CAISOR Research Agenda

Welcome to the CAISOR Website

CAISOR is a Combined Agenda for Information Analysis, Software Systems, Open-Access Publishing and Knowledge Representation. It stands for a line of research that uses and promotes a particular paradigm with respect to software systems, knowledge representation and related topics.

Basic Tenets and their Realization

The basic tenets of the paradigm used in CAISOR are described concisely under the CAISOR Paradigm tab in the left-side menu.

Historical Background

The CAISOR line of research started actually around 1970 (with other names), but it is no less active today. Several of its main ideas were arguably ahead of their time in those earlier years, while they are well in line with contemporary research directions. Please see the CAISOR Archive for further details.

Current Research Activities and Publications

An overview of our current research activities is found under the CAISOR Agenda tab in the left-side menu. Further information about these activities, including their recent publications is found under the tabs following it in the menu.

Historical, Courseware and Working Materials

The following composite webpages describe other aspects of our research approach:

Software and Infoware

Besides research publications, the main output of this research consists of computer software and infoware, for example fact bases and knowledge bases with reliable contents. Software results are described in the Courseware and Workspace divisions listed above. The following are the main infoware results.

Research Methodology and Infrastructure

In addition to the research topics addressed above, we also address the following issues which have both methodological and technical aspects:

Posted on 2009-12-14 as part of the CAISOR website. [Version history.]