TDDA23: Lisp and Artificial Intelligence

Examples of Earlier Exams

The following is a list of earlier exams and solutions for some of them. Notice, however, that the contents of the course have changed somewhat this year (2004) with respect to the KR part, and that some of the exam questions in earlier years may not be applicable any longer. The greater conciseness in the lecture notes compared to the textbook may result in somewhat more concise questions and answers this time. Apart from that, the general structure of the exam will be similar to previous years.

  Old exams
December 1996 (pdf) (postscript)
March 1997 (pdf) (postscript)
April 1998 (pdf) (postscript)
December 1998 (pdf) (postscript)
April 1999 (pdf) (postscript)
December 2002 (pdf) (postscript)
April 2003 (pdf) (postscript)
August 2003 (rtf)


March 1997 (pdf) (postscript)

December 2002 (pdf) (postscript)
April 2003 (pdf) (postscript)

Posted on 2005-08-12 as part of the CAISOR website. [Version history].
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