The WITAS Project

Some Major Achievements

The following are two major achievements that have been obtained so far within the WITAS project. Additional details are provided by the corresponding items in the left-side menu.

Modelica Development Supported by WITAS

During its first phase (1997-1999), WITAS has contributed significantly to the development of the Modelica modelling language and system. This result is now approaching commercial maturity, and is the first result of a product or service from WITAS research.

TALPlanner winner at AIPS Planning Competition

The tailored systems track in this year's AIPS Planning Competition witnessed an astounding performance of the TALPlanner system, built by Patrick Doherty and his students within the WITAS Project.

Latest update 12.5.2000 by EMTEK group.
Edit mode aml, position code D.witas.achiev.intro.