Author Section

ETAI Reception of Articles First Presented at Workshops

Several organizers of scientific workshops have contacted the ETAI with the question whether ETAI would be interested in organizing a special issue for articles that appeared at the workshop. This would have the advantage, for the workshop and its participants, of making the workshop contributions (or a part thereof) available with minimum delay and minimum cost. Naturally, the same quality assurance should apply as for other ETAI accepted articles.

ETAI has an explicit policy of welcoming such initiatives; the publication of workshop-based special issues is very much in line with ETAI's general philosophy. In general, since the purpose of scientific workshops is to provide a forum for first presentation and discussion of new results in a community of peers, they can provide part of the same discussion and feedback process as is achieved by the discussion periods for ETAI submitted articles.

In addition, admission to some workshops is quite competitive, which means that a certain refereeing and quality control is exercised already for workshop acceptance.

Please click "Review Procedure" for the details of how the procedure for workshop articles differs from the standard ETAI procedure (the one for single articles). Please click "For Authors" (grey button) for an overview of the general ETAI reviewing scheme.

Please click "Publication Procedure" for details of how workshop articles are posted and made available to the peers; how to convert them to ETAI standard format, and who does it.

Latest update: 11.10.1999; Position code: