Artificial Intelligence Journal Editorial Website

AI Journal - Classic and Prominent Paper Awards

The AI Journal is pleased to announce two new awards for papers published in the journal:

- The AIJ Prominent Paper Award recognizes outstanding papers published not more than five years ago in the AI Journal that are exceptional in their significance and impact.

- The AIJ Classic Paper Award recognizes outstanding papers published at least 15 calendar years ago in the AI Journal that are exceptional in their significance and impact. In 2012, the first year of awarding the Classic Paper Award, nominations are restricted to those papers published between 1970 and 1979. The Award Committee will consider the possibility of making multiple awards. In subsequent years gradually more recent papers will also be considered until the 15 year interval is reached.

Nominations for these awards must be sent to

Information about the format of nominations and the evaluation criterion can be found here:
AIJ Prominent Paper Award.
AIJ Classic Paper Award.

The deadline for the award nominations in 2012 is 30 June 2012.