ETAI   Special Issue from Workshop on Uncertainty Frameworks in Nonmonotonic Reasoning

Articles Presented at the Workshop

The following articles have been presented at this workshop and discussed in the present discussion session. Note that these workshop articles will not constitute an ETAI special issue.

L. Godo and R. Rodriguez
A short note on nonmonotonic inferences induced by graded similarity.

Adnan Darwiche
On the Role of Partial Differentiation in Probabilistic Inference.

S. Benferhat, D. Dubois, S. Kaci, and H. Prade
Encoding classical fusion in ordered knowledge bases framework.

Rui Da Silva Neves, Jean-François Bonnefon, and Eric Raufaste
Rationality in human nonmonotonic inference.

Y. Khayata and D. Pacholczyk
A Statistical Probability Theory for a Symbolic Management of Quantified Assertions.

Thomas Lukasiewicz
Probabilistic Default Reasoning with Conditional Constraints.

J. Kohlas, R. Haenni, and D. Berzati
Probabilistic Argumentation Systems and Abduction.

Angelo Gilio
Precise Propagation of Upper and Lower Probability Bounds in System P.

Wei Liu and Mary-Anne Williams
A Framework for Multi-Agent Belief Revision, Part II: A Layered Model and Shared Knowledge Structure.

R. R. Yager
Nonmonotonicity and Compatibility Relations in Belief Structures.

Leila Amgoud and Claudette Cayrol
A reasoning model based on the production of acceptable arguments.

The indication [revised] indicates that the author has submitted a revised version after the workshop and for the purpose of the discussion; otherwise the article being discussed is identical to the one presented at the workshop.

Latest update: 5.1.2001; Position code: C.etai.ufn.received.