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Foundations for the Situation Calculus.

Title:Foundations for the Situation Calculus.
Authors: Hector Levesque, Fiora Pirri, and Ray Reiter
Series:Linköping Electronic Articles in Computer and Information Science
ISSN 1401-9841
Issue:Vol. 3(1998): nr 018
URL: http://www.ep.liu.se/ea/cis/1998/018/

Abstract: This article gives the logical foundations for the situations-as-histories variant of the situation calculus, focusing on the following items:
  • The language of the situation calculus.
  • Foundational axioms for the domain of situations.
  • Axioms for an underlying domain theory.
  • The syntax and semantics of the logic programming language GOLOG.
  • Axioms for knowledge and sensing actions.
  • Essential metatheoretic results about the situation calculus.

Intended publication 1998-12-22 Postscript
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29-Jun-98 16:48