LEORDO Computation Platform

How to Download, Install and Start Using Leonardo

Leonardo is implemented in CommonLisp so in order to use it you must have an implementation of CommonLisp on your computer. At present only the Allegro CommonLisp (ACL) implementation and the CLisp implementation are supported: ACL for Windows and Linux systems, and CLisp for Linux. It is believed that only minor adjustments will be needed for running under Mac OS as well.

In order to obtain your own copy of the Leonardo system, you need to download a Leonardo individual which you will personalize and register in order to make it your own. We recommend to start with an individual called Pawn-74 which is available for download in zip format from


The following report contains introductory information about the system, as well as information about acquiring a CommonLisp system and installing the Leonardo system.

PM-leonardo-017 Leonardo Installation and Usage

Before starting to install the Leonardo system, please read also the unpacking instructions that occur under a separate tab on this webpage. There are a few minor edits that must be made after the distributed copy has been unzipped.

Posted on 2012-09-18 as part of the LEORDO website.