The Wallenberg laboratory for research on
Information Technology and Autonomous Systems


The acronym WITAS stands for the 'Wallenberg Laboratory for Information Technology and Autonomous Systems'. It is also often used for the project(s) that is conducted within this organizational entity, on a large grant from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation for Scientific Research. The present page describes the formal organization of WITAS as a Laboratory.

Laboratory Organization

WITAS has a director (föreståndare, in Swedish) who is Erik Sandewall and an assistant director (biträdande föreståndare) who is Patrick Doherty.


The project is funded in its entirety by the Wallenberg foundation, which provided a total budget frame for phase I and a similar (extended) frame for phase II. Half-year budgets are allocated within the frame by successive decisions. This provides both a long-term reliability and a short-term flexibility with respect to funding.


The project is monitored by an external board that presently has the following members:

The Board meets twice a year, receives a report of the state of the project, gives advise about its continued operation, and recommends a budget for the following half-year.

Maintenance information:
Latest update 20.3.2004.
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