The WITAS Project

Revinge Test Flights

Revinge is a Rescue Service training area near Lund in southern Sweden. It contains a small town with roads and various kinds of buildings, and it can be fenced off which is a requirement when we make experimental flights with uncertified air vehicles. It can therefore be used for the whole range of real and simulation flights that are needed for our project. Its only disadvantage is that it is more than four hours driving distance from here.

In the following maps (alternative combinations of layers over essentially the same map), yellow marks the drivable (paved) streets and parking areas in the fenced part of the Revinge grounds. Red marks major buildings.

The scale is indicated by the ruler in the upper-left of the overview map, which shows 10, 50, and 100 meters. The adjacent arrow pointing at a large letter 'N' shows the direction towards North. The portrait oriented maps are intended for printout on paper.

The first WITAS test flights using a Scandicraft Mk III helicopter wtih both manual and autonomous control took place at Revinge on May 30 - June 1, 2000.

Latest update 6.6.2000 by EMTEK group.
Edit mode aml, position code D.witas.testenv.revinge.