Linköping University Electronic Press

Author instructions for authors using Latex

A Latex style file has been developed for use in electronic articles published by the Linköping E-Press. It is currently used for the following series:

and has also been defined for the two other currently existing series. This means that authors in these series can easily format their articles for E-Press publication if they already have the article in Latex format.

It is foreseen that some forthcoming E-Press series will wish to use another layout and "look and feel" than the one used by the initially appearing series. We are therefore going to introduce names for each appearance that is used; the one that is presently implemented has been assigned the name etendu due to its fairly tall ("stretched") page layout.

Where to find the style file

There is one variant of the style file for each of the series mentioned above. Original versions of these style files can be downloaded using WWW as follows: Users within IDA may obtain the CIS style file directly from
/info/www/ext/epa/styles/etendu/ea-cis.sty. Series editors for other series may put copies of their respective style files on-line on their departmental computer system(s); please consult the series editor for the specifics.

Preparing the article: How to use the style file

Specialized instructions have been developed for the various series, which in some cases relate to previous structuring conventions within the respective department. Therefore, in order to find out how to use the etendu style file, proceed by clicking the series where you will contribute:


The E-Press style file has been constructed by modifying the IDA tech report style file, which was written by Lars Karlsson.

This page is maintained by [EMTEK]; latest update 10 January 1997.