Electronic Newsletter Actions and Change

Electronic Newsletter on
Reasoning about Actions and Change

Issue 98005 Editor: Erik Sandewall 21.1.1998

The ETAI is organized and published under the auspices of the
European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence (ECCAI).



Today's issue contains answers by Hector Geffner and by Erik Sandewall to Pat Hayes's contribution yesterday.


Research methodology

Hector Geffner:

Pat says:

  ...Heres another illustration. I've never been very impressed by the famous Yale shooting problem, simply because it doesn't seem to me to be a problem ....

I'm not sure I understand Pat's point well, but I think I understand the YSP. Here is the way I see it.

In system/control theory there is a principle normally called the "causality principle" that basically says that "actions cannot affect the past". If a model of a dynamic system does not comply with this principle, it's considered "faulty".

In any AI the same principle makes perfect sense when actions are exogenous; such actions, I think, we can agree, should never affect your beliefs about the past (indeed, as long as you cannot predict exogenous actions from your past beliefs, you shouldn't change your past beliefs when such actions occur).

What Hanks and McDermott show is that certain models of action in AI (like simple minimization of abnormality) violate the causality principle. In particular they show that

your beliefs at time 2, say, after LOAD AND WAIT (where you believe the gun is loaded)

are different from your beliefs at time 2, after LOAD, WAIT and SHOOT.

Namely, SHOOT at t=3 had an effect on your past beliefs (LOADED at t=2).

Most recent models of action comply with the causality principle. In some it comes for free (e.g., language  A  due to the semantic structures used (transition functions); in others (Reiter, Sandewall, etc), I'm sure it can be proved.


- Hector Geffner

Erik Sandewall:

Pat, citing Ray Reiter's earlier contribution, you wrote:

  1. Erik's notion of an ontology seems odd to me, mainly because it requires "that the "frame assumption" or assumption of persistence must be built into the ontology".
  Yes, I agree. Why choose just that assumption to build in, in any case? ...

Well, Ray and you are bringing up two different issues here. Ray's objection was with respect to classification: he argued that the frame assumption (when one uses it) ought to be considered as epistemological rather ontological. (In the position statement that he referred to, I had proposed a definition of ontology and suggested that the situation calculus does not represent one, since the frame assumption is represented by separate axioms rather than being built into the underlying ontology). On the other hand, the question that you bring up is what kind or kinds of persistence we ought to prefer: temporal forward in time, temporal backwards, geometrical, etc.

Let me address your letter first. I certainly agree with the analysis in the second paragraph of your message: the world is not entirely chaotic, some of its regularities can be characterized in terms of persistence (= restrictions on change, or on discontinuities in the case of piecewise continuous change) and all those exceptions to persistence that are now well-known: ramifications, interactions due to concurrency, causality with delays, surprises, and so on.

For quite some time now, research in our field has used a direct method in trying to find a logic that is capable of dealing correctly with all these phenomena, that is, by considering a number of "typical" examples of common-sense reasoning and looking for a logic that does those examples right. My concern is that this is a misguided approach, for two reasons:

What I proposed, therefore (in particular in the book "Features and Fluents") was to subdivide this complex problem into the following loop consisting of managable parts (the "systematic methodology"):

  1. Define an ontology, that is, a "model" of what the world is like. States and assignment-like state transitions is a very simple such ontology. Ramifications, concurrency, and so on are phenomena that call for more complex ontologies. Make up your mind about which of them you want to allow, and leave the others aside for the time being.

  2. Define an appropriate logical language for describing phenomena in the ontology, including actions. Each combination of ontology and language defines a mapping from a set of formulae to the set of intended models for those formulae.

  3. Define entailment methods, that is, mappings from the set of classical models to a modified set called the selected models. Usually, the selected models are a subset of the classical models.

  4. Identify the range of applicability for each entailment method, that is, the conditions which guarantee that the selected models are exactly the intended ones.

  5. Define "implementations" of entailment methods by expressing them e.g. in circumscription, or using modified tableau techniques. If the implementation is done right, then the range of applicability for the entailment method is also the range of applicability of its implementations.

  6. When one has obtained sufficient understanding of points 2-5 for a given ontology, then define a richer one (allowing for additional phenomena of interest), and go back to item 2.

This agenda certainly aims to address all the intricacies that you mention in the first paragraph of your message, but only in due time. We can not do everything at once; if we try doing that then we'll just run around in circles.

In the Features and Fluents approach we have iterated this loop a few times, starting with strict inertia and then adding concurrency and ramification, doing assessments in each case. What about the other major current approaches? Early action languages, in particular  A , fits nicely into this paradigm, except that whereas above we use one single language and two semantics (classical models and intended models),  A  uses two different languages each with its own semantics. However, later action languages, such as  AR , do not qualify since they define the models of the action language (intended models, in the above terms) using a minimization rule. To me, minimization techniques belong in the entailment methods which are to be assessed according to the paradigm, but the gold standard that we assess them against should not use such an obscure concept as minimization.

On similar grounds, I argued that a situation-calculus approach where a frame assumption is realized by a recipe for adding more axioms to a given axiomatization does not really define an ontology. It can be measured against an ontology, of course, but it does not constitute one.

Ray's argument against that was that the frame assumption is inherently epistemological, or maybe metaphysical. Since most people would probably interpret "metaphysical" as "unreal" rather than in the technical sense used by philosophers, we couldn't really use that term. With respect to the term epistemological, I just notice that some entailment methods have been observed to have problems e.g. with postdiction: prediction works fine but postdiction doesn't. This means that when we specify the range of applicability of an entailment method, we can not restrict ourselves to ontological restrictions, such as "does this method work if the world behaves nondeterministically?"; we must also take into account those restrictions that refer to the properties of what is known and what is asked, and to their relationship. The restriction to only work for prediction is then for me an epistemological restriction.

On this background, Ray then questioned whether the frame assumption itself is ontological or epistemological in nature. I'd say that in a systematic methodology (as in items 1-6 above), the ontology that is defined in step 1 and revised in step 6 must specify the persistence properties of the world, otherwise there isn't much one can say with respect to assessments. This technical argument I think is more useful than the purely philosophical question of what it "really is".

You then address the following question:

  How can we specify the relationship of the logical 'possible world' (which is just a mathematical structure of sets of subsets of ordered pairs, etc.) to the physically possible worlds about which we have intuitions to guide us? This difficulty is illustrated by the recent discussions here. For example, my bitchin' over the distinction between gof-sitcalc and R-sitcalc comes from such a difference. Both of these use a similar notation, considered as first-order axioms: they both have things which have the role of state-to-state functions but which are reified into first-order objects, and a special function which takes a state and such an object and produces a new state. In gof-sitcalc, these are supposed to represent actions taken by agents. In R-sitcalc, they correspond rather to beginnings and endings of processes which are extended through time. The difference lies not in the axiomatic signature or even in the model theory itself, but rather in the intended mapping between the (set-theoretic) model theory and the actual physical world being modelled...

Yes, exactly! There are two different ontologies at work here; my argument would be that each of them should be articulated in terms that are not only precise but also concise, and which facilitate comparison with other approaches both within and outside KR.

But your question at the beginning of this quotation is a fundamental one: how do we choose the additional ontological structures as we iterate over the systematic methodology loop, and how do we motivate our choices?

In some cases the choice is fairly obvious, at least if you have decided to base the ontology on a combination of structured states and linear metric time (integers or reals). Concurrency, chains of transitions, immediate (delay-free) dependencies, and surprise changes can then be formalized in a straight-forward manner. Also, we can and should borrow structures from neighboring fields, such as automata theory, theory of real-time systems, and Markov chain theory.

However, there are also cases where the choice is less than obvious. What about the representation of actions by an invocation event and a termination event, which is what R-sitcalc is about? What about the recent proposal by Karlsson and Gustafsson [f-cis.linep.se-97-014] to use a concept of "influences" (vaguely similar to what is used in qualitative reasoning), so that if you try to light a fire and I drip water on the firewood at the same time, then your action has a light-fire-influence and my action has an extinguish-fire-influence, where the latter dominates? (If there is only a light-fire-influence for a sufficient period of time, then a fire results). These are nontrivial choices of ontology; how can we motivate them, assess them, and put them to use?

To my mind, this ties in with what Bob Kowalski said in the panel discussion at the recent workshop on Formalization of Common Sense: these are pre-logical issues. It is not meaningful to begin writing formulae in logic at once and to ask what variant of circumscription is going to be needed. Instead, one ought to work out an application area of non-trivial size with the proposed ontology, probably also using a tentative syntax that matches the ontology, but without committing to anything else. Only then, as one knows what ontology is needed, is it meaningful to look for entailment methods and their implementations which may be appropriate for the ontology one needs.

The bottom line is: let's use the ontology, or the underlying semantics, as an intermediate step on the way from application to implemented system. Going from application to ontology requires one kind of activity; going from ontology to implementation requires another kind. Such a decomposition has all the obvious advantages: it allows one to address simpler problems before proceeding to more difficult ones, it provides a way of characterizing and comparing results, and it facilitates reuse of earlier results.


f-cis.linep.se-97-014Lars Karlsson and Joakim Gustafsson.
Reasoning about actions in a multi-agent environment.
Linköping University Electronic Press, 1997: [original publication]