Linköping University Electronic Press: Electronic Journals:

Electronic News Journal on Reasoning about Actions and Change

Editor: Erik Sandewall
ISSN:1403-2031 (Printed version)
 1403-204X (Electronic version)


1997,    1998


The Electronic News Journal on Reasoning about Actions and Change (ENRAC) is a forum for rapid interaction among researchers in its area. It contains in particular:

Publication method

The material in the ENRAC is circulated to its subscribers (about 200) through newsletters that appear every day that there are any news. In practice, this comes out as about one newsletter every three days. Newsletters appear in plaintext, html, and latex/postscript form. Each month, newsletter contents are integrated into the monthly news journal issue, which again appears in both html and latex/postscript form. The former is mostly intended for on-line reading and therefore contains plenty of "hot" links. The latter is mostly intended for reading off-line (you print out your own copy and bring it with you) and replaces hot links by footnotes and other similar constructs.

Back issues of these newsletters, summaries of discussions about articles and about topic discussions, and other matters of current interest for the research area of reasoning about actions and change can be found in the area webpage structure.

The present pages contain links to the latex/postscript forms of the monthly News Journal issues. These issues are published by Linköping University Electronic Press, which guarantees their long-term on-line availability. A limited supply is also printed, distributed, and archived formally, which means that the latex/postscript version of the ENRAC News Journal is published in the legal sense.

The month and year that is specified on each News Journal issue refers to the month when its contents first appeared on line and in the newsletters. The actual date of publication of the aggregated issue is somewhat later, for technical reasons.

Availability and Citation

The News Journal will continue to be available at the URL mentioned above for at least 25 years counting from the date of publication. For in-text citation of News Journal contents, we recommend to use the same style as for any other periodic publication, that is, with the name of ENRAC, volume, year, and page number(s). For "hot" on-line reference, we recommend to refer either to the URL for ENRAC (, or to the URL:s for specific segments that are indicated at the head of the first page of each such segment.


Contents of the ENRAC are not subjected to formal peer review before publication. The editor takes the decisions about what contributions will be included.

For research notes, the ENRAC serves as the publication medium at the beginning of the period of open review. After the review period and subsequent confidential refereeing according to ETAI procedures, the note may be accepted to the ETAI. Other ENRAC materials, such as discussions, is not intended for formal peer review.


To contribute to the ENRAC, please send the contribution by E-mail to the editor, Erik Sandewall. Please note that all contributions will first appear in the ENRAC Newsletters.

Contributions to discussions can best be sent as plain text in the E-mail message itself. For longer contributions and/or contributions making extensive use of formulae, we recommend to use Latex. Such contributions will generally be structured as short notes or research notes.

12-Jun-98 14:31