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Nonmonotonicity and Compatibility Relations in Belief Structures.

Title:Nonmonotonicity and Compatibility Relations in Belief Structures.
Authors: R. R. Yager
Series:Linköping Electronic Articles in Computer and Information Science
ISSN 1401-9841
Issue:Vol. 5(2000): nr 020
URL: http://www.ep.liu.se/ea/cis/2000/020/

Abstract: We concern ourselves with the situation in which we use the Dempster-Shafer belief structure to provide a representation of a random variables in which our knowledge of the probability distribution is imprecise. We discuss the role of compatibility relations as a means of enabling inference about one variable, the secondary variable, based upon knowledge about another variable, the primary. We define monotonicity as a condition in which an increase in information about the primary variable in an inference should not result in a decrease in information about the secondary variable. We show what are the conditions required of a compatibility relation to lead to monotonic and nonmonotonic inferences. We provide some examples of nonmonotonic relations.

First posting
In ETAI Newsletter and Decision and Reasoning under Uncertainty
Intended publication
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PDF part II -- Checksum II
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