Cognitive Autonomous Systems Laboratory

Thesis Projects Related to RDE and Other Systems

RDE-Related Licentiate Level Theses

The CEDERIC project by Karolina Eliasson and the Robot-World project by Peter Andersson address distinct aspects of robotic systems in general and robotic dialog environments in particular. These projects develop both methods and software systems that verify the methods; the thesis software systems build on, and contribute to the overall RDE environment.

Other Systems-Related Licentiate Level Theses

The Persistent Memory project by Tobias Nurmiranta aims at developing new implementation techniques for the basic software levels of computer systems, with persistent, distributed computation as one of its themes. Its connection to RDE is rather indirect, and this project is instead related to the long-term CAISOR vision of an alternative software paradigm. Please refer to the 'Vision' section of the CAISOR website for additional information.

RDE-Related M.Sc. Level Theses

The RDE-related M.Sc. projects and theses implement specific modules and services that augment the RDE environment over and above its original design. The items in the left-side menu provide additional information for each of them. Please refer also to 'WITAS RDE -> SGUI' for an integrated description of video ('multimedia') facilities in RDE, including those that have been implemented as M.Sc. thesis projects.

Background: Thesis Levels in the Swedish University System

In the Swedish university system there are three levels of theses: the PhD level, the "Licentiat" level that represents a "half-way PhD" or a strong, research-oriented masters in US terms, and the MSc level that is more practical, often done in industry but sometimes in a research group. (The Swedish 'licentiat' does not correspond, therefore, to the degree with a similar name in hispanic countries). All of our levels are represented in the CASL projects, although the Ph.D. level currently only among the KR activities.

Posted on 2005-05-16 as part of the CAISOR website. [Version history].