The WITAS Project

Valla Campus Test Flights

In the Valla Campus theater, we presently use the following three places:

These places allow us to obtain the following recordings from actual flights:

Yellow color in the map marks roads and parking areas around which we are not able to fly. The North direction is marked with an arrow and a letter 'N' in the map, as usual. Here is a rotated, portrait-format map for printout.

Collected recordings

At present we have the following materials from the Valla Campus theater:

The following items on the present menu contain samples from these recordings, as well as short video clips showing how the flights were done. Our project plans call for the successive extension of this body with more material during the present year (2000) as well as following years.

Latest update 6.6.2000 by EMTEK group.
Edit mode aml, position code D.witas.testenv.valla.