Linköping University Electronic Press:    Electronic Articles in Computer and Information Science

Probabilistic Argumentation Systems and Abduction.

Title:Probabilistic Argumentation Systems and Abduction.
Authors: J. Kohlas, R. Haenni, and D. Berzati
Series:Linköping Electronic Articles in Computer and Information Science
ISSN 1401-9841
Issue:Vol. 5 (2000): nr 023

Abstract: Probabilistic argumentation systems are based on assumption-based reasoning for obtaining arguments supporting hypotheses and on probability theory to compute probabilities of supports. Assumption-based reasoning is closely related to hypothetical reasoning or inference through theory formation. The latter approach has well known relations to abduction and default reasoning. In this paper assumption-based reasoning, as an alternative to theory formation aiming at a different goal, will be presented and its use for abduction and model-based diagnostics will be explained. Assumption-based reasoning is well suited for defining a probability structure on top of it. On the base of the relationships between assumption-based reasoning on the one hand and abduction on the other hand, the added value introduced by probability into model based diagnostics will be discussed.

First posting
In ETAI Newsletter and Decision and Reasoning under Uncertainty
Original publication
Postscript part I -- Checksum
Postscript part II -- Checksum II
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