IDA Departmental Publication Resource


On-line bibliographies and bibliographic data bases with links to full-text documents

Karlsruhe: Collection of Computer Science bibliographies

Saarbrücken: LIDOS Literature Information and Documentation System. A comprehensive bibliographic database of A I research.

QMW: Hypatia Electronic Library. (Links to research institutes, authors, articles, etc.)

CMU: List of On-line CS Techreports series

MIT: Hypertext Bibliography Project

Other on-line bibliographies and bibliographic data bases

List of services by the Science Citation Index. Look for the CompuMath section, journals covered, etc.

The databases Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Science Citation Index Expanded and Social Sciences Citation Index from the Institute for Scientific Information(ISI) are now available at the University library.

The Object Agency, Inc: Object-oriented Software Engineering Bibliography

Anbar Electronic Intelligence

Jack Minker: Logic and Databases: a 20 Year Retrospective

Herbert Stoyan: A complete LISP Bibliography

TU Graz: The HCI Bibliography Project

Latest update 13.5.1999 by EMTEK group.
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