Electronic Newsletter Actions and Change

Electronic Newsletter on
Reasoning about Actions and Change

Issue 97026 Editor: Erik Sandewall 24.11.1997

The ETAI is organized and published under the auspices of the
European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence (ECCAI).


Do you have a concrete picture of what the ETAI will look like? It's called Electronic Transactions, but will it exist on paper? Will it be just a web page with links to a number of articles? What will be its look and feel? Will it be possible to feel it at all?

To get an answer to those questions, please take a look at the ETAI list of accepted articles. (If you are reading this with frame-based browsing, just click the blue "Accepted articles" box above). The accepted articles list was empty before; it now contains the first accepted article (the one by Paolo Liberatore) and also an editorial note explaining the publication, review and refereeing process by ways of that first example. This is the beginning of Volume 1, Issue 1-3, and more articles will be added on successive pages when some more are accepted.

The articles that are posted there are in the definite ETAI style: your printout of them on your own printer will look like the ETAI journal appearance, except for adjusting the paper size. There is even a page for the cover, in color, ready to be printed on your color printer. (A few minor corrections may be forthcoming in the text, however). The point is: the look-and-feel is just like for any other journal. And why should there be any difference?

Next, if you wonder about the reviewing process, take a look at that editorial note. And if you should still have questions after that - send me a note.

ETAI Publications

Discussion about received articles

Additional debate contributions have been received for the following article(s). Please click the title of the article to link to the interaction page, containing both new and old contributions to the discussion.

Paolo Liberatore
The Complexity of the Language A