prototyp [x] Publikationer för praktiker [ ] Nytt/nya företagsnätverk
[x] Demonstration [ ] Utbildning för praktiker [ ] Organisationsförändring
[ ] Produktutveckling [ ] Seminarier för praktiker [ ] Underlag för politiska beslut
[ ] Andra policyunderlag [ ] Ej relevant
Årlig uppföljning av projektdata
1. Har det etablerats kunskapsintensiva företag eller avknoppningar i projektet under de senaste tolv månaderna?
Ej relevant


Totalt antal 0
från akademin 0
från större företag
(> 250 anställda)
annat ursprung 0
2. Finns det doktorer som har examinerats i projektet under de senaste tolv månaderna?
Ej relevant

[ ]

Antal kvinnor: 0 Antal män: 1
Varav:   Varav:  
helt finansierade av VINNOVA: 0 helt finansierade av VINNOVA: 0
delfinansierade av VINNOVA: 0 delfinansierade av VINNOVA: 1
ej finansierade av VINNOVA: 0 ej finansierade av VINNOVA: 0
3. Har forskare som disputerat högst två år före projektstart deltagit i projektet med stöd av VINNOVA?
Ej relevant


Antal kvinnor: 0 Antal män: 0
Varav:   Varav:  
< 26 år 0 < 26 år 0
26 - 30 år 0 26 - 30 år 0
31 - 35 år 0 31 - 35 år 0
36 - 40 år 0 36 - 40 år 0
> 40 år 0 > 40 år 0
4. Finns ett genusvetenskapligt perspektiv integrerat i projektet?
Ej relevant

Datum Datum

Underskrift person behörig att teckna Bidragsmottagarens firma eller annan person behörig att underteckna kontrakt Underskrift person behörig att teckna Bidragsmottagarens firma eller annan person behörig att underteckna kontrakt (i de fall det krävs fler än en person)

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Titel Titel


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